Hello everyone! Hope you have had a great day today! The day of the Lord's return is getting closer every day, but be careful to not set any dates. The following is a great explanation for what I am talking about:
What Time Is It? By Terry James
Scarcely a day goes by as of late that I don’t get at least one or two email messages predicting a particular date the rapture will occur. These are sometimes based upon personal heads-up the emailer claims the Lord gave to him or her. Sometimes these are predictions passed on to me by someone whose been sent a newsletter that gives the date the Lord gave the newsletter’s sender. The rapture, if not predicted as to the precise hour, day, week, or month, is put within a time frame based upon convoluted massaging of special holy days involving Israel. Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, feasts of various sorts, etc., are manipulated to make them the likely rapture date.
Most recently, the date June 8 has been number crunched and calculated as being the time of Pentecost, and the focus of the predicted time of the rapture for some. Another date the rapture would supposedly occur was given as June 12 by a cult leader in Texas.
If you are reading this and millions of people haven’t just vanished, you know the predicted dates of June 8 and June 12, 2008 (calculated by some as the dates surrounding the anniversary of Pentecost this year) were not the time of Christ’s calling Church Age believers to be with Him as given in John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
The most recent proof of the grievously flawed rapture prediction process is, as pointed out above, the failure of the June 8, 2008 “Pentecost” date.
How does one explain without profound embarrassment at the very least, after claiming the Lord gave him or her such a date, that the millions of Christians never vanished? Did God change His omniscient mind? Or, could the date be the product of human error, whether deliberate misinformation or because of genuine but overzealous desire to see the event take us all home?
No matter how sincerely believed by the would-be prophets, their predictions were–are—wrong. They are “false prophecies.” They failed to come true, and this does disservice to the God of heaven, the One who, in many cases, was said by the ones doing the predicting to have given them the precise time of rapture.
Time to recalibrate, reconfigure, withdraw and think again, for those who feel for some reason they must try to tell us the precise time of the stupendous event that we have come to call the rapture of the Church. Better yet, I would gently, kindly, in Christian love, suggest that you just don’t do that anymore. Such prognostications are always wrong. If one of these predictions were correct as to the precise day, hour, etc., Jesus himself would be made a liar. He said: “But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36).
The Lord went on to reinforce the truth that man is not privileged to know the exact time: “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matt. 24:44).
Such a declaration that we can’t know the exact day and hour will, I’m certain, bring protest that we are instructed to know the times and seasons that His return is near. No, I must disagree. Here’s what the Scriptures say about that often-misused claim: "And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power” (Act 1:7). And again: “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2).
These Scriptures tell us that we will not know the exact time Jesus comes in the rapture. It will happen like a sudden, unannounced break-in on unaware earth-dwellers.
It is true that Christians shouldn’t be surprised, thus the rapture of the Church shouldn’t overtake the believer. But the event will nonetheless be as dramatic and as unanticipated as a thief breaking into a home. Jesus said that a good husband and father would not allow his home to be broken into because he would be ready. He would be ready because he would be watchful for signals that the break-in could happen at any moment.
Thus, the Lord said the following to each Christian of the Church Age (Age of Grace): “What I say unto one, I say unto all, watch” (Mark 13:37).
It is absolutely true that Church Age believers are expected to be ready--be expectant for Christ’s any-moment return for them. This is entirely different than in the case of tribulation saints who can know the time of His return at the conclusion of Armageddon (Rev. 19:11). Being “ready, for in an hour ye think not the son of man cometh” (Matt. 24:44) is a far cry from trying to name the exact day and hour, or even time-frame based upon Jewish holy days or other past biblically reported event. These have always been wrong. Still, the date-setters insist on pinning down the exact time the Lord has determined to say “Come up hither!”
God’s Barometer
While we are not to know the exact time or season of Christ’s coming in the rapture,we are indeed commanded to be aware of the approach of His second coming back to earth. Jesus chided the pious Judaizers for wanting a precise sign rather than being spiritually attuned to conditions around them that proved the Messiah’s coming among them.
“The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matt. 16:1-3).
God’s great eschatological clock is really more like a supernatural barometer that gives prophetic weather reports. Like in the case of the earthly barometers forewarning the approach of a massive hurricane by presenting predictive atmospheric pressures, God’s prophetic barometer presents the end-times issues and events that are the signs of the times for this late Church Age era. We know the birth pang-like times by the prophesied signs that press upon this generation. We know the rapture is near because the Great Tribulation storm approaches, and Christ will call His Church to be with Him before that storm begins (John 14:1-3; Rev. 4:1).
So, What Time Is It?
The signs of the times presented at this present hour are unmistakable to the Christian who is truly faithful to the Lord’s command, “What I say unto one, I say unto all, watch” (Mark 13:37). “When you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your head, for your redemption draweth near" (Lk. 21:28).
We who feel it our commission to study God’s prophetic Word as our life’s work, as well as Bible prophecy students in general who study from a premillennial, pretribulation rapture position, are constantly amazed at the issues and events that are gushing upon our world today. Such a flood of turbulence was prophesied by Daniel the prophet: ”And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined” (Dan. 9:26).
What a flood we are in these days!
Seas and Waves Roaring
No matter what network or channels we look to for weather, the meteorologists and news pundits time and time again use words like “worst ever,” “record-breaking,” “unprecedented,” “unbelievable,” and other phraseology to express astonishment at the weather-related matters they report.
Record numbers of tornadoes, floods, droughts, and fires have happened in record-breaking fury. They continue to occur simultaneously in America and around the world.
Nations in Distress with Perplexities
The economies of America and the world are in disarray while petroleum in the Middle East seems to be the catalyst pushing mankind toward the prophesied showdown at Armageddon. Meanwhile, prices per gallon for gasoline and the spin-off stresses that incubate conflicts within and between nations at every level continue to rise, and appear unstoppable.
Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilence
Most every day, earthquakes of increasing magnitudes are reported from all over the globe. The U.S. is suffering temblors from every section of the nation. Loss of life in the world’s major population centers mounts quickly with each new quake and aftershocks.
The United Nations has issued reports that project food shortages on a worldwide scale. That organization calls for immediate action that, if it does not come, might mean the death of entire nations for the most destitute peoples on the planet.
Plague-like diseases threaten to inundate these most afflicted regions because of lack of nutrition and safe water sources. It’s almost as if the third rider of the apocalypse is already galloping across earth’s surface upon his black horse.
God’s Timepiece
The hour of this Age of Grace is late. The child of God spiritually attuned to Christ’s exhortation to be watchful has a sure sign in these troubling though exciting times.
Israel is that supernatural timepiece by which we can know just what time it is on God’s prophetic timeline.
The tiny Jewish state has already become the “cup of trembling,” and the “burdensome stone” predicted by Zechariah 12:1-3. Most nations of the U.N. always look to blame Israel rather than its angry, blood-vowed enemy neighbors, whose concentric religion is Islam.
The analogy has been made that Israel is God’s prophetic clock, and Jerusalem is the minute hand. It is not much of a stretch to believe that the second hand of that prophetic clock might be the current Mid-East peace process.
Daniel’s end-of-days foretelling about a peace covenant that will be confirmed by the world’s last and most wicked tyrant, Antichrist, might well now be in view. The “Prince that shall come” who will confirm the seven-year peace covenant will set in motion the last seven years of human history immediately preceding the second advent of Jesus Christ. (Read Daniel 9:26-27.) Jesus said the following about that time: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21).
The “Roadmap to Peace” is on the table in the Middle East process of searching for how to avoid nuclear Armageddon. Few, even among Christianity, understand the profound importance of this fact. The second hand of God’s prophetic clock is ticking.
What Time Is It?
It looks to be the closing seconds of this Church Age. The rapture can strike like a thief in the night with the next click of that second hand.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Good Morning! I pray that today finds you doing well and enjoying your summer! One of the signs of the end times is the great apostacy, which I believe we are seeing in our present day. The following article expresses just such a thought:
Foundations of Deception
By Ron Graham
“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
I Corinthians 3:11
Cement building blocks, mortar, and rebar do not a house make. Building a home takes great planning and knowledge. Anyone can build a home if they have the essential building blocks such as the tools, abilities, finances, and if married, a very strong marriage. Once the home builder has all the items mentioned above, including professional architectural drawn plans for the house, he must know how, and where to begin. For example if he begins with building the walls the house will have a tough time standing. First there needs to be a foundation for all else to be built upon.Once the homes foundation is established and the cement or bricks cured, the walls, roof, and all the rest go up. If any of the first steps are skipped the house will not last very long. There is no skipping the essentials when building your house. Similarly, God being the grand architect laid the plans for building His Church. God had to start with a foundation. Of course we know that that foundation is Jesus Christ. God entered His creation and became a man. Even though He was fully man, He was also fully God. Jesus our Savior took on the responsibility of becoming the foundation of His Church. Without Jesus Christ as our foundation, the body, that is the Church, would crumble. No foundation, no firm underpinning, no stability, will eventually lead to a complete collapse of the structure the home builder is attempting to construct. Be it a house or the Christian Church the collapse is inevitable without the foundation.
In the days when Jesus walked the shores of Galilee He explained to His disciples that others would come claiming to be the Christ, claiming to be that foundation, and that they weren’t to believe or follow them. “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many,” Matthew 24:4, 5. Matthew records Jesus repeating this warning, which was actually a command, four times. Do you think it’s important? Christ’s admonishment here is also directed to His end times Church.
