Good morning...I received the following e-mail from my mentor in the ministry that says it all...If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, I urge you to read the following and then respond in obedience:
Ed Chapman, Murray, KY
To all those who name the name of Christ who plan to willfully disobey Him by voting for Obama, take warning. Not only is our nation in grave danger, according to the Word of God, so are you.
First, the facts on life: On July 17, 2007, Barack Obama spoke to Planned Parenthood and said:
"On this fundamental issue of [abortion rights], I will not yield, and Planned Parenthood will not yield.... The first thing I'll do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act; that's the first thing that I'd do..."
And what is the "Freedom of Choice Act"? It would completely federalize the abortion issue and strike down all state laws from parental notification to the Woman's Right to Know Laws to bans on partial-birth abortion, declaring them null and void with the stroke of an Obama pen.
In one week, America will make a choice. And to those who call themselves "Christian" who are planning on voting for Barack Obama, put down the Obama talking points and read God's voter guide before you go to the polls:
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live (Deuteronomy 30:19).
But you think this issue doesn't matter? God felt so strongly about it that he carved it in stone:
You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13).
Think you can love God and still vote against life? In John 14:15, Jesus said:
If you love Me, keep My commandments.
Yes, and "Thou shall not murder" made the top 10.
Barack Obama and many of his followers claim to be Christian. But Isaiah 29:13 says:
Therefore the Lord said: "Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, But have removed their hearts far from Me, And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men" (Isaiah 29:13).
And Matthew 7:20:
Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. (Matthew 7:20).
Knowing that, here's another command from Proverbs 31:8:
Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.
To you who are pretending that you don't know this, Proverbs 24:11 speaks directly to you:
Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die;
Save them as they stagger to their death.
Don't excuse yourself by saying, "Look, we didn't know."
For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
He who guards your soul knows that you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve.
It's not just about "hope" and "change." Proverbs 6:16-22 states that there are some things God HATES:
These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Obama - Biden are pro-death. McCain - Palin are pro-life.
Now choose life, that you and your children may live.
On marriage, Mark 10:7 reveals what Jesus had to say about it:
For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife.
Notice, the man doesn't leave his father and mother to be joined to his domestic partner. In his Oct. 22, 2008, WorldNetDaily column, Matt Barber outlined Obama's position on marriage:
In 2004, Obama called DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) an "abhorrent law" and said, "The repeal of DOMA is essential.… For the record," he continued, "I opposed DOMA in 1996. It should be repealed, and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying." Obama also came out earlier this year in favor of the May 15 California Supreme Court decision that unilaterally redefined natural marriage in that state to include same-sex duos. "I want to congratulate all of you who have shown your love for each other by getting married these last few weeks," Obama gushed. Despite assurances otherwise, these are not the words or policies of a man who opposes "same-sex marriage."
No, this election is not about race. It's not about the economy. It's about obeying God.
Even Martin Luther King Jr. said it's not about race: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
To those who call themselves by the name of Christ, who ignore what God says about life and marriage, and are clinging to a fantasy of economic gain, think again.
Obama will use your tax dollars to kill innocent children, and then he'll take your paycheck and use it to "spread the wealth around." Don't believe me? Don't believe Joe the plumber? Hear Barack Obama for yourself in an 2001 interview about his goal to try what the Soviets proved does not work. <<(Click. This is a hyper link, not an underscored sentence.)
This is not a discussion on whether or not to redistribute the wealth; it's a discussion of HOW Obama wants to do it.
Be forewarned: If you willfully disobey God on life and marriage because of race or false hope for the economy, you will usher in the kind of change that brought the Soviet Union to collapse!
But the warning goes far beyond that. To those who think that God's grace gives them license to willfully disobey Him without consequences – think again:
Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (Matthew 7:21-23)
That deals with your eternity. Matthew 7:26-27 says that if you don't obey God, prepare for a crash even sooner that that:
"But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash." (Matthew 7:26-27)
I just hope you won't take the rest of the nation with you!
If the word of God matters more to you than your perception of personal gain, Joel 2:12 issues a call to repentance that I pray you will heed:
"Now, therefore," says the LORD, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning" (Joel 2:12). Then obey Him in the voting booth - and out of it. If not, do us all a favor and quit calling yourself a Christian.
Ed Chapman
Calloway Co. High School, Murray, KY
Asst. Coach - Boys Basketball
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
More about the Election
Hello again...the following article is from Joseph Chambers:
Paw Creek Ministries
5110 Tuckaseegee Road
Charlotte, NC 28208 USA
Joseph R. Chambers
...the choice is easy!
Do Muslims Believe Obama is "Islamic Messiah?"
From the Writer: "I have trembled as I have committed myself to stay before the Lord until the elections on November 4, 2008. Only tenderness and deep intercession before God can protect our nation. I have cancelled plans for being out of the country during this week of November 2nd. Please join me in praying for the hand of God to intervene. Without question, America has many that live in spiritual darkness and are utterly deceiving in making good choices. Our nation also has many great saints that love the Lord. I'm claiming a miracle of direction."
Bible-believing Christians are joyfully anticipating the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah. Islamic followers have a false "Christ" for which they wait. He is called Mahdi, which means "Divinely Guided One." The full meaning is "a messianic deliverer who will fill the earth with justice and equity, restore true religion, and usher in a short golden age lasting seven, eight, or nine years before the end of the world." (Britannica, 1991 Ed. Vol. 7, Page 696.) It is scary to hear the hyper descriptions, reports of emotional titillation, and the actual term "messiah" being assigned to Barack Obama.
Muammar al-Qaddafi, president of Libya -- one of the nations to join Russia and Iran in marching on Israel -- recently endorsed Obama. Here are his words, "There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan origins, a Muslim, who studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama," said Qaddafi. "All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded him … have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigning to enable him to win the American presidency." (Klein,, October 17, 2008) The last figure I heard stating the unidentified contributions to Obama's campaign was two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000). (Sunday, October 19, 2008, Interview in Fox News with Senator John McCain.) Are Muslims trying to buy Obama's election? Many believe the answer is, yes!
Farrakhan -- one of Obama's friends and a friend of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright -- said earlier this year, "When Obama talks the Messiah is absolutely speaking." He further proclaimed about Obama, "You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking." He continues, "Barack Obama to me is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way." (February 24 Speech – Posted on You Tube web site.) Louis Farrakhan is a leading Muslim in America and a noted radical that hates Israel and America.
Jesse Jackson has some telling things to say about Obama. He calls Obama his neighbor and a member of the family. Jesse's son is a close friend to Obama himself and their daughters are classmates. Jesse was speaking before the World Policy Forum in France last week and talked of the new direction of an Obama presidency. "He promised 'fundamental changes' in US foreign policy - saying America must 'heal wounds' it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the 'arrogance of the Bush administration.' The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where 'decades of putting Israel's interests first' would end." ("The O Jesse Knows," New York Post, October 14, 2008.)
Recently, Hamas, the terrorist organization of the Palestinians endorsed Obama for the American presidency. A key spokesman for the Prime Minister of Hamas stated the following, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope that he will win the election." When John McCain heard of this endorsement he said, "I think that the people can make judgment accordingly." He added, "I think that the people should understand that I will be Hamas' worst nightmare." (The Obama Nation, Corsi, p. 269.)
This terrorist organization is also reportedly swooning over Biden for Vice-President. In a report from Jerusalem we read this senior Hamas official's words, "In an exclusive interview tonight, a senior Hamas official heaped praise on Sen. Joe Biden, calling him a 'very nice' person and a 'great man' whose record 'speaks volumes' and who can be counted on by the terror group to engage in the 'right policy' toward the Middle East. During the interview with WND's Aaron Klein and WABC Radio's John Batchelor, the Hamas figure also expressed hope regarding Sen. Barack Obama's 'vision for change,' announcing Hamas will send Obama a letter of congratulation 'the moment he will win the election.' Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser in the Gaza Strip, called Biden a 'very prominent figure when it comes to the politics of the region.'" (Jerusalem, World Net Daily Exclusive, October 19, 2008.)
What a picture of questionable support from out of the Islamic world for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden. Almost everyone believes that the unreported two hundred million dollars are very likely to have been raised in Arab and African countries. It is illegal to receive political donations from foreign countries. This level of funds is not only questionable, it is inconceivable. If a conservative received a few thousand dollars in this fashion, the liberal media would swarm upon them. At some point the truth will be known, and Obama and Biden will be disgraced.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC admits that he gets chills up his legs when the subject is Obama. According to numerous reports, it has become common fare to witness people swooning as if in a fainting spell or swaying emotionally at the Obama rallies. Note the words used by Colin Powell -- a man we had always considered a well-balanced former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush -- when he endorsed Obama. Here are the words of Mr. Powell, "He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure." Powell believes that Obama's election will electrify our country. (Huffington Post, October 19, 2008.) When Powell mentioned whether or not Obama was a Muslim, he said, "But the really right answer is, What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is, No, that's not America." (Newsmax, October 19, 2008)
The idea that Obama is preparing to change the whole world cannot be ignored. His political world tour in the spring was strange and clearly prophetic of his dreams. He is being called, "A man to change the world." American does not need a president to change the world unless you are speaking of a New World Order and the total loss of our "American Sovereignty."
Senator Barack Obama is clearly a dream out of the world of liberals and those that hate traditional American values. He is as phony as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He represents everything that a Bible-believing person rejects.
This election will set the direction for our nation for the last short period until "Bible prophecies are fulfilled." If you want America to be the exact reverse of our Biblical underpinning, you will vote for Obama-Biden. If you want to hold onto the values that are left from America's past greatness, you cannot vote for Obama-Biden. We must stop this descent into the strange world that one would hear and experience in the church of Jeremiah Wright. The influence of twenty years under his pastor did not change when Obama decided to run for our great office of president of the United States.
Joseph R. Chambers
Sent weekly from the ministry of the Paw Creek Church and media outreach. This article can be freely used, reprinted, made available on Internet, or used as a sermon note. We would appreciate it if you would always put the source and our web page information if placed on Internet or printed in a publication.
The message was sent by:
Paw Creek Ministries
5110 Tuckaseegee Road
Charlotte, NC 28208 USA
Joseph R. Chambers
Paw Creek Ministries
5110 Tuckaseegee Road
Charlotte, NC 28208 USA
Joseph R. Chambers
...the choice is easy!
Do Muslims Believe Obama is "Islamic Messiah?"
From the Writer: "I have trembled as I have committed myself to stay before the Lord until the elections on November 4, 2008. Only tenderness and deep intercession before God can protect our nation. I have cancelled plans for being out of the country during this week of November 2nd. Please join me in praying for the hand of God to intervene. Without question, America has many that live in spiritual darkness and are utterly deceiving in making good choices. Our nation also has many great saints that love the Lord. I'm claiming a miracle of direction."
Bible-believing Christians are joyfully anticipating the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah. Islamic followers have a false "Christ" for which they wait. He is called Mahdi, which means "Divinely Guided One." The full meaning is "a messianic deliverer who will fill the earth with justice and equity, restore true religion, and usher in a short golden age lasting seven, eight, or nine years before the end of the world." (Britannica, 1991 Ed. Vol. 7, Page 696.) It is scary to hear the hyper descriptions, reports of emotional titillation, and the actual term "messiah" being assigned to Barack Obama.
Muammar al-Qaddafi, president of Libya -- one of the nations to join Russia and Iran in marching on Israel -- recently endorsed Obama. Here are his words, "There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan origins, a Muslim, who studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama," said Qaddafi. "All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded him … have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigning to enable him to win the American presidency." (Klein,, October 17, 2008) The last figure I heard stating the unidentified contributions to Obama's campaign was two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000). (Sunday, October 19, 2008, Interview in Fox News with Senator John McCain.) Are Muslims trying to buy Obama's election? Many believe the answer is, yes!
Farrakhan -- one of Obama's friends and a friend of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright -- said earlier this year, "When Obama talks the Messiah is absolutely speaking." He further proclaimed about Obama, "You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking." He continues, "Barack Obama to me is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way." (February 24 Speech – Posted on You Tube web site.) Louis Farrakhan is a leading Muslim in America and a noted radical that hates Israel and America.
Jesse Jackson has some telling things to say about Obama. He calls Obama his neighbor and a member of the family. Jesse's son is a close friend to Obama himself and their daughters are classmates. Jesse was speaking before the World Policy Forum in France last week and talked of the new direction of an Obama presidency. "He promised 'fundamental changes' in US foreign policy - saying America must 'heal wounds' it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the 'arrogance of the Bush administration.' The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where 'decades of putting Israel's interests first' would end." ("The O Jesse Knows," New York Post, October 14, 2008.)
Recently, Hamas, the terrorist organization of the Palestinians endorsed Obama for the American presidency. A key spokesman for the Prime Minister of Hamas stated the following, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope that he will win the election." When John McCain heard of this endorsement he said, "I think that the people can make judgment accordingly." He added, "I think that the people should understand that I will be Hamas' worst nightmare." (The Obama Nation, Corsi, p. 269.)
This terrorist organization is also reportedly swooning over Biden for Vice-President. In a report from Jerusalem we read this senior Hamas official's words, "In an exclusive interview tonight, a senior Hamas official heaped praise on Sen. Joe Biden, calling him a 'very nice' person and a 'great man' whose record 'speaks volumes' and who can be counted on by the terror group to engage in the 'right policy' toward the Middle East. During the interview with WND's Aaron Klein and WABC Radio's John Batchelor, the Hamas figure also expressed hope regarding Sen. Barack Obama's 'vision for change,' announcing Hamas will send Obama a letter of congratulation 'the moment he will win the election.' Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser in the Gaza Strip, called Biden a 'very prominent figure when it comes to the politics of the region.'" (Jerusalem, World Net Daily Exclusive, October 19, 2008.)