Well, we all know what has happened over the past two thousand years; many false Christ’s have come and many are with us even now. They’ve all declared that they alone are endowed with the truth, deceiving many as they go about their destructive teachings. Today the Holy Bible is printed in just about every earthly language. Bibles have been printed and distributed to all four corners of the globe. Bibles are available in all free countries and have been smuggled into every communist country. But where is the end times deception more blatant than right here in the U.S.? For a country with all our resources, with the intelligence of the populace, and the Bibles that are so readily available we are one of the most deceived nations in the world.
It’s remarkable to me that people here in our country are still being deceived and led away from the true foundation. It’s difficult to watch and keep silent about the deceptions as they become more and more blatant, and even though many see the false teachers for what they are there are still multitudes more being led right into the great apostasy seemingly unaware of the consequences.
We can watch the charlatans on TV, or listen to them on the radio, or even watch them on YouTube now on the internet. It seems everywhere we look fraudulent evangelists continue to spread their deceptions over the entire world. There are those who are trying to expose these false teachers, bringing into the light the one true foundation, but many would rather believe a lie than the truth. Recently I’ve read some scathing indictments by those who are being deceived as they stand up for their false teachers and vigorously defend them. When I say vigorously, I mean they pull no punches with their attacks aimed at fellow Christians who are only trying to remind them of Jesus’ words.
Jesus is the foundation of our faith. We are nothing without that foundation. Born again believers should be more than willing to study the word of God to show themselves approved, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” 2Timothy 2:15, “For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 1Timothy 2:3. We are here on this earth as a witness to the ones who fail to see the truth, but also as watchmen on the wall to be diligently speaking up against the unbiblical teachings no matter from what direction they come. Surprisingly, we see many Christian leaders today being deceived and in turn deceiving others.
This deception isn’t just on television programs where some evangelist is performing various weird gyrations, which we don’t see Jesus or the Apostles doing. No, this same deception is coming into our own community churches. We must be diligent to watch for subtleties that can come in and go undetected. Suddenly we arrive at church one Sunday morning to find unbiblical changes have been made, such as prayer labyrinths, prayer stations, and prayer mantras being chanted by strangers. Worst of all this deception has replaced our Lord Jesus as the center of our worship. When Jesus is no longer welcomed in our building alas, no more foundation, and when we have no foundation, what happens to the Church? It crumbles and disappears.
Does this scenario scare you? Does this seem impossible for you and your church? Over the last couple of years I have read of many instances where the above scenario has happened in once Biblically sound churches. Men I once had the utmost respect for have turned out to be some of the biggest disseminators of these falsehoods. Just today as I am writing this commentary I was on a website that I frequent. There was a question posed about the emerging church and contemplative spirituality. The person wanted to know if they should leave their Church because of the deception they saw coming in and being taught. The answer was a resounding yes. Did the poster of that question ever think that such false teachings would at some point enter their Church? Probably not. They had enjoyed the fellowship with that congregation for seven years. The attachments that have grown out of that fellowship would be very difficult to dismiss, but the warm fuzzies we acquire from being with our brothers and sisters in Christ on Sunday mornings, is only secondary to our service to Christ. We must be true to the true foundation of the Church. The new false teachings in that congregation will eventually result in the replacement of the true foundation which of course is Christ Jesus our Lord.
The warnings are numerous in the word of God. Remember God sees the beginning and He sees the end of all things and He sees these two ends at the same time. This is because God isn’t restrained by the dimensionality of time as we humans are. He put these warnings in His word so when they began to raise their ugly head we (born again believers) would be completely familiar and ready to combat them “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine,” 1Timothy 4:13. The problem is many Christians have moved away from a routine of studying their Bibles and have replaced their routine with other things that are more exciting, more fun, which has created a more laissez-faire attitude towards the word of God.
Only by being diligent in our Bible studies can we offset this cancer that seems to be infiltrating many congregations today. I say cancer because, just like cancer in a person’s body, it is usually so far advanced when discovered that there is no stopping it short of some extreme measure such as cutting out an entire section where the cancerous body is entrenched.
Jesus taught us about false Christ’s, and Paul instructed us to always be watchful for the false doctrines that will creep in, “Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day [about the great apostasy] with tears” Acts 20:31, as did the Apostles Peter, James, Jude, and John. As a result, what we see happening in this country as well as many other countries around the world can’t be blamed on anyone but those who have eliminated the foundation, which is Christ. They have been led astray by what Paul describes as those who seek after teachers who will teach them what they want to hear instead of adhering to sound doctrine. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables,” 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.
In my humble opinion the Christian Church is coming apart at the seams. Jesus Christ is our foundation, but if the foundation is removed from the Church what is left to base our faith and belief on? Many Christians today would rather sit back and wait for the rapture of the Church than to get involved in a Biblical ministry that would be beneficial to the body of Christ. We’re told to occupy until He comes. Yes, we are only sojourners in this world not earth dwellers; this world is not our home. Certainly though, we can do more than just sit back and wait for things to either get better or for someone else to pitch in and straighten everything out. We can get involved, we must get involved. Christians who don’t speak out against the evil and satanic falsehoods attacking the Church will reap what is being sewn.
Of course there is always the opposite side of the coin. There are those believers who expect a great revival to usher in the New Church Age with a new world mostly made up of Christians. They expect this to be the strongest and most influential Christian Church of all times as they usher in a utopian kind of new world order where all violence, hatred, and manner of sin will be eliminated. This utopian age theology is better known as Dominion Theology and the main problem with it is it’s not Biblical. When we study our Bibles we see a completely different scenario unfolding in the last days. The true Church with it’s foundation in Christ in the end times will become quite weak, almost pathetic in its abilities to influence the culture around us, “…for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name,” Revelation 3:8.
The big influence in the end times will be the apostate Church – the Church of Laodicea if you will. This Church will not include Jesus Christ in any of its programs of works and unbiblical teachings. The reason will be that Jesus is too exclusive, too ridged, too old fashioned, and way too single minded for the new Church of the apostate. In the Book of Revelation Jesus address seven Churches, some with exaltations and condemnations, some with exaltations only, and others with condemnations only. The last four Churches He address are the Churches remaining at the end of the age and just before the 70th week of Daniel begins. The true believers remaining in the Church will be few and far between.
The true Church belonging to Jesus Christ will probably be forced underground as we move ever closer to the end; it’s the generation of the apostate Church that will occupy the buildings above ground. Be assured there will be a remnant holding fast to the faith and standing firm on the true foundation that is Jesus Christ our Lord. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity,” 2Timothy 2:19.
It seems I’ve painted a very depressing picture of the last days Church and the remnant occupying until He comes. When we neglect our Bibles we neglect our God. When we neglect our God, we neglect our station as believers. When we become so negligent in standing up for the Gospel of Christ that the false doctrines of the Nicolaitans (the clergy that lords over their flocks) overtake the Church, we then have no one to blame for the demise of our society but ourselves. The apostate Church will become as fools, instead of followers of Christ watching tirelessly for the coming evil.
When we stand before our Lord after it is all said and done, what will our excuse be as we are wallowing in a flood of tears and lying completely prostrate in the presence of our Lord Jesus? Will we hear the awesome words, “Well done my good and faithful son, enter into the rest of your Lord” or will Jesus remind us of how we failed Him as defenders of the foundation of His Church?
When you and I remain in that state of ignorance concerning His word, we give rise to all forms of falsehoods entering into the body of Christ. It’s Satan’s agenda to destroy the foundation of the Church, and those who are proclaiming these falsehoods are ultimately, knowingly or not, in cahoots with God’s enemy himself. All I can say is shame on us for our lack of discernment through our deplorable lack of knowledge concerning His word.
God… please forgive us for our ignorance when it comes to your word. Forgive us when we remain silent as the false teachers take over, and God please forgive us for allowing this generation to become the generation that ushers in the apostate Church.
Ron Graham
Email: twotug@embarqmail.com
Foundations of Deception
By Ron Graham
“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
I Corinthians 3:11
Cement building blocks, mortar, and rebar do not a house make. Building a home takes great planning and knowledge. Anyone can build a home if they have the essential building blocks such as the tools, abilities, finances, and if married, a very strong marriage. Once the home builder has all the items mentioned above, including professional architectural drawn plans for the house, he must know how, and where to begin. For example if he begins with building the walls the house will have a tough time standing. First there needs to be a foundation for all else to be built upon.Once the homes foundation is established and the cement or bricks cured, the walls, roof, and all the rest go up. If any of the first steps are skipped the house will not last very long. There is no skipping the essentials when building your house. Similarly, God being the grand architect laid the plans for building His Church. God had to start with a foundation. Of course we know that that foundation is Jesus Christ. God entered His creation and became a man. Even though He was fully man, He was also fully God. Jesus our Savior took on the responsibility of becoming the foundation of His Church. Without Jesus Christ as our foundation, the body, that is the Church, would crumble. No foundation, no firm underpinning, no stability, will eventually lead to a complete collapse of the structure the home builder is attempting to construct. Be it a house or the Christian Church the collapse is inevitable without the foundation.
In the days when Jesus walked the shores of Galilee He explained to His disciples that others would come claiming to be the Christ, claiming to be that foundation, and that they weren’t to believe or follow them. “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many,” Matthew 24:4, 5. Matthew records Jesus repeating this warning, which was actually a command, four times. Do you think it’s important? Christ’s admonishment here is also directed to His end times Church.
Well, we all know what has happened over the past two thousand years; many false Christ’s have come and many are with us even now. They’ve all declared that they alone are endowed with the truth, deceiving many as they go about their destructive teachings. Today the Holy Bible is printed in just about every earthly language. Bibles have been printed and distributed to all four corners of the globe. Bibles are available in all free countries and have been smuggled into every communist country. But where is the end times deception more blatant than right here in the U.S.? For a country with all our resources, with the intelligence of the populace, and the Bibles that are so readily available we are one of the most deceived nations in the world.
It’s remarkable to me that people here in our country are still being deceived and led away from the true foundation. It’s difficult to watch and keep silent about the deceptions as they become more and more blatant, and even though many see the false teachers for what they are there are still multitudes more being led right into the great apostasy seemingly unaware of the consequences.
We can watch the charlatans on TV, or listen to them on the radio, or even watch them on YouTube now on the internet. It seems everywhere we look fraudulent evangelists continue to spread their deceptions over the entire world. There are those who are trying to expose these false teachers, bringing into the light the one true foundation, but many would rather believe a lie than the truth. Recently I’ve read some scathing indictments by those who are being deceived as they stand up for their false teachers and vigorously defend them. When I say vigorously, I mean they pull no punches with their attacks aimed at fellow Christians who are only trying to remind them of Jesus’ words.
Jesus is the foundation of our faith. We are nothing without that foundation. Born again believers should be more than willing to study the word of God to show themselves approved, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” 2Timothy 2:15, “For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 1Timothy 2:3. We are here on this earth as a witness to the ones who fail to see the truth, but also as watchmen on the wall to be diligently speaking up against the unbiblical teachings no matter from what direction they come. Surprisingly, we see many Christian leaders today being deceived and in turn deceiving others.
This deception isn’t just on television programs where some evangelist is performing various weird gyrations, which we don’t see Jesus or the Apostles doing. No, this same deception is coming into our own community churches. We must be diligent to watch for subtleties that can come in and go undetected. Suddenly we arrive at church one Sunday morning to find unbiblical changes have been made, such as prayer labyrinths, prayer stations, and prayer mantras being chanted by strangers. Worst of all this deception has replaced our Lord Jesus as the center of our worship. When Jesus is no longer welcomed in our building alas, no more foundation, and when we have no foundation, what happens to the Church? It crumbles and disappears.
Does this scenario scare you? Does this seem impossible for you and your church? Over the last couple of years I have read of many instances where the above scenario has happened in once Biblically sound churches. Men I once had the utmost respect for have turned out to be some of the biggest disseminators of these falsehoods. Just today as I am writing this commentary I was on a website that I frequent. There was a question posed about the emerging church and contemplative spirituality. The person wanted to know if they should leave their Church because of the deception they saw coming in and being taught. The answer was a resounding yes. Did the poster of that question ever think that such false teachings would at some point enter their Church? Probably not. They had enjoyed the fellowship with that congregation for seven years. The attachments that have grown out of that fellowship would be very difficult to dismiss, but the warm fuzzies we acquire from being with our brothers and sisters in Christ on Sunday mornings, is only secondary to our service to Christ. We must be true to the true foundation of the Church. The new false teachings in that congregation will eventually result in the replacement of the true foundation which of course is Christ Jesus our Lord.
The warnings are numerous in the word of God. Remember God sees the beginning and He sees the end of all things and He sees these two ends at the same time. This is because God isn’t restrained by the dimensionality of time as we humans are. He put these warnings in His word so when they began to raise their ugly head we (born again believers) would be completely familiar and ready to combat them “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine,” 1Timothy 4:13. The problem is many Christians have moved away from a routine of studying their Bibles and have replaced their routine with other things that are more exciting, more fun, which has created a more laissez-faire attitude towards the word of God.
Only by being diligent in our Bible studies can we offset this cancer that seems to be infiltrating many congregations today. I say cancer because, just like cancer in a person’s body, it is usually so far advanced when discovered that there is no stopping it short of some extreme measure such as cutting out an entire section where the cancerous body is entrenched.
Jesus taught us about false Christ’s, and Paul instructed us to always be watchful for the false doctrines that will creep in, “Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day [about the great apostasy] with tears” Acts 20:31, as did the Apostles Peter, James, Jude, and John. As a result, what we see happening in this country as well as many other countries around the world can’t be blamed on anyone but those who have eliminated the foundation, which is Christ. They have been led astray by what Paul describes as those who seek after teachers who will teach them what they want to hear instead of adhering to sound doctrine. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables,” 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.
In my humble opinion the Christian Church is coming apart at the seams. Jesus Christ is our foundation, but if the foundation is removed from the Church what is left to base our faith and belief on? Many Christians today would rather sit back and wait for the rapture of the Church than to get involved in a Biblical ministry that would be beneficial to the body of Christ. We’re told to occupy until He comes. Yes, we are only sojourners in this world not earth dwellers; this world is not our home. Certainly though, we can do more than just sit back and wait for things to either get better or for someone else to pitch in and straighten everything out. We can get involved, we must get involved. Christians who don’t speak out against the evil and satanic falsehoods attacking the Church will reap what is being sewn.
Of course there is always the opposite side of the coin. There are those believers who expect a great revival to usher in the New Church Age with a new world mostly made up of Christians. They expect this to be the strongest and most influential Christian Church of all times as they usher in a utopian kind of new world order where all violence, hatred, and manner of sin will be eliminated. This utopian age theology is better known as Dominion Theology and the main problem with it is it’s not Biblical. When we study our Bibles we see a completely different scenario unfolding in the last days. The true Church with it’s foundation in Christ in the end times will become quite weak, almost pathetic in its abilities to influence the culture around us, “…for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name,” Revelation 3:8.
The big influence in the end times will be the apostate Church – the Church of Laodicea if you will. This Church will not include Jesus Christ in any of its programs of works and unbiblical teachings. The reason will be that Jesus is too exclusive, too ridged, too old fashioned, and way too single minded for the new Church of the apostate. In the Book of Revelation Jesus address seven Churches, some with exaltations and condemnations, some with exaltations only, and others with condemnations only. The last four Churches He address are the Churches remaining at the end of the age and just before the 70th week of Daniel begins. The true believers remaining in the Church will be few and far between.
The true Church belonging to Jesus Christ will probably be forced underground as we move ever closer to the end; it’s the generation of the apostate Church that will occupy the buildings above ground. Be assured there will be a remnant holding fast to the faith and standing firm on the true foundation that is Jesus Christ our Lord. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity,” 2Timothy 2:19.
It seems I’ve painted a very depressing picture of the last days Church and the remnant occupying until He comes. When we neglect our Bibles we neglect our God. When we neglect our God, we neglect our station as believers. When we become so negligent in standing up for the Gospel of Christ that the false doctrines of the Nicolaitans (the clergy that lords over their flocks) overtake the Church, we then have no one to blame for the demise of our society but ourselves. The apostate Church will become as fools, instead of followers of Christ watching tirelessly for the coming evil.
When we stand before our Lord after it is all said and done, what will our excuse be as we are wallowing in a flood of tears and lying completely prostrate in the presence of our Lord Jesus? Will we hear the awesome words, “Well done my good and faithful son, enter into the rest of your Lord” or will Jesus remind us of how we failed Him as defenders of the foundation of His Church?
When you and I remain in that state of ignorance concerning His word, we give rise to all forms of falsehoods entering into the body of Christ. It’s Satan’s agenda to destroy the foundation of the Church, and those who are proclaiming these falsehoods are ultimately, knowingly or not, in cahoots with God’s enemy himself. All I can say is shame on us for our lack of discernment through our deplorable lack of knowledge concerning His word.
God… please forgive us for our ignorance when it comes to your word. Forgive us when we remain silent as the false teachers take over, and God please forgive us for allowing this generation to become the generation that ushers in the apostate Church.
Ron Graham
Email: twotug@embarqmail.com
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Good morning! I hope that today finds you well and living large!
You know, Planned Parenthood is a very dangerous organization. Dr. Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes:
Coming to a Mall Near You -- Planned Parenthood's New Strategy
Posted: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 5:29 am ET
"It is indeed a new look...a new branding, if you will." That's the explanation offered by Leslie Durgin, a senior vice president at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. She was speaking of Planned Parenthood's new "upscale" approach to marketing abortions and other "services" to wealthier suburban women.
This new strategy and marketing plan was described in chilling detail by reporter Stephanie Simon of The Wall Street Journal [article available by subscription only]. "Flush with cash, Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide are aggressively expanding their reach," she explains, "seeking to woo more affluent patients with a network of suburban clinics and huge new health centers that project a decidedly upscale image."
The nonprofit, which traces its roots to 1916, has long focused on providing birth control, sexual-health care and abortions to teens and low-income women. While those groups still make up the majority of Planned Parenthood's patients, executives say they are "rebranding" their clinics to appeal to women of means -- a move that opens new avenues for boosting revenue and, they hope, political clout.
Planned Parenthood may be legally defined as a nonprofit organization, but it is flush with money. The organization took in over $1 billion last year, and reported $112 million in "excess of revenue over expenses." The group also received $70 million in federal funds -- your tax dollars at work.
Make no mistake -- Planned Parenthood has an agenda, even as it did when founded by Margaret Sanger and other radicals in the early 20th century. The organization receives hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue from killing unborn babies. It wants to extend its reach into the population.
As Simon reports:
Last spring, the nonprofit -- which has 882 clinics nationwide -- dropped its crusading mission statement setting out the rights of all individuals, no matter their income, to "reproductive self-determination." In its place, Planned Parenthood adopted a crisp pledge to "leverage strength through our affiliated structure to be the nation's most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care." Ms. Richards says the new statement implies expanded services for all -- she's especially eager to draw more male patients -- but some outsiders wonder why it no longer mentions affordability or access.
"This is not the Planned Parenthood we all grew up with... they now have more of a business approach, much more aggressive," said Amy Hagstrom Miller, who runs abortion clinics in Texas and Maryland.