What a picture of questionable support from out of the Islamic world for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden. Almost everyone believes that the unreported two hundred million dollars are very likely to have been raised in Arab and African countries. It is illegal to receive political donations from foreign countries. This level of funds is not only questionable, it is inconceivable. If a conservative received a few thousand dollars in this fashion, the liberal media would swarm upon them. At some point the truth will be known, and Obama and Biden will be disgraced.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC admits that he gets chills up his legs when the subject is Obama. According to numerous reports, it has become common fare to witness people swooning as if in a fainting spell or swaying emotionally at the Obama rallies. Note the words used by Colin Powell -- a man we had always considered a well-balanced former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush -- when he endorsed Obama. Here are the words of Mr. Powell, "He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure." Powell believes that Obama's election will electrify our country. (Huffington Post, October 19, 2008.) When Powell mentioned whether or not Obama was a Muslim, he said, "But the really right answer is, What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is, No, that's not America." (Newsmax, October 19, 2008)
The idea that Obama is preparing to change the whole world cannot be ignored. His political world tour in the spring was strange and clearly prophetic of his dreams. He is being called, "A man to change the world." American does not need a president to change the world unless you are speaking of a New World Order and the total loss of our "American Sovereignty."
Senator Barack Obama is clearly a dream out of the world of liberals and those that hate traditional American values. He is as phony as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He represents everything that a Bible-believing person rejects.
This election will set the direction for our nation for the last short period until "Bible prophecies are fulfilled." If you want America to be the exact reverse of our Biblical underpinning, you will vote for Obama-Biden. If you want to hold onto the values that are left from America's past greatness, you cannot vote for Obama-Biden. We must stop this descent into the strange world that one would hear and experience in the church of Jeremiah Wright. The influence of twenty years under his pastor did not change when Obama decided to run for our great office of president of the United States.
Joseph R. Chambers
Sent weekly from the ministry of the Paw Creek Church and media outreach. This article can be freely used, reprinted, made available on Internet, or used as a sermon note. We would appreciate it if you would always put the source and our web page information if placed on Internet or printed in a publication.
The message was sent by:
Paw Creek Ministries
5110 Tuckaseegee Road
Charlotte, NC 28208 USA
Joseph R. Chambers
The Election
Good afternoon...I am sitting here in the office and just waiting until I leave to make a visit or two, and then host prayer I wonder about the election and how what has been happening in our country and how that might relate to what is happening world-wide...putting that against what the Bible says will occur as the time approaches for Jesus to return...I am convinced that we are seeing the decline of the greatest civilization the world has ever seen...right before oue eyes!As a Christian...I am compelled to vote for senator John McCain...of the two candidates, he is the only one who is pro-life...our other candidate is a socialist baby-killer and I can never support him...You see, for me the issue of Life is the over-riding issue. Without the right to life, all other rights are standing on shakey ground...without the proper foundation, the rest of the house is built on sand...If the democratic candidate wins, we will begin to see the disintegration of our society, even further than what we have seen over the last 50 years. I pray that you will see and understand the implication of voting for a man who has no problem with a baby who has survived an abortion to die from a lack of care...unbelievable!
Well, may God richly bless you!
Well, may God richly bless you!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New World Order?
Hello everyone! I hope that you have a had a great day! Today, as we wait one more week for the election, as we see the stock market going up and down (mostly down), we see many things that indicate that the return of Jesus Christ is getting ever closer! Amen! The following article is from the site:
The EU Pushes for the New World Order
by Michael G. Mickey
It's rare that I write two commentaries in one day on the same topic, but I feel it's needed in this instance.
The title of a recent Times Online article reads: Don't force EU's new world order on America
Who could've foreseen the European Union being the catalyst for a new world order rising in a world that has forgotten its God? A whole lot of readers of at the very least. has been documenting an expectation for a new world order to materialize from within the boundaries of the old Roman empire for some time, has it not? Even so, seeing it materializing before our eyes? It's surreal, isn't it?
The Times Online article opens as follows:
Politics may make strange bedfellows, but economic crises make even stranger ones. Gordon Brown, a free trader, now finds that Nicolas Sarkozy, an arch-protectionist, has virtues he had not previously noticed. It seems that they are united by three things. First, they believe, or at least are pretending that they believe, that the current ills originated in the United States. You might remember: these are the same United States whose entrepreneurship Chancellor Brown lauded to all who would listen, before becoming prime minister and slipping easily into the anti-American mode that now dominates his public and private discourse.
Second, Brown and Sarkozy, along with their EU partners, believe that now is the time to put the former hegemon in its place. America, they believe, is paralysed by the lame-duck status of its president. It will, they reason, be forced to go along with any European proposals for what is variously called a “new financial architecture” and a “new world order”. The joy on the faces of EU leaders as they gather for their conferences can be seen in news photos.
It seems the revived Roman empire of Bible prophecy has the United States over a barrel so to speak and is loving it under the leadership of current EU and French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
As I documented in a recent commentary on efforts to bring about the new world order, Sarkozy, along with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, visited U.S. President George W. Bush at Camp David recently where a decision was reached to hold a series of summits with influential world leaders, the goal of which will be to establish a global financial currency. If these summits are fruitful, they will bring us one step closer to the prophesied Antichrist to come being able to gain control over "all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond." (Revelation 13:16)
Through the prophesied mark of the beast to come, the Antichrist will be able, for the first time in human history, to tie mankind's ability to access currency for use in buying and selling to loyalty to him - and, yes, even worship of him! See how everything is falling into place, Christians, precisely as we've been told to expect it to by so many men of God throughout the modern history of the Church Age?
The new world order is coming and that tells us that the prospect of Jesus Christ returning for His Church soon is rising at an ever-quickening pace.
Spotlight on Sarkozy
If anyone is top dog, king of the hill right now in relation to bringing about the new world order, it would have to be, in my humble opinion, French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Throughout the years, as developments have stacked upon developments, various elite power brokers have come and gone as key players setting the stage for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy to occur. For right now at least - and that is likely to change in January when the EU presidency will switch hands once again barring any new developments - Sarkozy is the man.
The Christian Science Monitor featured an article on Sarkozy recently that opened as follows:
A year ago, France's new president raced around Europe looking frenetic. Nicolas Sarkozy's wife had left him, critics pointed to a lack of discipline and a royal style of rule – a man who moved but didn't shake – and his popularity nosedived.
This week Mr. Sarkozy worked with President Bush to set up a series of meetings to reform the global economy, and he's now off to Asia to broach the idea of bringing India and China together with G-8 nations in a "Bretton Woods II" framework of economic rules. This comes just weeks after he moved with alacrity to broker a cease-fire deal to end the Georgia-Russia war.
Critics still point to Sarkozy's proclivity to turn politics into a show and to unashamedly take credit whenever possible. Yet in the space of a summer he has consolidated his power and blended substance with showmanship, and is now winning praise as a crisis leader in a more multipolar world.
"I think today that everyone, even those who had misgivings, acknowledge that [Sarkozy] not only has great political energy, but also exceptional leadership qualities," commented José Manuel Barroso, the EU chief who accompanied Sarkozy to Camp David this weekend.
The French president's peripatetic style is proving useful for a major crisis with multiple elements – which plays into his ability to do many things at once.
He's been blessed with good political winds: with Russia's invasion of Georgia, and with US world stock at an ebb, it is Europe's hour at a time when the EU presidency is held by France.
Europe boldly took the lead in response to the global financial crisis by offering a plan devised by Gordon Brown and, later, Sarkozy that recapitalized banks to aid the economy.
While the White House moved quickly to propose a $700 billion bailout, it finally adopted Europe's plan to address liquidity and agree to a series of Bretton Woods-style meeting after the US presidential elections on Nov. 4.
Sarkozy has quickly adopted a bully pulpit for Europe and its traditionally more measured approach to markets. In Strasbourg Tuesday, speaking to the European Parliament, he stated that Europe "must carry the idea of a new foundation of global capitalism. What happened [with toxic assets and derivatives that created a credit crisis] was a treason of the values of capitalism," he said. "The market economy itself is not called into question."
Not only is Sarkozy proving himself to be quite masterful in making the global financial crisis a winner for the revived Roman empire of Bible prophecy, he has proven to have a steady hand at the wheel in the past - and almost uncannily so.
The more one reads the Christian Science Monitor's article, the more one finds Sarkozy an interesting study as a leader in a time such as this.
As mayor of a city in the suburbs of Paris in 1993, a man calling himself "the human bomb" entered a nursery with a rifle and explosives. Sarkozy went to the school and went directly inside, negotiated with the disturbed man, and walked out surrounded by the children. The police would later shoot and kill the hostage taker.
As a trained hostage negotiator, I can tell you that one of the most deadly mistakes that can be made is for an authority figure to enter a hostage scenario as Sarkozy did. Hostage takers typically aren't comfortable or hospitable to authority types. In fact, my training indicated that an action of this sort doesn't typically have a happy ending - for the authority figure at the very least.
My take on Sarkozy? He is a player in every sense of the word. Given the aggressive methods he is currently utilizing to achieve the EU's goals and his obvious cunning and intellect, he's one for us to keep an eye on in the revived Roman empire, particularly as he looks to bring about changes we can be sure are going to leave the European Union in a prime position to play a much larger role in global affairs if Sarkozy's current endeavors prove successful.
Antichrist disclaimer
In closing, let me be perfectly clear in stating that I am not - AM NOT - inferring that I suspect Nicolas Sarkozy is the prophesied Antichrist in the making. I'm placing the spotlight on him because it seems to be his moment in the sun. We have, in times past, seen Javier Solana, Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi, Romano Prodi and many other power brokers experience periods of time where they seemed to be standing tall above all others in terms of lifting the EU closer to its ultimate destiny as foretold in Bible prophecy. The current situation with Sarkozy is simply the latest opportunity the EU has had to advance its status as a rising superpower in the world, something it has done so quietly to this point that most people don't even realize that the EU is comprised of 27 nations and is constantly seeking to increase its size.
What I have said before I'll say again: We don't need to waste our time trying to identify the Antichrist; we need to spend our time watching for Jesus Christ, remaining at our duty stations until He calls for us.
Keep watch!
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The EU Pushes for the New World Order
by Michael G. Mickey
It's rare that I write two commentaries in one day on the same topic, but I feel it's needed in this instance.
The title of a recent Times Online article reads: Don't force EU's new world order on America
Who could've foreseen the European Union being the catalyst for a new world order rising in a world that has forgotten its God? A whole lot of readers of at the very least. has been documenting an expectation for a new world order to materialize from within the boundaries of the old Roman empire for some time, has it not? Even so, seeing it materializing before our eyes? It's surreal, isn't it?
The Times Online article opens as follows:
Politics may make strange bedfellows, but economic crises make even stranger ones. Gordon Brown, a free trader, now finds that Nicolas Sarkozy, an arch-protectionist, has virtues he had not previously noticed. It seems that they are united by three things. First, they believe, or at least are pretending that they believe, that the current ills originated in the United States. You might remember: these are the same United States whose entrepreneurship Chancellor Brown lauded to all who would listen, before becoming prime minister and slipping easily into the anti-American mode that now dominates his public and private discourse.
Second, Brown and Sarkozy, along with their EU partners, believe that now is the time to put the former hegemon in its place. America, they believe, is paralysed by the lame-duck status of its president. It will, they reason, be forced to go along with any European proposals for what is variously called a “new financial architecture” and a “new world order”. The joy on the faces of EU leaders as they gather for their conferences can be seen in news photos.
It seems the revived Roman empire of Bible prophecy has the United States over a barrel so to speak and is loving it under the leadership of current EU and French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
As I documented in a recent commentary on efforts to bring about the new world order, Sarkozy, along with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, visited U.S. President George W. Bush at Camp David recently where a decision was reached to hold a series of summits with influential world leaders, the goal of which will be to establish a global financial currency. If these summits are fruitful, they will bring us one step closer to the prophesied Antichrist to come being able to gain control over "all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond." (Revelation 13:16)
Through the prophesied mark of the beast to come, the Antichrist will be able, for the first time in human history, to tie mankind's ability to access currency for use in buying and selling to loyalty to him - and, yes, even worship of him! See how everything is falling into place, Christians, precisely as we've been told to expect it to by so many men of God throughout the modern history of the Church Age?
The new world order is coming and that tells us that the prospect of Jesus Christ returning for His Church soon is rising at an ever-quickening pace.
Spotlight on Sarkozy
If anyone is top dog, king of the hill right now in relation to bringing about the new world order, it would have to be, in my humble opinion, French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Throughout the years, as developments have stacked upon developments, various elite power brokers have come and gone as key players setting the stage for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy to occur. For right now at least - and that is likely to change in January when the EU presidency will switch hands once again barring any new developments - Sarkozy is the man.
The Christian Science Monitor featured an article on Sarkozy recently that opened as follows:
A year ago, France's new president raced around Europe looking frenetic. Nicolas Sarkozy's wife had left him, critics pointed to a lack of discipline and a royal style of rule – a man who moved but didn't shake – and his popularity nosedived.
This week Mr. Sarkozy worked with President Bush to set up a series of meetings to reform the global economy, and he's now off to Asia to broach the idea of bringing India and China together with G-8 nations in a "Bretton Woods II" framework of economic rules. This comes just weeks after he moved with alacrity to broker a cease-fire deal to end the Georgia-Russia war.
Critics still point to Sarkozy's proclivity to turn politics into a show and to unashamedly take credit whenever possible. Yet in the space of a summer he has consolidated his power and blended substance with showmanship, and is now winning praise as a crisis leader in a more multipolar world.
"I think today that everyone, even those who had misgivings, acknowledge that [Sarkozy] not only has great political energy, but also exceptional leadership qualities," commented José Manuel Barroso, the EU chief who accompanied Sarkozy to Camp David this weekend.
The French president's peripatetic style is proving useful for a major crisis with multiple elements – which plays into his ability to do many things at once.
He's been blessed with good political winds: with Russia's invasion of Georgia, and with US world stock at an ebb, it is Europe's hour at a time when the EU presidency is held by France.
Europe boldly took the lead in response to the global financial crisis by offering a plan devised by Gordon Brown and, later, Sarkozy that recapitalized banks to aid the economy.
While the White House moved quickly to propose a $700 billion bailout, it finally adopted Europe's plan to address liquidity and agree to a series of Bretton Woods-style meeting after the US presidential elections on Nov. 4.