Planned Parenthood is setting up new offices known as "Express" which will offer services just short of abortions in upscale suburban settings such as shopping malls. Look carefully at how The Wall Street Journal describes their new approach:
The group has always operated some suburban clinics, but some of its local affiliates, which have a great deal of autonomy, have made a determined effort in the past few years to "be the provider of first choice...for people who do have other options," said David Greenberg, Oregon's top Planned Parenthood executive. Officials note that health insurance doesn't always cover contraception and even women with access to private doctors may prefer the confidentiality of buying birth control or getting a herpes test at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
"It is high time we follow the population," said Sarah Stoesz, who heads Planned Parenthood operations in three Midwest states. She recently opened three express centers in wealthy Minnesota suburbs, "in shopping centers and malls, places where women are already doing their grocery shopping, picking up their Starbucks, living their daily lives," Ms. Stoesz said.
On Planned Parenthood executive went so far as to say, "I like to think of it as the LensCrafters of family planning."
Planned Parenthood may try to brush up the organization's image, but the business remains abortion. In a chilling reminder of the grotesque intersection of baby killing and business, local independent abortion centers are complaining that Planned Parenthood threatens their own volume in abortions. Amy Hagstrom Miller runs abortion clinics in two states, and she is not pleased:
"Ms. Hagstrom Miller competes with Planned Parenthood for abortion patients -- and finds it deeply frustrating. She does not receive the government grants or tax-deductible donations that bolster Planned Parenthood, and says she can't match the nonprofit's budget for advertising or clinic upgrades. She has carved her own niche by touting her care as more holistic -- and by charging $425 for a first-trimester surgery at her Austin clinic, compared with $475 at the local Planned Parenthood. (Both Ms. Hagstrom Miller and Planned Parenthood say they work out discounts and payment plans for the needy.)
This is about revenue and profit, market growth and competition. It is a horrifying glimpse into the cold hard reality of what stands behind the abortion movement in general and Planned Parenthood in particular -- the ideology of death and the love of money. Can we imagine a more lethal combination?
Planned Parenthood may soon be coming to a mall near you, but no matter how much they want to burnish their image and go "upscale," their business remains death on demand. The Culture of Death creeps on -- mile by mile, mall by mall.
You know, Planned Parenthood is a very dangerous organization. Dr. Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes:
Coming to a Mall Near You -- Planned Parenthood's New Strategy
Posted: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 5:29 am ET
"It is indeed a new look...a new branding, if you will." That's the explanation offered by Leslie Durgin, a senior vice president at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. She was speaking of Planned Parenthood's new "upscale" approach to marketing abortions and other "services" to wealthier suburban women.
This new strategy and marketing plan was described in chilling detail by reporter Stephanie Simon of The Wall Street Journal [article available by subscription only]. "Flush with cash, Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide are aggressively expanding their reach," she explains, "seeking to woo more affluent patients with a network of suburban clinics and huge new health centers that project a decidedly upscale image."
The nonprofit, which traces its roots to 1916, has long focused on providing birth control, sexual-health care and abortions to teens and low-income women. While those groups still make up the majority of Planned Parenthood's patients, executives say they are "rebranding" their clinics to appeal to women of means -- a move that opens new avenues for boosting revenue and, they hope, political clout.
Planned Parenthood may be legally defined as a nonprofit organization, but it is flush with money. The organization took in over $1 billion last year, and reported $112 million in "excess of revenue over expenses." The group also received $70 million in federal funds -- your tax dollars at work.
Make no mistake -- Planned Parenthood has an agenda, even as it did when founded by Margaret Sanger and other radicals in the early 20th century. The organization receives hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue from killing unborn babies. It wants to extend its reach into the population.
As Simon reports:
Last spring, the nonprofit -- which has 882 clinics nationwide -- dropped its crusading mission statement setting out the rights of all individuals, no matter their income, to "reproductive self-determination." In its place, Planned Parenthood adopted a crisp pledge to "leverage strength through our affiliated structure to be the nation's most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care." Ms. Richards says the new statement implies expanded services for all -- she's especially eager to draw more male patients -- but some outsiders wonder why it no longer mentions affordability or access.
"This is not the Planned Parenthood we all grew up with... they now have more of a business approach, much more aggressive," said Amy Hagstrom Miller, who runs abortion clinics in Texas and Maryland.
Planned Parenthood is setting up new offices known as "Express" which will offer services just short of abortions in upscale suburban settings such as shopping malls. Look carefully at how The Wall Street Journal describes their new approach:
The group has always operated some suburban clinics, but some of its local affiliates, which have a great deal of autonomy, have made a determined effort in the past few years to "be the provider of first choice...for people who do have other options," said David Greenberg, Oregon's top Planned Parenthood executive. Officials note that health insurance doesn't always cover contraception and even women with access to private doctors may prefer the confidentiality of buying birth control or getting a herpes test at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
"It is high time we follow the population," said Sarah Stoesz, who heads Planned Parenthood operations in three Midwest states. She recently opened three express centers in wealthy Minnesota suburbs, "in shopping centers and malls, places where women are already doing their grocery shopping, picking up their Starbucks, living their daily lives," Ms. Stoesz said.
On Planned Parenthood executive went so far as to say, "I like to think of it as the LensCrafters of family planning."
Planned Parenthood may try to brush up the organization's image, but the business remains abortion. In a chilling reminder of the grotesque intersection of baby killing and business, local independent abortion centers are complaining that Planned Parenthood threatens their own volume in abortions. Amy Hagstrom Miller runs abortion clinics in two states, and she is not pleased:
"Ms. Hagstrom Miller competes with Planned Parenthood for abortion patients -- and finds it deeply frustrating. She does not receive the government grants or tax-deductible donations that bolster Planned Parenthood, and says she can't match the nonprofit's budget for advertising or clinic upgrades. She has carved her own niche by touting her care as more holistic -- and by charging $425 for a first-trimester surgery at her Austin clinic, compared with $475 at the local Planned Parenthood. (Both Ms. Hagstrom Miller and Planned Parenthood say they work out discounts and payment plans for the needy.)
This is about revenue and profit, market growth and competition. It is a horrifying glimpse into the cold hard reality of what stands behind the abortion movement in general and Planned Parenthood in particular -- the ideology of death and the love of money. Can we imagine a more lethal combination?
Planned Parenthood may soon be coming to a mall near you, but no matter how much they want to burnish their image and go "upscale," their business remains death on demand. The Culture of Death creeps on -- mile by mile, mall by mall.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hello again...one of my favorite web-sites is raptureready.com and on this website I found this gem that I wanted to share with you:
Believe in Your Heart By Jack Kelly
If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you will be saved (Rom 10:9).
We've all confessed (give assent to or acknowledge) with our mouths and understand its importance to our salvation, but what about the "believe in your heart" portion of the verse? In vs. 10 Paul goes on to say that it's with our heart that we believe and are justified. The Greek word translated justify is from dikaios which means innocent or holy. The King James translates this word "believe unto righteousness" meaning that our belief in the resurrection is what brings us our righteousness, allowing God to regard us as though we're innocent of any sin and therefore holy.
The notion of a bodily resurrection is as old as the Bible itself. It's contained in what is arguably the first book of the Bible actually written.
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27)
King David knew he would see his newly deceased infant son again (2 Sam 12:22-23) and both Isaiah 26:20-21 and Daniel 12:2 promise a bodily resurrection at the end of the age.
Early Christians had a problem with this so Paul devoted a whole chapter to the Corinthians' questions about resurrection going as far as to state, "If Christ has not been raised your faith is futile, you are still in your sins" (1 Cor 15:7). Yet today many who call themselves Christian still don't believe it. Much of liberal theology does not require belief in a bodily resurrection, and even among Evangelicals it's sometimes spiritualized away. We know that if we believe the Bible we are required to believe in a bodily resurrection, but do we know why it's required?
There's More Here Than Meets the Eye
John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of world (John 1:29), not just the sins of the Jews or even of those Jews and Gentiles present at the time, but the sins of the world. Every violation of God's law that ever had been or ever would be committed was to be dealt with. Of course this didn't mean that the world would no longer be a sinful place, but that the penalty for the sins of the world would be borne by the Lamb of God. Here's how He did it.
In Roman crucifixions a sign was posted above the head of the one being executed listing the broken laws for which his life was being taken. It was meant as a deterrent for those watching the public executions. In Jesus' case the sign said "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" indicating his crime against Rome was treason. In Col 2:13-14 we're told that in the spiritual realm another sign was also posted. It listed all the sins that mankind ever had or ever would commit. It explained why His life was really being taken.
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
Notice it says He forgave us all our sins. Not just the ones we committed before we were saved, and not just the ones we commit by accident. He forgave all of our sins, even those we commit willfully and repeatedly.
Hebrews 10:14 says that Jesus offered for all time one sacrifice for sin and then sat down at the right hand of God, because by that one sacrifice He has made us perfect forever. His death took place on one specific day in time, but its effect applies across the span of time to all the days of every man.
But Jesus actually did much more than bear the punishment due us. 2 Cor 5:21 says that God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. In other words, while on the cross He became the physical embodiment of sin. God can not dwell in the presence of sin, nor even look upon it (Haba 1:13) and so had to turn away, separating Himself from His Son. For 3 hours light was taken from the world and for the first time in eternity the 2 were not 1.
If the ultimate punishment for sin is complete separation from God, Jesus suffered it then. It was the only time in the entire ordeal that He complained, crying, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matt 27:45-46) When He had died, His punishment over, He no longer personified sin and the light was restored.
What's The Point?