Sarkozy has quickly adopted a bully pulpit for Europe and its traditionally more measured approach to markets. In Strasbourg Tuesday, speaking to the European Parliament, he stated that Europe "must carry the idea of a new foundation of global capitalism. What happened [with toxic assets and derivatives that created a credit crisis] was a treason of the values of capitalism," he said. "The market economy itself is not called into question."
Not only is Sarkozy proving himself to be quite masterful in making the global financial crisis a winner for the revived Roman empire of Bible prophecy, he has proven to have a steady hand at the wheel in the past - and almost uncannily so.
The more one reads the Christian Science Monitor's article, the more one finds Sarkozy an interesting study as a leader in a time such as this.
As mayor of a city in the suburbs of Paris in 1993, a man calling himself "the human bomb" entered a nursery with a rifle and explosives. Sarkozy went to the school and went directly inside, negotiated with the disturbed man, and walked out surrounded by the children. The police would later shoot and kill the hostage taker.
As a trained hostage negotiator, I can tell you that one of the most deadly mistakes that can be made is for an authority figure to enter a hostage scenario as Sarkozy did. Hostage takers typically aren't comfortable or hospitable to authority types. In fact, my training indicated that an action of this sort doesn't typically have a happy ending - for the authority figure at the very least.
My take on Sarkozy? He is a player in every sense of the word. Given the aggressive methods he is currently utilizing to achieve the EU's goals and his obvious cunning and intellect, he's one for us to keep an eye on in the revived Roman empire, particularly as he looks to bring about changes we can be sure are going to leave the European Union in a prime position to play a much larger role in global affairs if Sarkozy's current endeavors prove successful.
Antichrist disclaimer
In closing, let me be perfectly clear in stating that I am not - AM NOT - inferring that I suspect Nicolas Sarkozy is the prophesied Antichrist in the making. I'm placing the spotlight on him because it seems to be his moment in the sun. We have, in times past, seen Javier Solana, Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi, Romano Prodi and many other power brokers experience periods of time where they seemed to be standing tall above all others in terms of lifting the EU closer to its ultimate destiny as foretold in Bible prophecy. The current situation with Sarkozy is simply the latest opportunity the EU has had to advance its status as a rising superpower in the world, something it has done so quietly to this point that most people don't even realize that the EU is comprised of 27 nations and is constantly seeking to increase its size.
What I have said before I'll say again: We don't need to waste our time trying to identify the Antichrist; we need to spend our time watching for Jesus Christ, remaining at our duty stations until He calls for us.
Keep watch!
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hello, has it been 13 days since I have blogged? Where does the time go? I will strive to do better! At any rate, the following is from Gary Bauer about the election and what is at stake on November 4. Normally, I would restrict this blog to religious content, but as the election draws closer, I believe that a clarion call needs to go out to believers everywhere and conservative in general to get out and vote:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
The Angry Left vs. Middle America
In past reports, I have warned that the “angry Left” is not trying to win an election, it is trying to destroy the conservative movement. Once in power, it intends to use the force of Big Government to shut down Christian and conservative talk radio with the Fairness Doctrine. Pastors will be gagged by “hate crimes” legislation. Religious liberty will be further threatened when a new liberal Supreme Court majority redefines marriage in every state of the union.
Liberal labor bosses will get sweeping new powers, including stripping the right to a secret ballot from workers. Radical leftwing groups like ACORN and Planned Parenthood will get more of your tax dollars to promote leftwing candidates and causes. And all the while, Big Media will hail the “new Great Society” as Joe the Plumber is taxed to “spread the wealth” for socialized health care and “tax cuts” to those who don’t pay income taxes.
But before any of this can become a reality, the Left must seize power at the ballot box. ACORN has been doing its part – working overtime to register new voters – real and imagined, including Mickey Mouse and a dead goldfish. It’s efforts have seriously gummed up the process and are creating chaos for elections officials and poll workers in critical states. (This week, all nine Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee have signed a letter demanding an investigation into ACORN’s activities. Why aren’t any Democrats concerned?)
In recent weeks, we have received many messages from McCain/Palin supporters telling us that their yard signs have been torn down and ripped up. I have seen it in my own neighborhood in the Washington, D.C., suburbs. Today, there is a news report that the home of Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman was vandalized. His garage was spray painted with this ominous warning: “You are a criminal. Resign or else.”
Yesterday, five CodePink protestors interrupted a speech by Karl Rove and tried to handcuff him in a citizen’s arrest for “treason.” Did anyone try to arrest Harry Reid for saying the war in Iraq was “lost”? Did anyone try to arrest John Murtha for calling our Marines “cold-blooded killers”?
Now one Washington, D.C., news outlet is reporting that police departments coast-to-coast are “preparing for possible civil unrest and riots” on Election Day. According to The Hill, “Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue…Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots … and also on Internet rumors.”
This is America, not some banana republic. We have been holding peaceful elections and respectful transitions of power for over 200 years. Yet, why are police suddenly worried about riots on Election Day? Who will be rioting? The angry Left. The same folks who stormed the streets during the Republican National Convention; who turn out to shout obscenities at our soldiers when they are deployed overseas; who regularly shout down conservative speakers on college campuses and who protest capitalism during major economic summits.
James Carville has already warned us that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama loses. Carville said, “A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger.” Is that a threat? Of course, no one worries about riots if Senator McCain loses. People like you respect the rule of law and put our country first.
Friends, I almost didn’t write this article today. I worry that it might demoralize and frighten some of you. But we cannot live in a spirit of fear. Men and women of faith should not try to intimidate or shout down our opponents, as the Left does. We should calmly, patiently and respectfully talk to them. We should not try to handcuff anyone. We should pray for them. We shouldn’t vandalize property. We should vote!
This is our country, too. We must not be intimidated. We have every right to be involved in the public process and to have our voices heard and respected. As Dr. Dobson said on his radio show today, we can decide the outcome of this election.
What’s At Stake
It’s difficult to overemphasize just how important it is for everyone to vote in this historic election, because I do believe our values are stake. Just consider these points and how John McCain and Barack Obama would respond to each one:
Five Supreme Court justices will be 70 years old or older next year. The two most liberal justices will be 76 and 89. Think about the potential consequences for the right to life, the meaning of marriage and the Second Amendment.
The Bush tax cuts will expire during the next president’s first term. That means income taxes will go up. The per child tax credit will be cut in half. Taxes on dividends and capital gains will go up, and like a monster in a bad movie, the confiscatory “death tax” will return in all its horror.
The free world remains at war with Islamofascism. Earlier this week the Associated Press reported that radical Islam is on the rise in the Middle East. And Israeli press are reporting that an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is recommending a preemptive strike against Israel. Is this the crisis Biden is warning about? Obama supporter Jesse Jackson has said that in an Obama Administration, pro-Israel “Zionists” will be out.
Conservatives must vote for John McCain, Sarah Palin and conservative congressional candidates. Not voting or voting for a third-party candidate with no chance is as good as voting for Obama. And after listening to Sarah Palin’s interview with Dr. Dobson today, I’m even more excited about voting. We clearly have a lot to vote for!
And don’t forget about the ballot initiatives. Folks in Arizona, California and Florida can vote FOR traditional marriage. Folks in California, Colorado and South Dakota can vote FOR the right to life.
But we also have a lot to lose. In recent days, Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann have been excoriated in the media for their comments about patriotism. But I doubt many of you heard the following quote from a major Democrat Senate candidate, Mark Warner in Virginia. He said:
“One of the things you are going to see is a coalition that is just about completely taken over the Republican Party … It is made up of the Christian Coalition… It is made up of the right-to-lifers… It’s made up of the NRA … It is made up of the home schoolers… It’s made up of a whole coalition of people that have all sorts of differing views that I think most of us in this room would find threatening to what it means to be an American.”
Mark Warner delivered the keynote address at the Democrat National Convention this year. Warner was recruited heavily by national Democrats to run for an open Senate seat this year. While Warner’s derogatory comment was not new, it reflects his values and those of the Angry Left.
And it’s not very different from Barack Obama’s comment about “bitter Americans clinging to their guns and religion” or the anti-American remarks of Bill Ayers or Jeremiah Wright, who screamed from the pulpit, “God D--- America.” It’s clear that in the Angry Left’s America, there won’t be much tolerance for men and women of faith.
In the remaining days of this campaign, ignore the polls and ignore the media. They told us Ronald Reagan could never win and he won in a landslide. They told us America had lost the war in Iraq, but, thanks to John McCain, we are winning. Now they say John McCain cannot win. I say Middle America hasn’t spoken yet, but its voice will be heard loud and clear on November 4th!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
The Angry Left vs. Middle America
In past reports, I have warned that the “angry Left” is not trying to win an election, it is trying to destroy the conservative movement. Once in power, it intends to use the force of Big Government to shut down Christian and conservative talk radio with the Fairness Doctrine. Pastors will be gagged by “hate crimes” legislation. Religious liberty will be further threatened when a new liberal Supreme Court majority redefines marriage in every state of the union.
Liberal labor bosses will get sweeping new powers, including stripping the right to a secret ballot from workers. Radical leftwing groups like ACORN and Planned Parenthood will get more of your tax dollars to promote leftwing candidates and causes. And all the while, Big Media will hail the “new Great Society” as Joe the Plumber is taxed to “spread the wealth” for socialized health care and “tax cuts” to those who don’t pay income taxes.
But before any of this can become a reality, the Left must seize power at the ballot box. ACORN has been doing its part – working overtime to register new voters – real and imagined, including Mickey Mouse and a dead goldfish. It’s efforts have seriously gummed up the process and are creating chaos for elections officials and poll workers in critical states. (This week, all nine Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee have signed a letter demanding an investigation into ACORN’s activities. Why aren’t any Democrats concerned?)
In recent weeks, we have received many messages from McCain/Palin supporters telling us that their yard signs have been torn down and ripped up. I have seen it in my own neighborhood in the Washington, D.C., suburbs. Today, there is a news report that the home of Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman was vandalized. His garage was spray painted with this ominous warning: “You are a criminal. Resign or else.”
Yesterday, five CodePink protestors interrupted a speech by Karl Rove and tried to handcuff him in a citizen’s arrest for “treason.” Did anyone try to arrest Harry Reid for saying the war in Iraq was “lost”? Did anyone try to arrest John Murtha for calling our Marines “cold-blooded killers”?
Now one Washington, D.C., news outlet is reporting that police departments coast-to-coast are “preparing for possible civil unrest and riots” on Election Day. According to The Hill, “Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue…Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots … and also on Internet rumors.”
This is America, not some banana republic. We have been holding peaceful elections and respectful transitions of power for over 200 years. Yet, why are police suddenly worried about riots on Election Day? Who will be rioting? The angry Left. The same folks who stormed the streets during the Republican National Convention; who turn out to shout obscenities at our soldiers when they are deployed overseas; who regularly shout down conservative speakers on college campuses and who protest capitalism during major economic summits.
James Carville has already warned us that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama loses. Carville said, “A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger.” Is that a threat? Of course, no one worries about riots if Senator McCain loses. People like you respect the rule of law and put our country first.
Friends, I almost didn’t write this article today. I worry that it might demoralize and frighten some of you. But we cannot live in a spirit of fear. Men and women of faith should not try to intimidate or shout down our opponents, as the Left does. We should calmly, patiently and respectfully talk to them. We should not try to handcuff anyone. We should pray for them. We shouldn’t vandalize property. We should vote!
This is our country, too. We must not be intimidated. We have every right to be involved in the public process and to have our voices heard and respected. As Dr. Dobson said on his radio show today, we can decide the outcome of this election.
What’s At Stake
It’s difficult to overemphasize just how important it is for everyone to vote in this historic election, because I do believe our values are stake. Just consider these points and how John McCain and Barack Obama would respond to each one:
Five Supreme Court justices will be 70 years old or older next year. The two most liberal justices will be 76 and 89. Think about the potential consequences for the right to life, the meaning of marriage and the Second Amendment.
The Bush tax cuts will expire during the next president’s first term. That means income taxes will go up. The per child tax credit will be cut in half. Taxes on dividends and capital gains will go up, and like a monster in a bad movie, the confiscatory “death tax” will return in all its horror.
The free world remains at war with Islamofascism. Earlier this week the Associated Press reported that radical Islam is on the rise in the Middle East. And Israeli press are reporting that an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is recommending a preemptive strike against Israel. Is this the crisis Biden is warning about? Obama supporter Jesse Jackson has said that in an Obama Administration, pro-Israel “Zionists” will be out.
Conservatives must vote for John McCain, Sarah Palin and conservative congressional candidates. Not voting or voting for a third-party candidate with no chance is as good as voting for Obama. And after listening to Sarah Palin’s interview with Dr. Dobson today, I’m even more excited about voting. We clearly have a lot to vote for!
And don’t forget about the ballot initiatives. Folks in Arizona, California and Florida can vote FOR traditional marriage. Folks in California, Colorado and South Dakota can vote FOR the right to life.
But we also have a lot to lose. In recent days, Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann have been excoriated in the media for their comments about patriotism. But I doubt many of you heard the following quote from a major Democrat Senate candidate, Mark Warner in Virginia. He said:
“One of the things you are going to see is a coalition that is just about completely taken over the Republican Party … It is made up of the Christian Coalition… It is made up of the right-to-lifers… It’s made up of the NRA … It is made up of the home schoolers… It’s made up of a whole coalition of people that have all sorts of differing views that I think most of us in this room would find threatening to what it means to be an American.”
Mark Warner delivered the keynote address at the Democrat National Convention this year. Warner was recruited heavily by national Democrats to run for an open Senate seat this year. While Warner’s derogatory comment was not new, it reflects his values and those of the Angry Left.
And it’s not very different from Barack Obama’s comment about “bitter Americans clinging to their guns and religion” or the anti-American remarks of Bill Ayers or Jeremiah Wright, who screamed from the pulpit, “God D--- America.” It’s clear that in the Angry Left’s America, there won’t be much tolerance for men and women of faith.
In the remaining days of this campaign, ignore the polls and ignore the media. They told us Ronald Reagan could never win and he won in a landslide. They told us America had lost the war in Iraq, but, thanks to John McCain, we are winning. Now they say John McCain cannot win. I say Middle America hasn’t spoken yet, but its voice will be heard loud and clear on November 4th!
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Anti-Christ?
Good evening...The following article is a well-written, well thought out analysis of the end-times appearance of the will take a few minutes to read, but well-worth it, and you may want to re-read this a couple of times. The author is John Christain Ryter :
Did Antichrist quietly arrive in the Mideast with the coronation of King Abdullah II of Jordon on June 9, 1999? Or, was he born into the soul of a charismatic Kenyan-American Muslim Barack Obama, whose pseudo-celebrity status has given him messianic standing with American idiots with hat-size IQs who worship iconic sports-figures and Hollywood trash-celebrities, and who can't distinguish the difference between a leader and a glib-tongued snake oil salesman? Every day I get at least one piece of e.mail that asks the question: "Is Sen. Barack Obama the Antichrist?" Hopefully, from a Biblical and historic perspective, this article will answer that question to your satisfaction.
Author's Note: An unedited, slightly longer and somewhat different version of this article first appeared on this website on November 25, 2001, two weeks after 9-11. Much of that article contains information about the attack on the World Trade Center and the subsequent events that are not pertinent to the question, "Has Antichrist arrived?" For that reason I decided to pull this article up to a current section of my website, edit out those portions dealing with 9-11 (unless those details were specifically needed to support my argument that, as of that date—before anyone except Illinois graftmongers knew of the existence of State Senator, Acorn lawyer and civil rights activist Barack Obama existed—to show the readers why Barack Obama, as corrupt and dishonest as he is, is not Antichrist) and why I believe the facts, the Bible and history, suggest that King Abdullah II of Jordan fits the Biblical resume of Antichrist. (NOTE: amidst the lawsuit, Berg v. Obama, in which Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg challenged Obama's claim that he was born in Hawaii, arguing that a second birth certificate raises the question that Obama may have been born in Kenya. While insisting on his website, Fight The Smears, that he was born in Hawaii, Obama now admits that he is a citizen of Kenya based solely on his father's status as a citizen of that country. (This was pretty much the claim Berg made in his lawsuit concerning Obama's status, also, as a citizen of Indonesia. Only, in Indonesia, dual citizenship is not allowed, and Obama's US citizenship was forfeited by his stepfather. With respect to Kenya, Obama's website says: "Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his US citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4, 1982."
Scripture tells us that Antichrist will appear on the world scene as a diminutive, benign man of peace (Isa. 14:7-21). He will arrange a peace accord between the Arabs and the nation of Israel. He will be recognized as the man who brought peace to the world, and the Jews, at the urging of their own religious clerics, will view him as their “savior.” When Antichrist first exerts his will in the Mideast, the leaders of the tribes of Ishmael and Esau will grudgingly bow to his demands only because the Muslim world knows he is the most direct ancestor of the prophet and founder of Islam, Mohammad. The peace, arranged by Antichrist, will last 42 months before he breaks his word to the Jews, seizes Jerusalem, and desecrates what the Bible refers to as the Millennial Temple (which will be constructed on the Temple Mount beside the Dome on the Rock. [Ezek. 40; Rev. 11:2].)
A stunned nation watched a real life tragedy unfold before their eyes on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Those watching TV at 8:46 a.m. as American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and 17 minutes later as United Airlines Flight 195 hit the South Tower, knew the American age of innocence had ended and their world had changed forever. Even before Wahabbi extremist Osama bin Laden acknowledged himself as the mastermind behind the attack, conspiracy theorists laid the blame at the doorstep of the big white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC and at the Knesset at Givat Ram in Jerusalem. Even before the smoldering ashes had cooled, the New Yorker Magazine chose to publish a cover, on Oct. 29, 2001 that depicted a six-year old boy holding up a "school" drawing of the World Trade Center on fire. In the drawing, the WTC was about to be hit by the second jet airliner. Only, the second plane—as indicated by the Star of David on its wings—was purported to be an Israeli aircraft. The New Yorker stoked the rumor that Jews, aided and abetted by the Bush-43 Administration, and not Islamic terrorists as the government claimed, caused 9-11 to happen.
Reams of antidotal documents were examined by the National Commission on Terror (commonly known as the 9/11 Commission) (which was anything but a Bush-43 cheerleader squad), and published in its final report, The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Anyone looking at the political credentials of the Commission members clearly understands they are not, nor were not, members of the Bush-43 Rah-Rah Club: Chairman Thomas Kean, Sr., a Republican former New Jersey governor; Vice-Chairman Lee Hamilton, a former Democratic Congressman; former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey; former US Attorney and Watergate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste, who was a vocal critic of both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; Jamie Gorelick, a former Gore aide who became a Deputy Attorney General under Clinton and who, most recently, was an executive of Fannie Mae who was brought on board by Al Gore campaign contributor Franklin Raines. Gorelick was the bureaucrat who tightened the Carter-era regulations that made it a crime for members of the CIA and FBI to share data on domestic and foreign terrorists that resulted in the blindfolding of the US intelligence community. Only one commission member, Fred Fielding, could be construed as a Bush-43 loyalist. He was appointed by Bush to replace Harriet Miers as White House Counsel. John F. Lehman, who served as Ronald Reagan's Secretary of the Navy. Currently he is an advisor to Sen. John McCain. Commission member Timothy Roemer is a former Democratic Congressman from Indiana. James "Big Jim" R. Thompson, a liberal Republican, was the longest-serving governor of Illinois. And lastly, Slate Gorton was a US Senator from Washington. Also a Republican, neither Gorton nor Thompson were Bush allies.
The consensus of the 9/11 Commission was that 19 Islamic extremists hijacked four jumbo jet airliners. Two of them, 757s, were crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. A few minutes later, a third 757, Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon. The report claimed that passengers in the fourth plane, Flight 93, commandeered by passengers brought Flight 93 down themselves at 10:06 a.m, near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Quite possibly, Flight 93 was shot down by the US military, which is what the debris field suggests (although the Commission does not suggest that). That would explain why witnesses were shown a large furrow in the earth outside Shanksville but no shattered fuselage nor any bodies.
Unlike his Democratic predecessors, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, who believed that acts of war against the United States and its people should be answered not with military force but with an investigation by the FBI or an inquiry from the United Nations, Bush-43 recognized an act of war when he saw it. Clinton failed to recognize the 1993 attempt to level the World Trade Center as an act of war—even when it was accompanied by a Declaration of War against the United States of America by Osama bin Laden in 1993.
The Mild-mannered Muslim Messiah
On Monday, November 19, 2001 The Washington Times reported in a front page story that King Abdullah II of Jordon had embarked on a secret peace-building mission designed to elicit public guarantees from all of the Arab States that would obligate them to accept Israel as a legitimate nation-state in the Mideast. Had Abdullah II succeeded, his advocacy would have allowed the Israelis to become fully and peacefully integrated in the economy of the region as an equal trading partner.
In a radio talk show emanating from London that day, and during news briefings with European media that followed the program, Abdullah outlined a strategy that, if accepted by the Arab states and other Muslim nations, will constitute the Muslim world’s most dramatic shift towards peace with Israel—with Jordan functioning both as the peace broker and as the guarantor of the peace. Shocking most of the European journalists, King Abdullah’s position on the current Mideast crisis conflicted with the vitriolic views expressed by his closest ally in the Mideast, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak who succeeded slain Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat in 1981.
Mubarak, who fears the same type of fatwa that caused the death of Sadat, publicly blamed the Jews for the climate of hate in the Holy Land. But no Islamic clerics—neither Sunni or Shi'ite—have ever issued a fatwa against King Abdullah II of Jordan. And, other than Yasser Arafat's Fatah group, who attempted to assassinate Jordan's King Hussein on June 9, 1970, no other Islamic group or person has attempted to take the life of any member of the Jordanian royal family since the assassination of Hussein's father, Abdullah I. He was killed by an Arafat loyalist, Palestinian Mustapha Shukri Usho on July 20, 1951 at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Fearing Abdullah was planning to sign a peace treaty with Israel, Usho shot him three times in the head. Prince Hussein, who would become king was also shot attempting to save his father's life.
With the death of King Abdullah, Arafat fell from grace in the Muslim world. The only sanctuary he could find anywhere in the Mideast was in Egypt. To curb Arafat, Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser formed the Palestinian Liberation Organization [PLO] to rebuff Arafat. Privately, Nasser ordered his intelligence service to arrange Arafat's liquidation. Unfortunately, the Six Day War happened in June, 1967 and the Muslims were soundly defeated by the Jews, nearly destroying Nasser's political base in Egypt. Arafat managed to wrest control of the PLO from Nasser at that time, which probably saved his life. With the assassination of Anwar Sadat on Oct. 6, 1981, the Palestinians—a nation without land—were evicted from Egypt and became gypsies of the desert once again. They were rescued by King Hussein of Jordan who gave them refuge in the West Bank.
The Hashemites trace their ancestry from Hashim ibn Abd al-Manaf (died c.510 AD), the great-great grandfather of the prophet Mohammad (even though today, the genealogies are traced to Fatimah, Mohammad's daughter). As we will discuss later, King Abdullah II is now the most direct ancestor of Mohammad alive in he world today. As such, he is the leader of the Muslim world, and heir to the theological throne of Mohammad.
The Arab world has an almost ancient contempt for the Palestinians because they view them as the ancestors of apostate Jews who were left behind during the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. The Palestinians, for the most part, are the offspring of the Assyrians and Babylonians who sent by their kings to replenish the lands of Israel and Judah. Some are the offspring of ancient mixed marriages between Assyrians, Babylonians and Jews, and have Jewish blood coursing through their veins. Although they are Islamic, and claim to be Jewish blood-free, they remain semi-outcasts in the Muslim world. It was for that reason that whichever Muslim leader agreed to share their land with the Palestinians, ultimately became targets of assassination plots since Arafat and the gypsy Fatah desperately wanted a homeland called Palestine which they had never possessed. By 1969, the Palestinians had amassed enough political clout through terrorism to make demands in the Arab world since Fatah, like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda are equal opportunity terrorists.
When Jordan's King Abdullah II spoke to his London radio audience in November, 2001, he said that the problem lays on both sides of the theological divide, with Jews and the Palestinians equally at fault. Abdullah told the radio audience in London that efforts to bring about a Palestinian state could not happen unless Israel received sufficient guarantees to assure its security. That would happen only if there were public guarantees from each of the Arab Gulf States that obligated them, before the world, to protect Israel from Islamic extremists who might try to perform terrorist acts against the Jews—and that the Arab world keeps their word.
Premillennial Christian conservatives with more than a cursory knowledge of Bible prophecy know that when Antichrist appears on the world scene [Rev. 13:1-10], he will initiate a peace accord with the Jews [Dan. 9:26-27], guaranteeing the security of the Jews for a period of seven years. While many of those same Christians believe that Antichrist must necessarily be a Jew for the Jews to accept him as their Messiah (and others because of the description of the Harlot of Babylon [Rev. 17:1-14] have wrongly construed the Harlot to be the pope of Rome), Scripture clearly identifies Antichrist as a Muslim [Isa. 9:14-15, 30:31; Dan. 8:9-25, 11:21-25; Hosea 9:7-8, 13; Rev. 13:1-10]. The False Prophet, who directs the Jews to the foot of the throne of Antichrist, will be a Jew. He is scripturally described [Rev. 13:11-18] as the second beast, rising out of the Earth. (Antichrist rises from the Sea. In Scripture, the "land" always denotes Israel. The "sea" denotes the Gentile nations.) Unlike the first beast which has 10 horns, the second beast has two. The horns of the second beast represent the Jewish tribes of Dan and Ephraim who led the Jews into idolatry as Israel settled the Promised Land at the end of the Egyptian captivity.
Could King Abdullah II be the Antichrist?
On March 26, 1979 President Jimmy Carter witnessed the signing of what became known as the Camp David Accord between Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin—a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Bible conspiracy advocates alternately labeled first Begin and then Sadat as Antichrist; and then first Begin and then Carter as the False Prophet. Needless to say, the Biblical pundits of the 1970s were wrong. Neither Sadat nor Begin were Antichrist, and neither Begin nor Carter proved to be the False Prophet. When the Camp David Accord was signed, Muslim clerics issued a fatwa on Sadat. When he was assassinated by his own security guard on October 3, 1981, many unlearned and misguided Christian prophecy buffs believed he would rise from the dead in three days and assume his role as Antichrist. He did not.
Clearly, at this moment, only God knows the identity of Antichrist. Suffice to say, not even the Muslim leader who will assume the trappings of Antichrist knows he has been selected for this ungodly role. In other words, there is not a man in the Mideast who has pledged his allegiance to Satan in exchange for power. Antichrist will be a devout Muslim. The False Prophet will be a devout Jew. Since Scripture describes Antichrist as a man of peace it is clear that none of the old generation of Muslim leaders fits the bill since all of them ascended to power through bloodshed.
There were three “new generation” leaders—all economists—whose resumes appear to fit the bill. First is King Abdullah II, the Hashemite king of Jordan; Bashar Assad, the “president” of Syria; and, finally, the youngest son of Saddam Hussein who died in a shoot-out with the US military in Baghdad. Scripture describes Antichrist as a small, meek-looking man. The prophet Isaiah wondered how such a diminutive, wimpish-looking man could have frightened the whole world. Of the three most likely candidates, only King Abdullah II has the politically-correct, certifiable credentials. He is likewise the only Muslim leader who possesses the right “bonafides” to avoid having an angry Muslim cleric issue a fatwa on him for his pro-Israeli views.
Unlike Saddam Hussein, who claimed (but could not prove) to be a direct ancestor of Saladin (and through Saladin to Nebuchadnezzar) simply because he was born in the same village where the Muslim conqueror of Europe was born, the Hashemite king is the most direct ancestor of Mohammad the Prophet of Islam—even though the Saudi royal family also claims that distinction through one of Mohammad’s other wives. While Antichrist must have “first born” direct linkage to Mohammad (in order for the Muslims to accept his peace initiatives towards Israel), Antichrist must have one other thing. He must have direct ancestral linkage to Abraham through Esau and Ishmael. It is that tie that links Antichrist to God—a necessary ingredient for him to be linked to the creation of mankind and therefore tied to Satan’s efforts to thwart God’s plan from the beginning.