After His resurrection, Jesus looked like other men to His disciples. He walked with them, talked with them, ate with them and permitted them to touch Him to assure themselves He was not just a spirit, but a man with flesh and bone (Luke 24:36-43). His was a bodily resurrection. Later He ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
Now here's the point. Remember, God cannot be in the presence of sin or even look upon it (Haba 1:13). Jesus had taken upon himself every sin of mankind, past, present, and future. If even one was left unpaid by His death, Jesus couldn't be in God's presence and would still be in the grave (Rom 6:23). His resurrection is proof of yours. If you cannot believe that God raised Jesus from the dead then you cannot believe that all your sins are forgiven and that He will raise you.
But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For in Adam all die so in Christ all will be made alive (1 Cor. 15:20-22).
On that Sunday morning in April of 32AD, as the sun was rising the priests in the Temple were preparing for the festival that always begins on the morning after the first Sabbath after Passover. It was First Fruits, signifying the beginning of the spring harvest for the Nation of Israel.
And Mary was going to the tomb with some other women to complete the burial process interrupted by the holy days. But the tomb was empty. The Son had risen, the First Fruits of those who have fallen asleep.
That empty tomb was the clearest sign we have ever received that the Lord had accomplished His mission. The Lamb of God had indeed taken away the sin of the world, all of it.
From that day to this the only qualification for salvation has been to believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. That's His proof that all the sins of your life have been forgiven, so if you don't believe God raised Jesus from the dead, you can't believe that He'll raise you. Selah 06-21-08
Believe in Your Heart By Jack Kelly
If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you will be saved (Rom 10:9).
We've all confessed (give assent to or acknowledge) with our mouths and understand its importance to our salvation, but what about the "believe in your heart" portion of the verse? In vs. 10 Paul goes on to say that it's with our heart that we believe and are justified. The Greek word translated justify is from dikaios which means innocent or holy. The King James translates this word "believe unto righteousness" meaning that our belief in the resurrection is what brings us our righteousness, allowing God to regard us as though we're innocent of any sin and therefore holy.
The notion of a bodily resurrection is as old as the Bible itself. It's contained in what is arguably the first book of the Bible actually written.
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27)
King David knew he would see his newly deceased infant son again (2 Sam 12:22-23) and both Isaiah 26:20-21 and Daniel 12:2 promise a bodily resurrection at the end of the age.
Early Christians had a problem with this so Paul devoted a whole chapter to the Corinthians' questions about resurrection going as far as to state, "If Christ has not been raised your faith is futile, you are still in your sins" (1 Cor 15:7). Yet today many who call themselves Christian still don't believe it. Much of liberal theology does not require belief in a bodily resurrection, and even among Evangelicals it's sometimes spiritualized away. We know that if we believe the Bible we are required to believe in a bodily resurrection, but do we know why it's required?
There's More Here Than Meets the Eye
John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of world (John 1:29), not just the sins of the Jews or even of those Jews and Gentiles present at the time, but the sins of the world. Every violation of God's law that ever had been or ever would be committed was to be dealt with. Of course this didn't mean that the world would no longer be a sinful place, but that the penalty for the sins of the world would be borne by the Lamb of God. Here's how He did it.
In Roman crucifixions a sign was posted above the head of the one being executed listing the broken laws for which his life was being taken. It was meant as a deterrent for those watching the public executions. In Jesus' case the sign said "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" indicating his crime against Rome was treason. In Col 2:13-14 we're told that in the spiritual realm another sign was also posted. It listed all the sins that mankind ever had or ever would commit. It explained why His life was really being taken.
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
Notice it says He forgave us all our sins. Not just the ones we committed before we were saved, and not just the ones we commit by accident. He forgave all of our sins, even those we commit willfully and repeatedly.
Hebrews 10:14 says that Jesus offered for all time one sacrifice for sin and then sat down at the right hand of God, because by that one sacrifice He has made us perfect forever. His death took place on one specific day in time, but its effect applies across the span of time to all the days of every man.
But Jesus actually did much more than bear the punishment due us. 2 Cor 5:21 says that God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. In other words, while on the cross He became the physical embodiment of sin. God can not dwell in the presence of sin, nor even look upon it (Haba 1:13) and so had to turn away, separating Himself from His Son. For 3 hours light was taken from the world and for the first time in eternity the 2 were not 1.
If the ultimate punishment for sin is complete separation from God, Jesus suffered it then. It was the only time in the entire ordeal that He complained, crying, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matt 27:45-46) When He had died, His punishment over, He no longer personified sin and the light was restored.
What's The Point?
After His resurrection, Jesus looked like other men to His disciples. He walked with them, talked with them, ate with them and permitted them to touch Him to assure themselves He was not just a spirit, but a man with flesh and bone (Luke 24:36-43). His was a bodily resurrection. Later He ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
Now here's the point. Remember, God cannot be in the presence of sin or even look upon it (Haba 1:13). Jesus had taken upon himself every sin of mankind, past, present, and future. If even one was left unpaid by His death, Jesus couldn't be in God's presence and would still be in the grave (Rom 6:23). His resurrection is proof of yours. If you cannot believe that God raised Jesus from the dead then you cannot believe that all your sins are forgiven and that He will raise you.
But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For in Adam all die so in Christ all will be made alive (1 Cor. 15:20-22).
On that Sunday morning in April of 32AD, as the sun was rising the priests in the Temple were preparing for the festival that always begins on the morning after the first Sabbath after Passover. It was First Fruits, signifying the beginning of the spring harvest for the Nation of Israel.
And Mary was going to the tomb with some other women to complete the burial process interrupted by the holy days. But the tomb was empty. The Son had risen, the First Fruits of those who have fallen asleep.
That empty tomb was the clearest sign we have ever received that the Lord had accomplished His mission. The Lamb of God had indeed taken away the sin of the world, all of it.
From that day to this the only qualification for salvation has been to believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. That's His proof that all the sins of your life have been forgiven, so if you don't believe God raised Jesus from the dead, you can't believe that He'll raise you. Selah 06-21-08
Good Morning! Hope you have a great day today! As a member of an SBC church...as a Pastor of an SBC church, I often wonder why members of the CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship) continue to "pound away" at the Southern Baptist Convention. They have been around for some 17 years now and one might think that they might move on. But as recent reports from the Baptist Press show, this is obviously harder than we realize. Read the following report of teh recent CBF meeting in Memphis, Tennessee:
WRAP-UP: CBF hears liberal theology, controversial comparison to Holocaust
Posted on Jun 23, 2008 by David Roach
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (BP)--Just over 2,000 registered attendees adopted a slightly increased budget, heard criticism of the Southern Baptist Convention and had the option to participate in a workshop questioning a fundamental Christian doctrine at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly June 19-20 in Memphis, Tenn.The attendance of 2,033 was down from last year's General Assembly attendance of nearly 2,600 in Washington. North Carolina registered the most attendees with 261, while Virginia and Texas followed closely with 259 and 229 respectively.The Fellowship adopted a $16.5 million operating budget for 2008-2009, up $19,000 from last year's operating budget but still not back to the $17.05 million budget of 2006-2007.Because of revenue shortfalls, CBF budget expenditures are being held at 90 percent for the first part of fiscal year 2007-08, Larry Hurst, director of finance and accounting, told a meeting of the group's Coordinating Council June 18.Through the same period, revenues totaled 96 percent of the projected budget, resulting in a slight surplus [but still below what was budgeted], Hurst said, adding that the surplus may not hold because the slowest months of the year for giving occur between now and the end of the fiscal year in Sept.In other business, attendees heard a report on the CBF's efforts to help achieve the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, elected a slate of new committee members recommended by the committee on nominations and were presented with Jack Glasgow, pastor of Zebulon Baptist Church in Zebulon, N.C., as their new moderator.John Killinger, executive minister and theologian in residence at Marble Collegiate Church in New York City, made perhaps the most notable theological claims of the meeting, questioning Christ's deity and arguing that the Gospel of Mark was actually written by a group of early heretics known as Gnostics. Killinger's church affirms homosexuality as normative and not sinful, and on its homepage has a link dedicated to the "gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered community." "Now we are re-evaluating and we're approaching everything with a humbler perspective and seeing God's hand working in Christ, but not necessarily as the incarnate God in our midst," Killinger said in his June 19 workshop, "The Changing Shape of Our Salvation." "Now, that may be hard for you to hear depending on where you are coming from, but we can talk more about it."Killinger’s presentation was titled after his book "The Changing Shape of Our Salvation" which was promoted generously at the General Assembly by Smyth & Helwys, the CBF publishing partner. Although The Crossroad Publishing Company actually published the book, Smyth & Helwys distributed publicity material at Killinger’s workshop, hosted a book-signing for the author and displayed the rival publisher’s book in the Smyth & Helwys booth at the CBF resource fair.In a third workshop, Killinger suggested that the late evangelical leader Jerry Falwell was in some way responsible for the death of a former employee, William Menge. Menge's body was found mutilated under a bush hog on Menge's farm in 1980. The death was ruled an accident, but Killinger shared a conspiracy theory with the workshop audience, claiming two hit men killed Menge on Falwell's behalf.The assembly's resource fair featured among its exhibitors the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, Baptist Women in Ministry and the Baptist World Alliance.At the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America booth, Baptist Press obtained two booklets defending homosexuality as morally acceptable. One booklet, entitled "Jesus Loves Me This I Know: Stories of GLBT Christians," tells the stories of homosexual, bisexual and transgender people who claim to be living faithful Christian lives."Our hope in compiling the stories found in this little booklet is that the reader will 'meet' real live people who are dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ, who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender," the