For that reason, the recording and certification of ancestral genealogies is as important to the Muslims as it is the Jews. In the Holy Bible, the Book of Numbers is the record of the genealogy of the Jews by a census that was taken every seven years. In fact, Numbers begins with such a census. “Number the whole Israelite community...” In the text, the Hebrew word separ is used. Separ means census. In the King James Version of the Bible, the term “...number of their names...” is used in verses 1:2, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Verse 45 records taking the census by number.
The Jews, like their Muslim counterparts, placed much store on ancestral lineage because to them, a man was judged not by who he was or who he was able to become through his own sweat equity, but rather, who his father was—and more important—who his father’s father was.
While Saddam claims direct ancestral linkage to Saladin, it is a lineage that he knows—and most Muslim clerics know—would not withstand the scrutiny of an ancestral census. Antichrist will be Scripturally confirmed as the Beast when his ancestral tree is run after he assumes global power.
That census is noted in Revelation 13:14. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and that number is six hundred three score and six.” In the Greek text, we see the word number is arithmos, which means “a specific number.” The “number” of the beast, 666, is not a general term. It is the specific census number of a specific person. Just as your social security number, or your US government personal identifier (that will appear on your personal National ID Card in the near future) will specifically identify only you, 666—used as a census number—will specifically identify only Antichrist.
Tracking the identity of Antichrist through his theological census number must necessarily pass through a handful of key historic people who are symbolically used in prophecy to identify Antichrist. And that genealogy must end up establishing the man's direct lineage to Abraham.
If Antichrist is not directly related to Abraham through Ishmael and Esau, the Arabian peninsula, which is the land given to Israel by God, can be claimed only by someone else. Prophetically, when Antichrist is acclaimed as the savior of the modern world, he will become so popular that artifax honoring him will be sold around the world. As his genealogy is run, the world will learn that among his ancestors was Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid ruler who ascended to the Seleucid throne in 175 B.C. and conquered Egypt in 171 BC.
Antiochus IV, who is described by Daniel in Dan. 8:23-25, is the subject of 1 Macabees (which appears only in the Catholic version and the apocraphyl writings which are found in the Pseudopigrapha of the Holy Writ). In addition, the history of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, through whom Antichrist is viewed by the prophet Daniel, is adequately recorded in the Antiquities of the Jews. (It would not surprise me too much to discover that this lineage included Sargon and Sennacherib the Assyrian King.) The 666th direct, first-born descendant of Antichrist will prove to be Abraham.
The Genealogy of King Abdullah II, the Hashemite King
The Hashemite Kings have proudly displayed their pedigree for all the world to see and examine for the entire 20th century, and likely before. (Sample below, left, is the genealogy of the Hashemite kings found on King Abdullah II’s website.) None in the Arab world have disputed it. And, regardless of the pro-American views of King Abdullah II or his father, King al Hussein, no Muslims clerics have issued fatwas in their names.
The reason is the direct link of the Hashemite dynasty to Mohammad. While the genealogy of Abdullah II goes farther back than shown here, genealogy of the Hashemite kings goes back to the prophet Mohammad: Abdullah II, al Hussein, Talal, Abdullah I, Ali, Muhammed (Emir of Mecca), Abdul Mu’een, Auon, Ra’i al-Hadala, Muhsin, Abdullah, al Hussein, Abdullah (Emir of Mecca), al-Hassan (Emir of Mecca), Muhammad Abu Numayy II (Emir of Mecca), Barakat II (Emir of Mecca), al Hassan (Emir of Mecca), ‘Ajlan (Emir of Mecca), Rumaytha (Emir of Mecca), Mohammad Abu Numayy I (Emir of Mecca), al-Hassan (Emir of Mecca), Ali, Qutadah (Emir of Mecca), Idris, Muta’in, Abd al-Karim, Issa, al-Hassein, Suleiman, Ali, Abdullah, Mohammad, Abdullah, Muhammad, Musa, Abdullah, al-Hassan al-Muthanna, al-Hassan, Fatima az-Zahra (the daughter of Mohammad the Prophet), Mohammad (the Prophet of Islam), Abdullah, Abd al-Mutalib, Hashem (the ancestor of the Hashemites), Abd Manaf, Qusai (King of Mecca). It is important to note that from Fatima, the daughter of Mohammad back, the genealogy assumed by the Hashemite kings was the genealogy of Mohammad’s wife, not Mohammad. Mohammad came from an impoverished background. His father, Abd Allah, although a Hashemite chieftan, died before his birth negating any possible claims to an inheritance by his son. His mother, Amina, died when he was 6 years old. Mohammad was raised by an uncle, but without any inheritance since whatever wealth was possessed by his father was assumed by his father’s brother. When Mohammad was in his early 20s he met and married a wealthy widow, Khadijah who financed his “discovery” of the Koran (Qu’ran) through visitations by the angel Gabriel on Mount Hira just outside Mecca.
Mohammad—who preached one god to a polytheistic culture—promoted himself as God’s only prophet (or Apostle—a word Mohammad used often to describe himself). Mohammad’s monotheistic views were antithetical to the pagan society in which he lived. As long as the local ruler, Abu Talib was living, Mohammad was protected. When Abu Talib died, Mohammad and a handful of his followers were driven from Mecca. Mohammad migrated from Mecca to Medina. Medina had an extensive Jewish community. Mohammad’s early converts were largely Jews or Palestinians whose ancestors were Jews left behind in Palestine during the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. It would not be until Mohammad returned to Mecca with an army of Islamic converts and subdued the city that Arabs became converts to Islam. It is important for Christians throughout the world who believe that the Jews will not follow an Arab, believing him to be their Messiah, that around 630 AD Jews and Gentiles by the thousands did just that.
The American Peace Process
While Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton expended much effort trying to create a peace treaty in the Mideast, Clinton’s efforts were largely centered around Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat who is not recognized by any Arab leader (not even those like Saddam Hussein or Hafiz Assad of Syria before he died) as the head of any state. In point of fact, Arafat is not even recognized as the Palestinian “head of state” by most Palestinians. He is largely viewed as a Clinton stooge since Clinton legitimized Arafat in the eyes of the world community by acknowledging him as the “leader” of the Palestinian homeland movement. However, Arafat remained a regional character with a mongrel pedigree until his death. Once he was no longer a threat to the Arabs, Arafat was hailed as a great leader in the move for peace in the Mideast.
In the eyes of the Sauds who can trace their own pedigree back at least 100 years, and in the eyes of King Abdullah II who can trace his ancestry back to 200 AD, if not earlier, Arafat was merely a terrorist who held power through bloodshed—much like Saddam Hussein, Abdul Nassar of Egypt (in the 1950s), Hafiz Assad of Syria and Moammar Gadhafi of Libya. Their pedigrees all came from the ammo clip of a AK-47. They ascended to power by killing their predecessors, or by creating such a reign of terror that ascension to power was easy.
Why the timing is right now for peace in the Mideast
Theologically, the timing could not be better for introduction of Antichrist to the world. Why? Because the world, which is singularly focused on the global economic meltdown (Rev. 18), will probably choose not to notice, or will halfheartedly watch as the industrial nations of the world struggle to stem the losses of their hemorrhaging stock markets as new threats of wars and rumors of wars slide from the front pages of the world's newspapers and geological earthquakes are replaced with the massive quakes of stock markets colliding on the way to the basement. And, even if the world's leading theologians told them, most Christians would not believe that Antichrist had actually arrived and he was someone the world already respected. In the minds of most Christians, while they acknowledge that Jesus Christ could return at any time (because the Bible says so), Antichrist , on the other hand, is a character that most were convinced would not show up for decades or centuries—at least, not in their lifetime.
Clearly, if the Christian community, which will be as spiritually blind as the unchurched on this issue, recognized Antichrist as Antichrist when he appears as the global savior of peace, they would all rededicate themselves to Christ, knowing that the end had arrived. Instead, they will collectively admire the diminutive little man from the Mideast who solved the hottest political issue in the world; an issue that has plagued the world since the recreation of the State of Israel in May, 1948—an issue so complex that not even the United Nations could solve it.
As Palestinians and Israelis continue to kill each other in record numbers along the West Bank of the Jordan River as the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Hamas seeks a Palestinian homeland within the State of Israel, the United States and the Muslim nations in the Mideast and around the world are facing a new quandary created by the World Trade Center tragedy. And, while his term of office has almost expired, George W. Bush made it clear not only to the G-20 industrial leaders of the world but to the Islamic nations in the Mideast, Africa, and the Asian subcontinent that the United States will wage a War on Terrorism until the last terrorist is dead—wherever that terrorist is found. And, while GOP presidential nominee John McCain shares Bush's view on security, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama does not. In his book, Audacity of Hope, Obama made it amply clear where his loyalties lay when he said: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political wind shift in an ugly direction."
Thus, we can expect the next presidential administration to do a military about-face if Sen. Barack Obama prevails in the national elections on Nov. 4. He will follow the Vietnam era far left from the Carter era—he will hoist the white flag and surrender a war already won while claiming victory as morally defeated troops return home, heads hung in shame. And the United States of America will have lost the second war in its entire history. Both times, wars won by those who fight will be lost by those who run.
As much as the Muslim nations in the Mideast hate both the Jews and the infidels who support them, they still face the question of whether or not they can escape the wrath of the American people with or without either Bush or McCain in the White House because the American people will never tolerate a coward or an appeaser in the White House. Much of the monetary support received by Sen. Obama for his presidential campaign is coming from the Muslim world, specifically from Palestinians who view Obama as an Islamic brother-in-arms. Within the last few weeks the Obama Campaign has been forced to return two contributions, one for $35,000 and one for $21,000 because the McCain Campaign learned both had come from Muslim donors in Palestine.
At the time of King Abdullah II's peace advocacy, the Jordanian monarch received assurances from President Bush that the United States would back his diplomacy, adding that the military clout of America to put some “bite” behind Abdullah’s “bark.” The Abdullah Initiative offered Israel, for the first time, the collective guarantees from 22 Islamic nations stretching from the Mideast to Africa. In his historic declaration, Abdullah called for his fellow Arab leaders to “...recognize the world’s new realities after September 11...” and acknowledge that what has happened in America has made the Arab-Israeli conflict secondary to battling terrorism worldwide. The pan-Arab declaration would provide the underpinning for the “...integration and security of Israel into the [Mideast] region.”
The idea of integrating Israel into the Mideast economy as an equal trading partner has always been an anathema to the leaders of the Arab States who envision a world in which Israel no longer exists—as it appears in the geography books used by Muslim children throughout the Islamic world. Nor does the United States nor the industrialized nations of Europe have anything to offer that would make the deal palatable to the taste buds of the Islamic world. In the past, the US was their largest customer for oil and natural gas. Today, China and the emerging consumer-rich, investment-poor third world nations have replaced the United States as the world's largest consumer of oil—and none of them have political alliances with the Arabs ancestral enemy, Israel. As the economic and military might of the United States continues to be like the strength of Samson after Delilah chopped over his locks, Bush's pledge to use military diplomacy to put a "bite" in Abdullah II's "bark," will not happen under in an Obama presidency. Nor was that something King Abdullah II thought he needed, or wanted, in November, 2001. If King Abdullah II of Jordan proves to be the man who brings peace to the Mideast, it will not happen because of the military might of the United States. It will happen solely because God has ordained it as part of His final plan for Planet Earth.
Even Egypt, which was pressured by the United States and the Carter Administration to sign a peace accord with Israel in 1979—an act that caused the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981—has refused to promote a continuing dialogue with Israel.
The Israelis refer to the Camp David Accord as “the cold peace” (as opposed to the Cold War). Every peace initiative that has been offered to Israel has been a proposal in which the Jews were promised peace in exchange for the land taken by Israel during the Six Day War in June, 1967 when Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and Jordan in six days. During that brief war, Israel took all of the West Bank—including Jerusalem—and a large portion of the Sinai Desert from Egypt as well as a large section of land from Syria. When the war concluded, Israel refused to give back any of the land it had taken from its Arab neighbors.
Neither the United States nor the UN—which has been trying to force Israel to surrender land for peace—realizes that the land God gave to Israel was an inheritance [Numbers 34; Joshua 1:2; Ezekiel 47:13-23] given in perpetuity. The Jews have no authority on their own to surrender that land to anyone. In fact, Scripture mandates that if a Jew sells his land, he must sell it to another Jew. During the Year of Jubilee (every 50 years), the land reverts back to the original family, thus maintaining the integrity of the tribal identity of those land owners.
It was because former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to engage in a land swap for peace with the Palestinians that the Clinton Administration decided to interfere with Israeli politics. At the urging of Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak hired Clinton spinmeister James Carville to manage his campaign and to topple the Netanyahu government. Carville sliced and diced Netanyahu, bringing about the downfall of the Lukid Party’s candidate in the general election. Barak, who had pledged to do the land swap for peace for Clinton, found himself at odds with the Jewish people who knew you can’t bargain with terrorists. Barak quickly lost favor, and his government collapsed.
Since Israel would much rather go to war with the Arabs than cede more land for empty promises of peace and security, the peace talks remain at an impasse. King Abdullah II seems to be the only Mideast leader who understands that hollow promises will no longer work. All of the real issues surrounding the security of Israel must be solved before the issue of a Palestinian state can even be addressed. In a discussion with King Abdullah II over the prospects of a Palestinian state on the West Bank, with East Jerusalem serving as a Palestinian capitol, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair told Abdullah II that Israel will never disappear and, in his opinion, it remained to be seen if a Palestinian state would ever appear. Talking on British radio, Abdullah II admitted that “ an Arab, I don’t know whether or not there’ll be a Palestinian state.”
While it appears that King Abdullah II has taken on an impossible task, there were only three Muslim nations standing in the way of him accomplishing his objective in 2001: Iraq, Iran and Syria. Moammar Gadhafi, the king of terrorism in the 1970s, announced at a 2001 Arab Summit in Cairo that he joined King Abdullah II in favoring a pan-Arab declaration such as the one promoted by Abdullah II—providing that any treaty with Israel contained a condition that would grant the Palestinians a capitol in East Jerusalem. Since Iraq, Iran and Syria were high on America’s list of nations who sponsor terrorism, logic suggested, when the original article was written, that they might well be in George W. Bush’s crosshairs as targets that had to be crushed before America’s War on Terrorism would be construed as being over. If Saddam Hussein and Bashar Assad were eliminated from the power equation—and Sunni moderates were able to take control of the Persian theocracy in Iran—it is likely that King Abdullah II’s plan to create a lasting peace in the Mideast could then be accomplished.
Since the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, many of the Muslim heads of state, out of fear of American retaliation, have moderated their rhetoric. Privately, out of fear of their own clerics who control the fatwa, they support the radical extremists who use terrorism as a political tool only because they lack weapons of mass destruction to end the Israeli debate. Within their borders, America remains the Great Satan and the Jews remain a people that must be eradicated.
President George W. Bush was reluctant to publicly back King Abdullah’s grand play too loudly or too openly until he was convinced that the Hashemite king could not fail. “You can’t play that card,” Bush told Abdullah, “if there’s a chance for failure. What happens if it fails? You are going to have to wait for years...It must be 99% clear...”
A Christian world view notwithstanding, neither Bush nor his predecessors did, nor still do, realize that God has already decreed that, ultimately—in His timing— it will work. After all, it is part of God’s master plan in the end times. The plan will succeed. It appears, at least today, that the emissary who will guarantee the peace and security of Israel—and fulfill Daniel’s prophecy—will be King Abdullah II of Jordan. But, we must wait and see if some other Mideast ruler rises to the occasion and assumes that lead role. However, none of the other leaders of the Mideast have Abdullah’s pedigree...and, in the Mideast, everything has to do with who your father’s father was.
We can be certain, however, that the man—regardless how corrupt and evil he may be—will not be the Kenyan Muslim Barack Hussein Obama. While Obama is definitely a Muslim, his ancestral roots do not give him the lineage through Mohammad to Antiochus IV Epiphanes to Esau to Ishmael and, finally, to Abraham to claim the birthright to the deed of inheritance of the Promised Land. And that is, after all, what 3,919 years of conflict between the descendants of Abraham has been all about.
Did Antichrist quietly arrive in the Mideast with the coronation of King Abdullah II of Jordon on June 9, 1999? Or, was he born into the soul of a charismatic Kenyan-American Muslim Barack Obama, whose pseudo-celebrity status has given him messianic standing with American idiots with hat-size IQs who worship iconic sports-figures and Hollywood trash-celebrities, and who can't distinguish the difference between a leader and a glib-tongued snake oil salesman? Every day I get at least one piece of e.mail that asks the question: "Is Sen. Barack Obama the Antichrist?" Hopefully, from a Biblical and historic perspective, this article will answer that question to your satisfaction.
Author's Note: An unedited, slightly longer and somewhat different version of this article first appeared on this website on November 25, 2001, two weeks after 9-11. Much of that article contains information about the attack on the World Trade Center and the subsequent events that are not pertinent to the question, "Has Antichrist arrived?" For that reason I decided to pull this article up to a current section of my website, edit out those portions dealing with 9-11 (unless those details were specifically needed to support my argument that, as of that date—before anyone except Illinois graftmongers knew of the existence of State Senator, Acorn lawyer and civil rights activist Barack Obama existed—to show the readers why Barack Obama, as corrupt and dishonest as he is, is not Antichrist) and why I believe the facts, the Bible and history, suggest that King Abdullah II of Jordan fits the Biblical resume of Antichrist. (NOTE: amidst the lawsuit, Berg v. Obama, in which Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg challenged Obama's claim that he was born in Hawaii, arguing that a second birth certificate raises the question that Obama may have been born in Kenya. While insisting on his website, Fight The Smears, that he was born in Hawaii, Obama now admits that he is a citizen of Kenya based solely on his father's status as a citizen of that country. (This was pretty much the claim Berg made in his lawsuit concerning Obama's status, also, as a citizen of Indonesia. Only, in Indonesia, dual citizenship is not allowed, and Obama's US citizenship was forfeited by his stepfather. With respect to Kenya, Obama's website says: "Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his US citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4, 1982."
Scripture tells us that Antichrist will appear on the world scene as a diminutive, benign man of peace (Isa. 14:7-21). He will arrange a peace accord between the Arabs and the nation of Israel. He will be recognized as the man who brought peace to the world, and the Jews, at the urging of their own religious clerics, will view him as their “savior.” When Antichrist first exerts his will in the Mideast, the leaders of the tribes of Ishmael and Esau will grudgingly bow to his demands only because the Muslim world knows he is the most direct ancestor of the prophet and founder of Islam, Mohammad. The peace, arranged by Antichrist, will last 42 months before he breaks his word to the Jews, seizes Jerusalem, and desecrates what the Bible refers to as the Millennial Temple (which will be constructed on the Temple Mount beside the Dome on the Rock. [Ezek. 40; Rev. 11:2].)
A stunned nation watched a real life tragedy unfold before their eyes on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Those watching TV at 8:46 a.m. as American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and 17 minutes later as United Airlines Flight 195 hit the South Tower, knew the American age of innocence had ended and their world had changed forever. Even before Wahabbi extremist Osama bin Laden acknowledged himself as the mastermind behind the attack, conspiracy theorists laid the blame at the doorstep of the big white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC and at the Knesset at Givat Ram in Jerusalem. Even before the smoldering ashes had cooled, the New Yorker Magazine chose to publish a cover, on Oct. 29, 2001 that depicted a six-year old boy holding up a "school" drawing of the World Trade Center on fire. In the drawing, the WTC was about to be hit by the second jet airliner. Only, the second plane—as indicated by the Star of David on its wings—was purported to be an Israeli aircraft. The New Yorker stoked the rumor that Jews, aided and abetted by the Bush-43 Administration, and not Islamic terrorists as the government claimed, caused 9-11 to happen.
Reams of antidotal documents were examined by the National Commission on Terror (commonly known as the 9/11 Commission) (which was anything but a Bush-43 cheerleader squad), and published in its final report, The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Anyone looking at the political credentials of the Commission members clearly understands they are not, nor were not, members of the Bush-43 Rah-Rah Club: Chairman Thomas Kean, Sr., a Republican former New Jersey governor; Vice-Chairman Lee Hamilton, a former Democratic Congressman; former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey; former US Attorney and Watergate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste, who was a vocal critic of both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; Jamie Gorelick, a former Gore aide who became a Deputy Attorney General under Clinton and who, most recently, was an executive of Fannie Mae who was brought on board by Al Gore campaign contributor Franklin Raines. Gorelick was the bureaucrat who tightened the Carter-era regulations that made it a crime for members of the CIA and FBI to share data on domestic and foreign terrorists that resulted in the blindfolding of the US intelligence community. Only one commission member, Fred Fielding, could be construed as a Bush-43 loyalist. He was appointed by Bush to replace Harriet Miers as White House Counsel. John F. Lehman, who served as Ronald Reagan's Secretary of the Navy. Currently he is an advisor to Sen. John McCain. Commission member Timothy Roemer is a former Democratic Congressman from Indiana. James "Big Jim" R. Thompson, a liberal Republican, was the longest-serving governor of Illinois. And lastly, Slate Gorton was a US Senator from Washington. Also a Republican, neither Gorton nor Thompson were Bush allies.
The consensus of the 9/11 Commission was that 19 Islamic extremists hijacked four jumbo jet airliners. Two of them, 757s, were crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. A few minutes later, a third 757, Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon. The report claimed that passengers in the fourth plane, Flight 93, commandeered by passengers brought Flight 93 down themselves at 10:06 a.m, near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Quite possibly, Flight 93 was shot down by the US military, which is what the debris field suggests (although the Commission does not suggest that). That would explain why witnesses were shown a large furrow in the earth outside Shanksville but no shattered fuselage nor any bodies.
Unlike his Democratic predecessors, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, who believed that acts of war against the United States and its people should be answered not with military force but with an investigation by the FBI or an inquiry from the United Nations, Bush-43 recognized an act of war when he saw it. Clinton failed to recognize the 1993 attempt to level the World Trade Center as an act of war—even when it was accompanied by a Declaration of War against the United States of America by Osama bin Laden in 1993.
The Mild-mannered Muslim Messiah
On Monday, November 19, 2001 The Washington Times reported in a front page story that King Abdullah II of Jordon had embarked on a secret peace-building mission designed to elicit public guarantees from all of the Arab States that would obligate them to accept Israel as a legitimate nation-state in the Mideast. Had Abdullah II succeeded, his advocacy would have allowed the Israelis to become fully and peacefully integrated in the economy of the region as an equal trading partner.
In a radio talk show emanating from London that day, and during news briefings with European media that followed the program, Abdullah outlined a strategy that, if accepted by the Arab states and other Muslim nations, will constitute the Muslim world’s most dramatic shift towards peace with Israel—with Jordan functioning both as the peace broker and as the guarantor of the peace. Shocking most of the European journalists, King Abdullah’s position on the current Mideast crisis conflicted with the vitriolic views expressed by his closest ally in the Mideast, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak who succeeded slain Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat in 1981.
Mubarak, who fears the same type of fatwa that caused the death of Sadat, publicly blamed the Jews for the climate of hate in the Holy Land. But no Islamic clerics—neither Sunni or Shi'ite—have ever issued a fatwa against King Abdullah II of Jordan. And, other than Yasser Arafat's Fatah group, who attempted to assassinate Jordan's King Hussein on June 9, 1970, no other Islamic group or person has attempted to take the life of any member of the Jordanian royal family since the assassination of Hussein's father, Abdullah I. He was killed by an Arafat loyalist, Palestinian Mustapha Shukri Usho on July 20, 1951 at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Fearing Abdullah was planning to sign a peace treaty with Israel, Usho shot him three times in the head. Prince Hussein, who would become king was also shot attempting to save his father's life.
With the death of King Abdullah, Arafat fell from grace in the Muslim world. The only sanctuary he could find anywhere in the Mideast was in Egypt. To curb Arafat, Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser formed the Palestinian Liberation Organization [PLO] to rebuff Arafat. Privately, Nasser ordered his intelligence service to arrange Arafat's liquidation. Unfortunately, the Six Day War happened in June, 1967 and the Muslims were soundly defeated by the Jews, nearly destroying Nasser's political base in Egypt. Arafat managed to wrest control of the PLO from Nasser at that time, which probably saved his life. With the assassination of Anwar Sadat on Oct. 6, 1981, the Palestinians—a nation without land—were evicted from Egypt and became gypsies of the desert once again. They were rescued by King Hussein of Jordan who gave them refuge in the West Bank.
The Hashemites trace their ancestry from Hashim ibn Abd al-Manaf (died c.510 AD), the great-great grandfather of the prophet Mohammad (even though today, the genealogies are traced to Fatimah, Mohammad's daughter). As we will discuss later, King Abdullah II is now the most direct ancestor of Mohammad alive in he world today. As such, he is the leader of the Muslim world, and heir to the theological throne of Mohammad.
The Arab world has an almost ancient contempt for the Palestinians because they view them as the ancestors of apostate Jews who were left behind during the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. The Palestinians, for the most part, are the offspring of the Assyrians and Babylonians who sent by their kings to replenish the lands of Israel and Judah. Some are the offspring of ancient mixed marriages between Assyrians, Babylonians and Jews, and have Jewish blood coursing through their veins. Although they are Islamic, and claim to be Jewish blood-free, they remain semi-outcasts in the Muslim world. It was for that reason that whichever Muslim leader agreed to share their land with the Palestinians, ultimately became targets of assassination plots since Arafat and the gypsy Fatah desperately wanted a homeland called Palestine which they had never possessed. By 1969, the Palestinians had amassed enough political clout through terrorism to make demands in the Arab world since Fatah, like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda are equal opportunity terrorists.
When Jordan's King Abdullah II spoke to his London radio audience in November, 2001, he said that the problem lays on both sides of the theological divide, with Jews and the Palestinians equally at fault. Abdullah told the radio audience in London that efforts to bring about a Palestinian state could not happen unless Israel received sufficient guarantees to assure its security. That would happen only if there were public guarantees from each of the Arab Gulf States that obligated them, before the world, to protect Israel from Islamic extremists who might try to perform terrorist acts against the Jews—and that the Arab world keeps their word.
Premillennial Christian conservatives with more than a cursory knowledge of Bible prophecy know that when Antichrist appears on the world scene [Rev. 13:1-10], he will initiate a peace accord with the Jews [Dan. 9:26-27], guaranteeing the security of the Jews for a period of seven years. While many of those same Christians believe that Antichrist must necessarily be a Jew for the Jews to accept him as their Messiah (and others because of the description of the Harlot of Babylon [Rev. 17:1-14] have wrongly construed the Harlot to be the pope of Rome), Scripture clearly identifies Antichrist as a Muslim [Isa. 9:14-15, 30:31; Dan. 8:9-25, 11:21-25; Hosea 9:7-8, 13; Rev. 13:1-10]. The False Prophet, who directs the Jews to the foot of the throne of Antichrist, will be a Jew. He is scripturally described [Rev. 13:11-18] as the second beast, rising out of the Earth. (Antichrist rises from the Sea. In Scripture, the "land" always denotes Israel. The "sea" denotes the Gentile nations.) Unlike the first beast which has 10 horns, the second beast has two. The horns of the second beast represent the Jewish tribes of Dan and Ephraim who led the Jews into idolatry as Israel settled the Promised Land at the end of the Egyptian captivity.
Could King Abdullah II be the Antichrist?
On March 26, 1979 President Jimmy Carter witnessed the signing of what became known as the Camp David Accord between Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin—a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Bible conspiracy advocates alternately labeled first Begin and then Sadat as Antichrist; and then first Begin and then Carter as the False Prophet. Needless to say, the Biblical pundits of the 1970s were wrong. Neither Sadat nor Begin were Antichrist, and neither Begin nor Carter proved to be the False Prophet. When the Camp David Accord was signed, Muslim clerics issued a fatwa on Sadat. When he was assassinated by his own security guard on October 3, 1981, many unlearned and misguided Christian prophecy buffs believed he would rise from the dead in three days and assume his role as Antichrist. He did not.