introduction states. "These are stories of anguish and of joy, of giving in to and overcoming the fear that led to closeted lives."But most of all, these are stories of people who heard the call of God to ministry and responded, even in the face of great difficulties and open hostility. We rejoice with them as they use their God-given talents in service to the kingdom of God."The other booklet, "Homosexuality and the Bible" by Walter Wink, argues, "Where the Bible mentions homosexual behavior at all, it clearly condemns it. I freely grant that. The issue is precisely whether that biblical judgment is correct. The Bible sanctioned slavery as well, and nowhere attacked it as unjust. Are we prepared to argue today that slavery is biblically justified?"The Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM) booth distributed copies of its 2007 annual report, "The State of Women in Baptist Life." According to the report, only 5.9 percent (113) of all CBF churches have female pastors. BWIM also had T-shirts for women on hand displaying the slogan, "This is what a preacher looks like."During worship and business sessions, attendees heard multiple criticisms of the SBC.During the opening session, Smyth & Helwys Publishing presented Cecil Sherman, CBF's first executive coordinator, with a copy of his newly published autobiography, "By My Own Reckoning." When he accepted the award, Sherman compared the SBC's conservative resurgence to the Holocaust, in which Nazis executed millions of Jews."Every once in a while I know someone of the younger generation who says, 'Don't talk about that [the beginning of the CBF] anymore,'" Sherman said. "Why don't you tell a Jew, 'Don't talk about the Holocaust anymore.' We need to remember the events that called us into being and be guided by them as you rise to determine your future."In a separate session, Chuck Poole, senior pastor of Northminster Baptist Church in Jackson, Miss., said proper interpretation of Scripture requires believers to ordain women to the pastorate."I came to see that passages such as Galatians 3:28 really did embody the spirit of Jesus more fully than passages that drew a small circle and raised a tall wall. And quicker than you can say, 'new skins with new wine,' I came to see that if we were not going to ordain women, we were going to have to stop baptizing girls," Poole said to applause.In other General Assembly news:-- Attendees participated in "Prayer and Discernment Team Gatherings," in which they met in groups according to their home states and regions to discern God's leading for the CBF's future.Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal and Moderator Harriet Harral both used their reports to the General Assembly to stress the importance of the prayer and discernment gatherings.By seeking God's guidance, the coming years can build on the exciting past the CBF has enjoyed, Harral said."CBF is 17 years old -- and what an amazing 17 years it has been," she said. "A passion for the Great Commission and to Baptist principles of faith and practice have formed bonds of fellowship and ministry around that world -- that passion -- and what someone once told Daniel (Vestal) is the greatest vision statement in all of Christendom -- being the presence of Christ in the world."-- Nearly $10,000 was collected for the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Offering for Religious Liberty and Human Rights.-- The Lord's Supper was served during the assembly's final session June 20 celebrating CBF home and foreign missions.-- In a June 19 worship session, lyrics to the hymn "In Christ Alone," by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend, were changed to be more gender neutral and eliminate a reference to God's wrath toward sin.The line, "The wrath of God was satisfied," referring to Christ's death on the cross, was changed to "The price of sin was satisfied." Also the line, "I am His and He is mine," referring to Christ, was changed to "I am yours and you are mine."--30--With reporting by Baptist Press staff writer Erin Roach. David Roach is a correspondent for Baptist Press based in Louisville, Ky
WRAP-UP: CBF hears liberal theology, controversial comparison to Holocaust
Posted on Jun 23, 2008 by David Roach
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (BP)--Just over 2,000 registered attendees adopted a slightly increased budget, heard criticism of the Southern Baptist Convention and had the option to participate in a workshop questioning a fundamental Christian doctrine at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly June 19-20 in Memphis, Tenn.The attendance of 2,033 was down from last year's General Assembly attendance of nearly 2,600 in Washington. North Carolina registered the most attendees with 261, while Virginia and Texas followed closely with 259 and 229 respectively.The Fellowship adopted a $16.5 million operating budget for 2008-2009, up $19,000 from last year's operating budget but still not back to the $17.05 million budget of 2006-2007.Because of revenue shortfalls, CBF budget expenditures are being held at 90 percent for the first part of fiscal year 2007-08, Larry Hurst, director of finance and accounting, told a meeting of the group's Coordinating Council June 18.Through the same period, revenues totaled 96 percent of the projected budget, resulting in a slight surplus [but still below what was budgeted], Hurst said, adding that the surplus may not hold because the slowest months of the year for giving occur between now and the end of the fiscal year in Sept.In other business, attendees heard a report on the CBF's efforts to help achieve the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, elected a slate of new committee members recommended by the committee on nominations and were presented with Jack Glasgow, pastor of Zebulon Baptist Church in Zebulon, N.C., as their new moderator.John Killinger, executive minister and theologian in residence at Marble Collegiate Church in New York City, made perhaps the most notable theological claims of the meeting, questioning Christ's deity and arguing that the Gospel of Mark was actually written by a group of early heretics known as Gnostics. Killinger's church affirms homosexuality as normative and not sinful, and on its homepage has a link dedicated to the "gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered community." "Now we are re-evaluating and we're approaching everything with a humbler perspective and seeing God's hand working in Christ, but not necessarily as the incarnate God in our midst," Killinger said in his June 19 workshop, "The Changing Shape of Our Salvation." "Now, that may be hard for you to hear depending on where you are coming from, but we can talk more about it."Killinger’s presentation was titled after his book "The Changing Shape of Our Salvation" which was promoted generously at the General Assembly by Smyth & Helwys, the CBF publishing partner. Although The Crossroad Publishing Company actually published the book, Smyth & Helwys distributed publicity material at Killinger’s workshop, hosted a book-signing for the author and displayed the rival publisher’s book in the Smyth & Helwys booth at the CBF resource fair.In a third workshop, Killinger suggested that the late evangelical leader Jerry Falwell was in some way responsible for the death of a former employee, William Menge. Menge's body was found mutilated under a bush hog on Menge's farm in 1980. The death was ruled an accident, but Killinger shared a conspiracy theory with the workshop audience, claiming two hit men killed Menge on Falwell's behalf.The assembly's resource fair featured among its exhibitors the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, Baptist Women in Ministry and the Baptist World Alliance.At the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America booth, Baptist Press obtained two booklets defending homosexuality as morally acceptable. One booklet, entitled "Jesus Loves Me This I Know: Stories of GLBT Christians," tells the stories of homosexual, bisexual and transgender people who claim to be living faithful Christian lives."Our hope in compiling the stories found in this little booklet is that the reader will 'meet' real live people who are dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ, who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender," the introduction states. "These are stories of anguish and of joy, of giving in to and overcoming the fear that led to closeted lives."But most of all, these are stories of people who heard the call of God to ministry and responded, even in the face of great difficulties and open hostility. We rejoice with them as they use their God-given talents in service to the kingdom of God."The other booklet, "Homosexuality and the Bible" by Walter Wink, argues, "Where the Bible mentions homosexual behavior at all, it clearly condemns it. I freely grant that. The issue is precisely whether that biblical judgment is correct. The Bible sanctioned slavery as well, and nowhere attacked it as unjust. Are we prepared to argue today that slavery is biblically justified?"The Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM) booth distributed copies of its 2007 annual report, "The State of Women in Baptist Life." According to the report, only 5.9 percent (113) of all CBF churches have female pastors. BWIM also had T-shirts for women on hand displaying the slogan, "This is what a preacher looks like."During worship and business sessions, attendees heard multiple criticisms of the SBC.During the opening session, Smyth & Helwys Publishing presented Cecil Sherman, CBF's first executive coordinator, with a copy of his newly published autobiography, "By My Own Reckoning." When he accepted the award, Sherman compared the SBC's conservative resurgence to the Holocaust, in which Nazis executed millions of Jews."Every once in a while I know someone of the younger generation who says, 'Don't talk about that [the beginning of the CBF] anymore,'" Sherman said. "Why don't you tell a Jew, 'Don't talk about the Holocaust anymore.' We need to remember the events that called us into being and be guided by them as you rise to determine your future."In a separate session, Chuck Poole, senior pastor of Northminster Baptist Church in Jackson, Miss., said proper interpretation of Scripture requires believers to ordain women to the pastorate."I came to see that passages such as Galatians 3:28 really did embody the spirit of Jesus more fully than passages that drew a small circle and raised a tall wall. And quicker than you can say, 'new skins with new wine,' I came to see that if we were not going to ordain women, we were going to have to stop baptizing girls," Poole said to applause.In other General Assembly news:-- Attendees participated in "Prayer and Discernment Team Gatherings," in which they met in groups according to their home states and regions to discern God's leading for the CBF's future.Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal and Moderator Harriet Harral both used their reports to the General Assembly to stress the importance of the prayer and discernment gatherings.By seeking God's guidance, the coming years can build on the exciting past the CBF has enjoyed, Harral said."CBF is 17 years old -- and what an amazing 17 years it has been," she said. "A passion for the Great Commission and to Baptist principles of faith and practice have formed bonds of fellowship and ministry around that world -- that passion -- and what someone once told Daniel (Vestal) is the greatest vision statement in all of Christendom -- being the presence of Christ in the world."-- Nearly $10,000 was collected for the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Offering for Religious Liberty and Human Rights.-- The Lord's Supper was served during the assembly's final session June 20 celebrating CBF home and foreign missions.-- In a June 19 worship session, lyrics to the hymn "In Christ Alone," by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend, were changed to be more gender neutral and eliminate a reference to God's wrath toward sin.The line, "The wrath of God was satisfied," referring to Christ's death on the cross, was changed to "The price of sin was satisfied." Also the line, "I am His and He is mine," referring to Christ, was changed to "I am yours and you are mine."--30--With reporting by Baptist Press staff writer Erin Roach. David Roach is a correspondent for Baptist Press based in Louisville, Ky
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hello! Today is Monday, June 23, 2008...