Clearly, at this moment, only God knows the identity of Antichrist. Suffice to say, not even the Muslim leader who will assume the trappings of Antichrist knows he has been selected for this ungodly role. In other words, there is not a man in the Mideast who has pledged his allegiance to Satan in exchange for power. Antichrist will be a devout Muslim. The False Prophet will be a devout Jew. Since Scripture describes Antichrist as a man of peace it is clear that none of the old generation of Muslim leaders fits the bill since all of them ascended to power through bloodshed.
There were three “new generation” leaders—all economists—whose resumes appear to fit the bill. First is King Abdullah II, the Hashemite king of Jordan; Bashar Assad, the “president” of Syria; and, finally, the youngest son of Saddam Hussein who died in a shoot-out with the US military in Baghdad. Scripture describes Antichrist as a small, meek-looking man. The prophet Isaiah wondered how such a diminutive, wimpish-looking man could have frightened the whole world. Of the three most likely candidates, only King Abdullah II has the politically-correct, certifiable credentials. He is likewise the only Muslim leader who possesses the right “bonafides” to avoid having an angry Muslim cleric issue a fatwa on him for his pro-Israeli views.
Unlike Saddam Hussein, who claimed (but could not prove) to be a direct ancestor of Saladin (and through Saladin to Nebuchadnezzar) simply because he was born in the same village where the Muslim conqueror of Europe was born, the Hashemite king is the most direct ancestor of Mohammad the Prophet of Islam—even though the Saudi royal family also claims that distinction through one of Mohammad’s other wives. While Antichrist must have “first born” direct linkage to Mohammad (in order for the Muslims to accept his peace initiatives towards Israel), Antichrist must have one other thing. He must have direct ancestral linkage to Abraham through Esau and Ishmael. It is that tie that links Antichrist to God—a necessary ingredient for him to be linked to the creation of mankind and therefore tied to Satan’s efforts to thwart God’s plan from the beginning.
For that reason, the recording and certification of ancestral genealogies is as important to the Muslims as it is the Jews. In the Holy Bible, the Book of Numbers is the record of the genealogy of the Jews by a census that was taken every seven years. In fact, Numbers begins with such a census. “Number the whole Israelite community...” In the text, the Hebrew word separ is used. Separ means census. In the King James Version of the Bible, the term “...number of their names...” is used in verses 1:2, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Verse 45 records taking the census by number.
The Jews, like their Muslim counterparts, placed much store on ancestral lineage because to them, a man was judged not by who he was or who he was able to become through his own sweat equity, but rather, who his father was—and more important—who his father’s father was.
While Saddam claims direct ancestral linkage to Saladin, it is a lineage that he knows—and most Muslim clerics know—would not withstand the scrutiny of an ancestral census. Antichrist will be Scripturally confirmed as the Beast when his ancestral tree is run after he assumes global power.
That census is noted in Revelation 13:14. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and that number is six hundred three score and six.” In the Greek text, we see the word number is arithmos, which means “a specific number.” The “number” of the beast, 666, is not a general term. It is the specific census number of a specific person. Just as your social security number, or your US government personal identifier (that will appear on your personal National ID Card in the near future) will specifically identify only you, 666—used as a census number—will specifically identify only Antichrist.
Tracking the identity of Antichrist through his theological census number must necessarily pass through a handful of key historic people who are symbolically used in prophecy to identify Antichrist. And that genealogy must end up establishing the man's direct lineage to Abraham.
If Antichrist is not directly related to Abraham through Ishmael and Esau, the Arabian peninsula, which is the land given to Israel by God, can be claimed only by someone else. Prophetically, when Antichrist is acclaimed as the savior of the modern world, he will become so popular that artifax honoring him will be sold around the world. As his genealogy is run, the world will learn that among his ancestors was Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid ruler who ascended to the Seleucid throne in 175 B.C. and conquered Egypt in 171 BC.
Antiochus IV, who is described by Daniel in Dan. 8:23-25, is the subject of 1 Macabees (which appears only in the Catholic version and the apocraphyl writings which are found in the Pseudopigrapha of the Holy Writ). In addition, the history of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, through whom Antichrist is viewed by the prophet Daniel, is adequately recorded in the Antiquities of the Jews. (It would not surprise me too much to discover that this lineage included Sargon and Sennacherib the Assyrian King.) The 666th direct, first-born descendant of Antichrist will prove to be Abraham.
The Genealogy of King Abdullah II, the Hashemite King
The Hashemite Kings have proudly displayed their pedigree for all the world to see and examine for the entire 20th century, and likely before. (Sample below, left, is the genealogy of the Hashemite kings found on King Abdullah II’s website.) None in the Arab world have disputed it. And, regardless of the pro-American views of King Abdullah II or his father, King al Hussein, no Muslims clerics have issued fatwas in their names.
The reason is the direct link of the Hashemite dynasty to Mohammad. While the genealogy of Abdullah II goes farther back than shown here, genealogy of the Hashemite kings goes back to the prophet Mohammad: Abdullah II, al Hussein, Talal, Abdullah I, Ali, Muhammed (Emir of Mecca), Abdul Mu’een, Auon, Ra’i al-Hadala, Muhsin, Abdullah, al Hussein, Abdullah (Emir of Mecca), al-Hassan (Emir of Mecca), Muhammad Abu Numayy II (Emir of Mecca), Barakat II (Emir of Mecca), al Hassan (Emir of Mecca), ‘Ajlan (Emir of Mecca), Rumaytha (Emir of Mecca), Mohammad Abu Numayy I (Emir of Mecca), al-Hassan (Emir of Mecca), Ali, Qutadah (Emir of Mecca), Idris, Muta’in, Abd al-Karim, Issa, al-Hassein, Suleiman, Ali, Abdullah, Mohammad, Abdullah, Muhammad, Musa, Abdullah, al-Hassan al-Muthanna, al-Hassan, Fatima az-Zahra (the daughter of Mohammad the Prophet), Mohammad (the Prophet of Islam), Abdullah, Abd al-Mutalib, Hashem (the ancestor of the Hashemites), Abd Manaf, Qusai (King of Mecca). It is important to note that from Fatima, the daughter of Mohammad back, the genealogy assumed by the Hashemite kings was the genealogy of Mohammad’s wife, not Mohammad. Mohammad came from an impoverished background. His father, Abd Allah, although a Hashemite chieftan, died before his birth negating any possible claims to an inheritance by his son. His mother, Amina, died when he was 6 years old. Mohammad was raised by an uncle, but without any inheritance since whatever wealth was possessed by his father was assumed by his father’s brother. When Mohammad was in his early 20s he met and married a wealthy widow, Khadijah who financed his “discovery” of the Koran (Qu’ran) through visitations by the angel Gabriel on Mount Hira just outside Mecca.
Mohammad—who preached one god to a polytheistic culture—promoted himself as God’s only prophet (or Apostle—a word Mohammad used often to describe himself). Mohammad’s monotheistic views were antithetical to the pagan society in which he lived. As long as the local ruler, Abu Talib was living, Mohammad was protected. When Abu Talib died, Mohammad and a handful of his followers were driven from Mecca. Mohammad migrated from Mecca to Medina. Medina had an extensive Jewish community. Mohammad’s early converts were largely Jews or Palestinians whose ancestors were Jews left behind in Palestine during the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. It would not be until Mohammad returned to Mecca with an army of Islamic converts and subdued the city that Arabs became converts to Islam. It is important for Christians throughout the world who believe that the Jews will not follow an Arab, believing him to be their Messiah, that around 630 AD Jews and Gentiles by the thousands did just that.
The American Peace Process
While Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton expended much effort trying to create a peace treaty in the Mideast, Clinton’s efforts were largely centered around Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat who is not recognized by any Arab leader (not even those like Saddam Hussein or Hafiz Assad of Syria before he died) as the head of any state. In point of fact, Arafat is not even recognized as the Palestinian “head of state” by most Palestinians. He is largely viewed as a Clinton stooge since Clinton legitimized Arafat in the eyes of the world community by acknowledging him as the “leader” of the Palestinian homeland movement. However, Arafat remained a regional character with a mongrel pedigree until his death. Once he was no longer a threat to the Arabs, Arafat was hailed as a great leader in the move for peace in the Mideast.
In the eyes of the Sauds who can trace their own pedigree back at least 100 years, and in the eyes of King Abdullah II who can trace his ancestry back to 200 AD, if not earlier, Arafat was merely a terrorist who held power through bloodshed—much like Saddam Hussein, Abdul Nassar of Egypt (in the 1950s), Hafiz Assad of Syria and Moammar Gadhafi of Libya. Their pedigrees all came from the ammo clip of a AK-47. They ascended to power by killing their predecessors, or by creating such a reign of terror that ascension to power was easy.
Why the timing is right now for peace in the Mideast
Theologically, the timing could not be better for introduction of Antichrist to the world. Why? Because the world, which is singularly focused on the global economic meltdown (Rev. 18), will probably choose not to notice, or will halfheartedly watch as the industrial nations of the world struggle to stem the losses of their hemorrhaging stock markets as new threats of wars and rumors of wars slide from the front pages of the world's newspapers and geological earthquakes are replaced with the massive quakes of stock markets colliding on the way to the basement. And, even if the world's leading theologians told them, most Christians would not believe that Antichrist had actually arrived and he was someone the world already respected. In the minds of most Christians, while they acknowledge that Jesus Christ could return at any time (because the Bible says so), Antichrist , on the other hand, is a character that most were convinced would not show up for decades or centuries—at least, not in their lifetime.
Clearly, if the Christian community, which will be as spiritually blind as the unchurched on this issue, recognized Antichrist as Antichrist when he appears as the global savior of peace, they would all rededicate themselves to Christ, knowing that the end had arrived. Instead, they will collectively admire the diminutive little man from the Mideast who solved the hottest political issue in the world; an issue that has plagued the world since the recreation of the State of Israel in May, 1948—an issue so complex that not even the United Nations could solve it.
As Palestinians and Israelis continue to kill each other in record numbers along the West Bank of the Jordan River as the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Hamas seeks a Palestinian homeland within the State of Israel, the United States and the Muslim nations in the Mideast and around the world are facing a new quandary created by the World Trade Center tragedy. And, while his term of office has almost expired, George W. Bush made it clear not only to the G-20 industrial leaders of the world but to the Islamic nations in the Mideast, Africa, and the Asian subcontinent that the United States will wage a War on Terrorism until the last terrorist is dead—wherever that terrorist is found. And, while GOP presidential nominee John McCain shares Bush's view on security, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama does not. In his book, Audacity of Hope, Obama made it amply clear where his loyalties lay when he said: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political wind shift in an ugly direction."
Thus, we can expect the next presidential administration to do a military about-face if Sen. Barack Obama prevails in the national elections on Nov. 4. He will follow the Vietnam era far left from the Carter era—he will hoist the white flag and surrender a war already won while claiming victory as morally defeated troops return home, heads hung in shame. And the United States of America will have lost the second war in its entire history. Both times, wars won by those who fight will be lost by those who run.
As much as the Muslim nations in the Mideast hate both the Jews and the infidels who support them, they still face the question of whether or not they can escape the wrath of the American people with or without either Bush or McCain in the White House because the American people will never tolerate a coward or an appeaser in the White House. Much of the monetary support received by Sen. Obama for his presidential campaign is coming from the Muslim world, specifically from Palestinians who view Obama as an Islamic brother-in-arms. Within the last few weeks the Obama Campaign has been forced to return two contributions, one for $35,000 and one for $21,000 because the McCain Campaign learned both had come from Muslim donors in Palestine.
At the time of King Abdullah II's peace advocacy, the Jordanian monarch received assurances from President Bush that the United States would back his diplomacy, adding that the military clout of America to put some “bite” behind Abdullah’s “bark.” The Abdullah Initiative offered Israel, for the first time, the collective guarantees from 22 Islamic nations stretching from the Mideast to Africa. In his historic declaration, Abdullah called for his fellow Arab leaders to “...recognize the world’s new realities after September 11...” and acknowledge that what has happened in America has made the Arab-Israeli conflict secondary to battling terrorism worldwide. The pan-Arab declaration would provide the underpinning for the “...integration and security of Israel into the [Mideast] region.”
The idea of integrating Israel into the Mideast economy as an equal trading partner has always been an anathema to the leaders of the Arab States who envision a world in which Israel no longer exists—as it appears in the geography books used by Muslim children throughout the Islamic world. Nor does the United States nor the industrialized nations of Europe have anything to offer that would make the deal palatable to the taste buds of the Islamic world. In the past, the US was their largest customer for oil and natural gas. Today, China and the emerging consumer-rich, investment-poor third world nations have replaced the United States as the world's largest consumer of oil—and none of them have political alliances with the Arabs ancestral enemy, Israel. As the economic and military might of the United States continues to be like the strength of Samson after Delilah chopped over his locks, Bush's pledge to use military diplomacy to put a "bite" in Abdullah II's "bark," will not happen under in an Obama presidency. Nor was that something King Abdullah II thought he needed, or wanted, in November, 2001. If King Abdullah II of Jordan proves to be the man who brings peace to the Mideast, it will not happen because of the military might of the United States. It will happen solely because God has ordained it as part of His final plan for Planet Earth.
Even Egypt, which was pressured by the United States and the Carter Administration to sign a peace accord with Israel in 1979—an act that caused the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981—has refused to promote a continuing dialogue with Israel.
The Israelis refer to the Camp David Accord as “the cold peace” (as opposed to the Cold War). Every peace initiative that has been offered to Israel has been a proposal in which the Jews were promised peace in exchange for the land taken by Israel during the Six Day War in June, 1967 when Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and Jordan in six days. During that brief war, Israel took all of the West Bank—including Jerusalem—and a large portion of the Sinai Desert from Egypt as well as a large section of land from Syria. When the war concluded, Israel refused to give back any of the land it had taken from its Arab neighbors.
Neither the United States nor the UN—which has been trying to force Israel to surrender land for peace—realizes that the land God gave to Israel was an inheritance [Numbers 34; Joshua 1:2; Ezekiel 47:13-23] given in perpetuity. The Jews have no authority on their own to surrender that land to anyone. In fact, Scripture mandates that if a Jew sells his land, he must sell it to another Jew. During the Year of Jubilee (every 50 years), the land reverts back to the original family, thus maintaining the integrity of the tribal identity of those land owners.