Thanks for dropping by today...I wanted to include an article that I ran across by Dr. Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary, in Louisville, Kentucky.
In Error and Apostate -- The Anglican Division Looms
Posted: Monday, June 23, 2008 at 4:22 am ET
The world-wide Anglican Communion has been skating on thin ice for decades now, skirting disaster only by an infinitely creative arrangement of compromises. Now, with the Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops coming in just a few weeks, a group of 300 conservative Anglican bishops is meeting in Jerusalem. Their meeting will make history, and may well define the ultimate breakup of global Anglicanism.
The Global Anglican Future Conference [GAFCON] featured an address by Dr. Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria, on Sunday evening. Archbishop Akinola has emerged as one of the most courageous and theologically committed leaders of worldwide Anglicanism.
In his address, delivered as something of a keynote for the event, Archbishop Akinola declared that "a sizable part of the Communion is in error and not a few are apostate." This gets to the heart of The Anglican dilemma. The issues now separating liberals and conservatives within the global Anglican Communion are no longer matters on which compromise can be reached. To the contrary, the doctrinal and theological explosions connected to the issues of human sexuality and biblical authority have distilled the fundamental issues down to what is considered non-negotiable by both sides. Conservatives are unwilling to surrender biblical authority and the liberals are unwilling to surrender their determination to normalize homosexuality and other liberal causes. In reality, the division has already happened -- all that remains is the final form of the division.
As Archbishop Akinola lamented, doctrinal "revisionists" have attempted to create a new religion in the place of historic biblical Christianity. In his words: "Clearly the bedrock of the revisionist perspective is the humanist, rather than theological approach. This is the crux of the problem: they are going in the opposite direction from what Biblical orthodoxy demands, and with such a mindset, a meeting-point with those who are labeled conservatives – who have chosen to stand where the Bible stands, becomes a very remote possibility."
As Ruth Gledhill of The Times [London] reported, Archbishop Akinola expressed frustration that Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams had arranged the upcoming Lambeth Conference in such a way that dealing with the fundamental issues would be virtually impossible. "Rejecting all entreaties, Lambeth Palace chose not to be bothered about that which troubles us; decided to stick to its own plans and to erect the walls of the 2008 Lambeth Conference on the shaky and unsafe foundations of our brokenness," he said.
Meanwhile, Archbishop Peter Jensen of the Australian archdiocese of Sydney described the Anglican breakup as tragic. Nevertheless, Dr. Jensen insisted that the issue of truth was more important than the imperative of unity. "We're not dealing with the secular world here, we are dealing with the Christian church, and the Christian church has a constitution which is the Bible," he said [see coverage in The Age [Melbourne].
In his address, Archbishop Akinola described how many Anglican believers around the world, especially in Africa, view the liberals in Western churches [see The Times]:
"Having survived the inhuman physical slavery of the 19th century, the political slavery called colonialism of the 20th century, the developing world economic enslavement, we cannot, we dare not, allow ourselves and the millions we represent to be kept in a religious and spiritual dungeon."
"We will not abdicate our God-given responsibility and simply acquiesce to destructive modern cultural and political dictates."
Even as the meeting began in Jerusalem, observers were warning that the day of the Archbishop of Canterbury's spiritual leadership over the Anglican Communion "is over." The GAFCON meeting produced a plan for a new fellowship of more orthodox Anglican churches. As Ruth Gledhill explains:
The new fellowship for orthodox Anglicans would have a leadership of six or seven senior conservative bishops and archbishops, such as the Bishop of Pittsburgh, the Right Rev Bob Duncan, who chairs the US Common Cause partnership that acts as an umbrella for American conservatives, Archbishop Henry Orombi, Primate of Uganda, and the Church of England's Bishop of Rochester, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali.
The aim is not to split with the worldwide Anglican Communion, which counts 80 million members in 38 provinces, but to reform it from within.
Formal ties will be maintained with the Archbishop of Canterbury but fellowship members will consider themselves out of communion with provinces such as the US and Canada.
There are orthodox and faithful Christians in the American and Canadian churches, but those in leadership in those churches have steadfastly refused to stop an onward march into theological and ecclesiastical disaster.
Jerusalem was a controversial location for the GAFCON meeting. But, after all, the famous "Jerusalem Council" of the early church was held there as recorded in Acts 15:6-21. In that council, the apostles and elders of the early church met and reached the consensus that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for both Jews and Gentiles, and that Gentile converts to Christ were not required to first become, in effect, Jews.
Perhaps we are seeing before our eyes what we should have anticipated -- that Jerusalem is a good place to remember what the Gospel is.
Thanks for dropping by today...I wanted to include an article that I ran across by Dr. Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary, in Louisville, Kentucky.
In Error and Apostate -- The Anglican Division Looms
Posted: Monday, June 23, 2008 at 4:22 am ET
The world-wide Anglican Communion has been skating on thin ice for decades now, skirting disaster only by an infinitely creative arrangement of compromises. Now, with the Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops coming in just a few weeks, a group of 300 conservative Anglican bishops is meeting in Jerusalem. Their meeting will make history, and may well define the ultimate breakup of global Anglicanism.
The Global Anglican Future Conference [GAFCON] featured an address by Dr. Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria, on Sunday evening. Archbishop Akinola has emerged as one of the most courageous and theologically committed leaders of worldwide Anglicanism.
In his address, delivered as something of a keynote for the event, Archbishop Akinola declared that "a sizable part of the Communion is in error and not a few are apostate." This gets to the heart of The Anglican dilemma. The issues now separating liberals and conservatives within the global Anglican Communion are no longer matters on which compromise can be reached. To the contrary, the doctrinal and theological explosions connected to the issues of human sexuality and biblical authority have distilled the fundamental issues down to what is considered non-negotiable by both sides. Conservatives are unwilling to surrender biblical authority and the liberals are unwilling to surrender their determination to normalize homosexuality and other liberal causes. In reality, the division has already happened -- all that remains is the final form of the division.
As Archbishop Akinola lamented, doctrinal "revisionists" have attempted to create a new religion in the place of historic biblical Christianity. In his words: "Clearly the bedrock of the revisionist perspective is the humanist, rather than theological approach. This is the crux of the problem: they are going in the opposite direction from what Biblical orthodoxy demands, and with such a mindset, a meeting-point with those who are labeled conservatives – who have chosen to stand where the Bible stands, becomes a very remote possibility."
As Ruth Gledhill of The Times [London] reported, Archbishop Akinola expressed frustration that Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams had arranged the upcoming Lambeth Conference in such a way that dealing with the fundamental issues would be virtually impossible. "Rejecting all entreaties, Lambeth Palace chose not to be bothered about that which troubles us; decided to stick to its own plans and to erect the walls of the 2008 Lambeth Conference on the shaky and unsafe foundations of our brokenness," he said.
Meanwhile, Archbishop Peter Jensen of the Australian archdiocese of Sydney described the Anglican breakup as tragic. Nevertheless, Dr. Jensen insisted that the issue of truth was more important than the imperative of unity. "We're not dealing with the secular world here, we are dealing with the Christian church, and the Christian church has a constitution which is the Bible," he said [see coverage in The Age [Melbourne].
In his address, Archbishop Akinola described how many Anglican believers around the world, especially in Africa, view the liberals in Western churches [see The Times]:
"Having survived the inhuman physical slavery of the 19th century, the political slavery called colonialism of the 20th century, the developing world economic enslavement, we cannot, we dare not, allow ourselves and the millions we represent to be kept in a religious and spiritual dungeon."
"We will not abdicate our God-given responsibility and simply acquiesce to destructive modern cultural and political dictates."
Even as the meeting began in Jerusalem, observers were warning that the day of the Archbishop of Canterbury's spiritual leadership over the Anglican Communion "is over." The GAFCON meeting produced a plan for a new fellowship of more orthodox Anglican churches. As Ruth Gledhill explains:
The new fellowship for orthodox Anglicans would have a leadership of six or seven senior conservative bishops and archbishops, such as the Bishop of Pittsburgh, the Right Rev Bob Duncan, who chairs the US Common Cause partnership that acts as an umbrella for American conservatives, Archbishop Henry Orombi, Primate of Uganda, and the Church of England's Bishop of Rochester, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali.
The aim is not to split with the worldwide Anglican Communion, which counts 80 million members in 38 provinces, but to reform it from within.
Formal ties will be maintained with the Archbishop of Canterbury but fellowship members will consider themselves out of communion with provinces such as the US and Canada.
There are orthodox and faithful Christians in the American and Canadian churches, but those in leadership in those churches have steadfastly refused to stop an onward march into theological and ecclesiastical disaster.
Jerusalem was a controversial location for the GAFCON meeting. But, after all, the famous "Jerusalem Council" of the early church was held there as recorded in Acts 15:6-21. In that council, the apostles and elders of the early church met and reached the consensus that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for both Jews and Gentiles, and that Gentile converts to Christ were not required to first become, in effect, Jews.
Perhaps we are seeing before our eyes what we should have anticipated -- that Jerusalem is a good place to remember what the Gospel is.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Well we are back from vacation...a sad time from any standpoint! However, with the sun and the pool behind us, its back to work...at any rate... from the "K-News" website is some good news about salvation and some not so good:
There are well over a billion Muslims in the world today, and the numbers keep growing. Islamic is not only prospering in Middle East countries, but in the West as well. Muslim neighborhoods have sprouted up across mainland Europe and the UK, as well as in the good old United States – parts of the world considered predominantly Christian.Should Christians be concerned? Certainly. Christians should be more concerned, perhaps, that too many Christian churches are weak and worldly and full of mushy, lifeless messages. If the Western Church were full of the Spirit of God and gushing life, there would be little to draw people to Islam.Both Christianity and Islam, however, are missionary religions. Christian missionaries and evangelists spread the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and Muslims spread Islam. Yet, if people decide they want to leave Christianity, they are free to go. Jesus never chased people down and forced them to follow him. Judgment might await unbelievers, but believers do not pick up stones to hasten the journey. In fact, many Christians pray desperately for their loved ones who walk away from Christ, waiting with hope for the prodigal's safe return.Leaving Islam, however, is not such an easy thing. Even in the West, Muslim young people resist telling their families they have converted to Christianity out of honest fear. And while Muslims are free to spread their faith in the West, Christians are not necessarily free to preach the Gospel to Muslims.AlgeriaFour Algerian Christians have just received suspended jail sentences and fines for attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity. Under 2006 law, it is illegal for non-Muslims to attempt to convert Muslims. The Muslim government of Algeria denies harassing Christians, but over a dozen Christian churches have been closed in the past half year.IranMuslim converts to Christianity have had their homes raided and have been imprisoned in a recent crackdown in Iran. Many Christian converts are held for weeks and are physically and psychologically mistreated. Huge bail amounts are required for their release, and they are threatened against spreading their faith or worshiping.Yet, it may be the difficulty that makes Christianity so precious in traditionally Muslim countries. In the free West, we take the love of Christ for granted. In Iran, though, the underground Christian church is healthy and growing, much to the alarm of the Islamic authorities. Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller said the Iranian authorities, "are recognizing that there's a mushrooming house church movement going on in Iran. (It's) doubling in size of the indigenous house church movement there in Iran every six months. So the rate of growth is actually stunning."Under current law in Iran, leaving Islam can be punishable by death, though no execution has been carried out in recent years. The home church growth in Iran has been enough, however, to get even the Iranian parliament upset. There was a proposal reportedly put out this January to make the death penalty mandatory for "apostates" who leave Islam.Moeller said he believes there is "disillusionment with conservative clerics and harsh political hatred," in Iran, which he said "creates a tremendous opportunity for the love of Jesus Christ to make inroads into people's lives. People are searching for real spiritual answers, and they are finding it in Jesus Christ." Radio and satellite broadcasts of Christian messages in Farsi have been a tremendous evangelical tool.BritainWhile the Church is growing in Iran, though, the Muslim community has been spreading in England. In fact, it was reported Monday that two preachers handing out tracts were told to stop by a Muslim policeman. "You can't preach the Bible here," the officer said, "This is a Muslim area." The officer went on to say that spreading the Gospel in a Muslim area was considered a hate crime. "You have been warned," the officer said. "If you come back here and get beat up, well, you have been warned."The two preachers, one of them an Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Christianity, did not take the rebuff sitting down. Baptist Missionary Arthur Cunningham said, "I am dumfounded that the police seem so nonchalant. They seem content not to make it clear that what we were doing was perfectly legal. This is a free country and to suggest we were guilty of a hate crime for spreading God's word is outrageous."An IdeaWhat is the answer to the spread of Islam in Britain? Anglican Paul Eddy is arguing that the Church of England should stop being so blasted wishy-washy. Last week, Eddy proposed that the Anglican Church state very plainly that it believes Jesus Christ to be the only way to God, and stop watering down its faith. It should give its members tools for evangelizing Muslims and wisdom on helping Muslims converts to Christianity. "For years, we have sent missionaries throughout the whole world, but when we have the privilege of people of all nations on our doorstep, we have a responsibility as the state church to share the gospel of Jesus Christ," said Eddy.Islam is making its way in the West, but it would have far less success without dead Christianity. Dead Christianity is a vaccine that inoculates people against the real thing. True Christianity is full of life and health through the Spirit of God. Dead Christianity has few answers, and looks no different than any other religion on earth. Christ-centered Christianity is full of holy power that frees people and heals lives. The Christians of Iran have found what too many Western churches have lost - Jesus Christ. If we get him back in our churches, in our homes and our lives, we'll be leading the Muslims to him, rather than the other way around."Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6
There are well over a billion Muslims in the world today, and the numbers keep growing. Islamic is not only prospering in Middle East countries, but in the West as well. Muslim neighborhoods have sprouted up across mainland Europe and the UK, as well as in the good old United States – parts of the world considered predominantly Christian.Should Christians be concerned? Certainly. Christians should be more concerned, perhaps, that too many Christian churches are weak and worldly and full of mushy, lifeless messages. If the Western Church were full of the Spirit of God and gushing life, there would be little to draw people to Islam.Both Christianity and Islam, however, are missionary religions. Christian missionaries and evangelists spread the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and Muslims spread Islam. Yet, if people decide they want to leave Christianity, they are free to go. Jesus never chased people down and forced them to follow him. Judgment might await unbelievers, but believers do not pick up stones to hasten the journey. In fact, many Christians pray desperately for their loved ones who walk away from Christ, waiting with hope for the prodigal's safe return.Leaving Islam, however, is not such an easy thing. Even in the West, Muslim young people resist telling their families they have converted to Christianity out of honest fear. And while Muslims are free to spread their faith in the West, Christians are not necessarily free to preach the Gospel to Muslims.AlgeriaFour Algerian Christians have just received suspended jail sentences and fines for attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity. Under 2006 law, it is illegal for non-Muslims to attempt to convert Muslims. The Muslim government of Algeria denies harassing Christians, but over a dozen Christian churches have been closed in the past half year.IranMuslim converts to Christianity have had their homes raided and have been imprisoned in a recent crackdown in Iran. Many Christian converts are held for weeks and are physically and psychologically mistreated. Huge bail amounts are required for their release, and they are threatened against spreading their faith or worshiping.Yet, it may be the difficulty that makes Christianity so precious in traditionally Muslim countries. In the free West, we take the love of Christ for granted. In Iran, though, the underground Christian church is healthy and growing, much to the alarm of the Islamic authorities. Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller said the Iranian authorities, "are recognizing that there's a mushrooming house church movement going on in Iran. (It's) doubling in size of the indigenous house church movement there in Iran every six months. So the rate of growth is actually stunning."Under current law in Iran, leaving Islam can be punishable by death, though no execution has been carried out in recent years. The home church growth in Iran has been enough, however, to get even the Iranian parliament upset. There was a proposal reportedly put out this January to make the death penalty mandatory for "apostates" who leave Islam.Moeller said he believes there is "disillusionment with conservative clerics and harsh political hatred," in Iran, which he said "creates a tremendous opportunity for the love of Jesus Christ to make inroads into people's lives. People are searching for real spiritual answers, and they are finding it in Jesus Christ." Radio and satellite broadcasts of Christian messages in Farsi have been a tremendous evangelical tool.BritainWhile the Church is growing in Iran, though, the Muslim community has been spreading in England. In fact, it was reported Monday that two preachers handing out tracts were told to stop by a Muslim policeman. "You can't preach the Bible here," the officer said, "This is a Muslim area." The officer went on to say that spreading the Gospel in a Muslim area was considered a hate crime. "You have been warned," the officer said. "If you come back here and get beat up, well, you have been warned."The two preachers, one of them an Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Christianity, did not take the rebuff sitting down. Baptist Missionary Arthur Cunningham said, "I am dumfounded that the police seem so nonchalant. They seem content not to make it clear that what we were doing was perfectly legal. This is a free country and to suggest we were guilty of a hate crime for spreading God's word is outrageous."An IdeaWhat is the answer to the spread of Islam in Britain? Anglican Paul Eddy is arguing that the Church of England should stop being so blasted wishy-washy. Last week, Eddy proposed that the Anglican Church state very plainly that it believes Jesus Christ to be the only way to God, and stop watering down its faith. It should give its members tools for evangelizing Muslims and wisdom on helping Muslims converts to Christianity. "For years, we have sent missionaries throughout the whole world, but when we have the privilege of people of all nations on our doorstep, we have a responsibility as the state church to share the gospel of Jesus Christ," said Eddy.Islam is making its way in the West, but it would have far less success without dead Christianity. Dead Christianity is a vaccine that inoculates people against the real thing. True Christianity is full of life and health through the Spirit of God. Dead Christianity has few answers, and looks no different than any other religion on earth. Christ-centered Christianity is full of holy power that frees people and heals lives. The Christians of Iran have found what too many Western churches have lost - Jesus Christ. If we get him back in our churches, in our homes and our lives, we'll be leading the Muslims to him, rather than the other way around."Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I have been on vacation in North Carolina...visiting the old stomping grounds around Durham where I served the Gorman Baptist Church as associate Pastor for Youth and Children while I was attending Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I served here from 2002 until 2005.
It has been great to see old friends, worship together with our old friends at Gorman this past Sunday...Of course we are staying with our friends the Faircloths who reside in the city of Butner, NC...about 10 miles north of Durham off I-85...they are more than gracious hosts!
You see, this is what the family of God is all about...sharing with one another and supporting one another as the Father demonstrated through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, none of this would even be possible...I want to encourage you today to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and you will find that He is everything He claims to be...Master, Savior and Lord!
It has been great to see old friends, worship together with our old friends at Gorman this past Sunday...Of course we are staying with our friends the Faircloths who reside in the city of Butner, NC...about 10 miles north of Durham off I-85...they are more than gracious hosts!
You see, this is what the family of God is all about...sharing with one another and supporting one another as the Father demonstrated through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, none of this would even be possible...I want to encourage you today to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and you will find that He is everything He claims to be...Master, Savior and Lord!
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