It was because former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to engage in a land swap for peace with the Palestinians that the Clinton Administration decided to interfere with Israeli politics. At the urging of Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak hired Clinton spinmeister James Carville to manage his campaign and to topple the Netanyahu government. Carville sliced and diced Netanyahu, bringing about the downfall of the Lukid Party’s candidate in the general election. Barak, who had pledged to do the land swap for peace for Clinton, found himself at odds with the Jewish people who knew you can’t bargain with terrorists. Barak quickly lost favor, and his government collapsed.
Since Israel would much rather go to war with the Arabs than cede more land for empty promises of peace and security, the peace talks remain at an impasse. King Abdullah II seems to be the only Mideast leader who understands that hollow promises will no longer work. All of the real issues surrounding the security of Israel must be solved before the issue of a Palestinian state can even be addressed. In a discussion with King Abdullah II over the prospects of a Palestinian state on the West Bank, with East Jerusalem serving as a Palestinian capitol, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair told Abdullah II that Israel will never disappear and, in his opinion, it remained to be seen if a Palestinian state would ever appear. Talking on British radio, Abdullah II admitted that “ an Arab, I don’t know whether or not there’ll be a Palestinian state.”
While it appears that King Abdullah II has taken on an impossible task, there were only three Muslim nations standing in the way of him accomplishing his objective in 2001: Iraq, Iran and Syria. Moammar Gadhafi, the king of terrorism in the 1970s, announced at a 2001 Arab Summit in Cairo that he joined King Abdullah II in favoring a pan-Arab declaration such as the one promoted by Abdullah II—providing that any treaty with Israel contained a condition that would grant the Palestinians a capitol in East Jerusalem. Since Iraq, Iran and Syria were high on America’s list of nations who sponsor terrorism, logic suggested, when the original article was written, that they might well be in George W. Bush’s crosshairs as targets that had to be crushed before America’s War on Terrorism would be construed as being over. If Saddam Hussein and Bashar Assad were eliminated from the power equation—and Sunni moderates were able to take control of the Persian theocracy in Iran—it is likely that King Abdullah II’s plan to create a lasting peace in the Mideast could then be accomplished.
Since the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, many of the Muslim heads of state, out of fear of American retaliation, have moderated their rhetoric. Privately, out of fear of their own clerics who control the fatwa, they support the radical extremists who use terrorism as a political tool only because they lack weapons of mass destruction to end the Israeli debate. Within their borders, America remains the Great Satan and the Jews remain a people that must be eradicated.
President George W. Bush was reluctant to publicly back King Abdullah’s grand play too loudly or too openly until he was convinced that the Hashemite king could not fail. “You can’t play that card,” Bush told Abdullah, “if there’s a chance for failure. What happens if it fails? You are going to have to wait for years...It must be 99% clear...”
A Christian world view notwithstanding, neither Bush nor his predecessors did, nor still do, realize that God has already decreed that, ultimately—in His timing— it will work. After all, it is part of God’s master plan in the end times. The plan will succeed. It appears, at least today, that the emissary who will guarantee the peace and security of Israel—and fulfill Daniel’s prophecy—will be King Abdullah II of Jordan. But, we must wait and see if some other Mideast ruler rises to the occasion and assumes that lead role. However, none of the other leaders of the Mideast have Abdullah’s pedigree...and, in the Mideast, everything has to do with who your father’s father was.
We can be certain, however, that the man—regardless how corrupt and evil he may be—will not be the Kenyan Muslim Barack Hussein Obama. While Obama is definitely a Muslim, his ancestral roots do not give him the lineage through Mohammad to Antiochus IV Epiphanes to Esau to Ishmael and, finally, to Abraham to claim the birthright to the deed of inheritance of the Promised Land. And that is, after all, what 3,919 years of conflict between the descendants of Abraham has been all about.
Good the book Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg, Joel relates that he and his father interviewed a former member of the Russian Parliment who stated that in order for Russia to survive as a nation, they must go to the Middle East...which is exactly what Ezekiel 38-39 are all about...the following article indicates that the time just may be drawing ever closer to a Russian invasion in the Middle East, just as scripture says. Indeed it is anexciting time to be alive!
The End of the Nation? Russia Chooses Death Over Life
Posted: Monday, October 06, 2008 at 2:51 pm ET
Dr. Al Mohler
Reports out of Russia indicate that the recent military clash with Georgia may have represented something more like desperation than opportunism. Murray Feshbach of The Washington Post reports that, all things considered, Russia is actually close to a national collapse.
"Predictions that Russia will again become powerful, rich and influential ignore some simply devastating problems at home that block any march to power," Feshbach reports. "Sure, Russia's army could take tiny Georgia. But Putin's military is still in tatters, armed with rusting weaponry and staffed with indifferent recruits. Meanwhile, a declining population is robbing the military of a new generation of soldiers. Russia's economy is almost totally dependent on the price of oil. And, worst of all, it's facing a public health crisis that verges on the catastrophic."
The health crisis turns out to be a barometer of sorts -- and a warning of a far greater disaster that looms. Russia is falling into the rank of nations with the lowest life expectancy and highest rates of early death. No one appears concerned enough to do anything.
As Feshbach reports:
Recent decades, most notably since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, have seen an appalling deterioration in the health of the Russian population, anchoring Russia not in the forefront of developed countries but among the most backward of nations.
This is a tragedy of huge proportions -- but not a particularly surprising one, at least to me. I followed population, health and environmental issues in the Soviet Union for decades, and more recently, I have reported on diseases such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic ravaging the Russian population. I've visited Russia more than 50 times over the years, so I can say from firsthand experience that this national calamity isn't happening suddenly. It's happening inexorably.
According to U.N. figures, the average life expectancy for a Russian man is 59 years -- putting the country at about 166th place in the world longevity sweepstakes, one notch above Gambia. For women, the picture is somewhat rosier: They can expect to live, on average, 73 years, barely beating out the Moldovans. But there are still some 126 countries where they could expect to live longer. And the gap between expected longevity for men and for women -- 14 years -- is the largest in the developed world.
The recent military incursion into Georgia, brutal as it was, may represent a futile attempt to show force while Russia still has force. The number of young men of military age in the population is crashing -- as is the number of young women who could give birth to future soldiers.
In order to understand this, consider this shocking headline from the St. Peterburg Times [Russia]: "Experts -- 64 Percent of Russian Pregnancies End in Abortion."
As the paper reports:
The low birth rate remains one of the key reasons behind Russia’s ongoing demographic crisis. According to official statistics, every fourth teenage girl in Russia has some form of gynecological ailment or reproductive health disorder.
Each year in Russia, more than 64 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion, while in Western European countries the level is below 25 percent. By comparison, there are 10 to 15 abortions per 100 pregnancies in the U.K. and 5 or 6 per 100 in the Netherlands.
One in ten women who undergo an abortion in Russia is below 18 years of age, doctors say. Gynecological disease rates for teenage girls in 15-17 age group, have jumped by an alarming 30 percent in the last five years.
In a twist only Fyodor Dostoevsky might understand, Russian authorities, alarmed by the population collapse, declared 2008 as the 'Year of the Family.' Government campaigns to encourage bearing children were launched, but with no apparent impact. In a stunning disconnect, the government still offers free abortions.
What country can live with aborting 64 percent of its babies? How can such a nation survive? It has brought death into its own wombs. The babies who are born are the lucky few. The vast majority never see life outside the womb.
In recent days The Los Angeles Times has reported that a small pro-life movement has begun in Russia, but without much influence as of yet:
A fledgling antiabortion movement is beginning to stir in Russia. Driven by a growing discussion of abortion as a moral issue and, most of all, by a government worried about demographics, doctors and politicians are quietly struggling to lower what is believed to be one of the world's highest abortion rates.."
"The attitude has changed," abortion practitioner Alexander Medvedev said. "Even in community clinics, doctors are trying to dissuade patients from abortion. Now teenagers come to see us with already two or three abortions, and it's horrible.
The report indicates that some medical authorities and social observers are truly concerned, and exceptions for late-term abortions are harder to obtain. Nevertheless, the sheer number of abortions defies comprehension and appears unlikely to fall. A reluctance to define the issue in moral terms means that authorities try to argue from the grounds of public health and population needs. But once the moral ground is abandoned, so is the hope of any recovery.
Lincoln Steffens, an American apologist for the Bolshevik Revolution and the early Soviet regime, once infamously declared of the Soviets: "I have been over to the future, and it works!" Well, the current crisis in Russia may well be a warning of the future collapse of civilization. Once a nation takes the Culture of Death into its heart, what rescue is possible?
The more familiar form of the quotation from Lincoln Steffens ("I have seen the future and it works!") was not made known until after his death and may be a misquotation supplied by his widow.
The End of the Nation? Russia Chooses Death Over Life
Posted: Monday, October 06, 2008 at 2:51 pm ET
Dr. Al Mohler
Reports out of Russia indicate that the recent military clash with Georgia may have represented something more like desperation than opportunism. Murray Feshbach of The Washington Post reports that, all things considered, Russia is actually close to a national collapse.
"Predictions that Russia will again become powerful, rich and influential ignore some simply devastating problems at home that block any march to power," Feshbach reports. "Sure, Russia's army could take tiny Georgia. But Putin's military is still in tatters, armed with rusting weaponry and staffed with indifferent recruits. Meanwhile, a declining population is robbing the military of a new generation of soldiers. Russia's economy is almost totally dependent on the price of oil. And, worst of all, it's facing a public health crisis that verges on the catastrophic."
The health crisis turns out to be a barometer of sorts -- and a warning of a far greater disaster that looms. Russia is falling into the rank of nations with the lowest life expectancy and highest rates of early death. No one appears concerned enough to do anything.
As Feshbach reports:
Recent decades, most notably since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, have seen an appalling deterioration in the health of the Russian population, anchoring Russia not in the forefront of developed countries but among the most backward of nations.
This is a tragedy of huge proportions -- but not a particularly surprising one, at least to me. I followed population, health and environmental issues in the Soviet Union for decades, and more recently, I have reported on diseases such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic ravaging the Russian population. I've visited Russia more than 50 times over the years, so I can say from firsthand experience that this national calamity isn't happening suddenly. It's happening inexorably.
According to U.N. figures, the average life expectancy for a Russian man is 59 years -- putting the country at about 166th place in the world longevity sweepstakes, one notch above Gambia. For women, the picture is somewhat rosier: They can expect to live, on average, 73 years, barely beating out the Moldovans. But there are still some 126 countries where they could expect to live longer. And the gap between expected longevity for men and for women -- 14 years -- is the largest in the developed world.
The recent military incursion into Georgia, brutal as it was, may represent a futile attempt to show force while Russia still has force. The number of young men of military age in the population is crashing -- as is the number of young women who could give birth to future soldiers.
In order to understand this, consider this shocking headline from the St. Peterburg Times [Russia]: "Experts -- 64 Percent of Russian Pregnancies End in Abortion."
As the paper reports:
The low birth rate remains one of the key reasons behind Russia’s ongoing demographic crisis. According to official statistics, every fourth teenage girl in Russia has some form of gynecological ailment or reproductive health disorder.
Each year in Russia, more than 64 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion, while in Western European countries the level is below 25 percent. By comparison, there are 10 to 15 abortions per 100 pregnancies in the U.K. and 5 or 6 per 100 in the Netherlands.
One in ten women who undergo an abortion in Russia is below 18 years of age, doctors say. Gynecological disease rates for teenage girls in 15-17 age group, have jumped by an alarming 30 percent in the last five years.
In a twist only Fyodor Dostoevsky might understand, Russian authorities, alarmed by the population collapse, declared 2008 as the 'Year of the Family.' Government campaigns to encourage bearing children were launched, but with no apparent impact. In a stunning disconnect, the government still offers free abortions.
What country can live with aborting 64 percent of its babies? How can such a nation survive? It has brought death into its own wombs. The babies who are born are the lucky few. The vast majority never see life outside the womb.
In recent days The Los Angeles Times has reported that a small pro-life movement has begun in Russia, but without much influence as of yet:
A fledgling antiabortion movement is beginning to stir in Russia. Driven by a growing discussion of abortion as a moral issue and, most of all, by a government worried about demographics, doctors and politicians are quietly struggling to lower what is believed to be one of the world's highest abortion rates.."
"The attitude has changed," abortion practitioner Alexander Medvedev said. "Even in community clinics, doctors are trying to dissuade patients from abortion. Now teenagers come to see us with already two or three abortions, and it's horrible.
The report indicates that some medical authorities and social observers are truly concerned, and exceptions for late-term abortions are harder to obtain. Nevertheless, the sheer number of abortions defies comprehension and appears unlikely to fall. A reluctance to define the issue in moral terms means that authorities try to argue from the grounds of public health and population needs. But once the moral ground is abandoned, so is the hope of any recovery.
Lincoln Steffens, an American apologist for the Bolshevik Revolution and the early Soviet regime, once infamously declared of the Soviets: "I have been over to the future, and it works!" Well, the current crisis in Russia may well be a warning of the future collapse of civilization. Once a nation takes the Culture of Death into its heart, what rescue is possible?
The more familiar form of the quotation from Lincoln Steffens ("I have seen the future and it works!") was not made known until after his death and may be a misquotation supplied by his widow.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
American Invincibility Shattered?
Good Afternoon...all indications are that we are headed for some type of financial armageddon...if things don't change soon, the U.S. Government, which is bailing out these banks and investment firms, is also going broke...the book of Revelation talks of a "one-world government"...this can't come about without the fall of the power in this country...The various governments around the world are openly saying now that "we need to form a global financial system" to prevent this from happening again...what do you need to do? Turn to Jesus NOW! the time is growing shorter as we speak...the day is dawning when Jesus will get the nod from God the Father and step out on the clouds and call His children home! What a glorious day that will be! The following article is by Jan Markel of Olive tree ministries:
America’s Invincibility Shattered
Commentary on the News
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Jan Markell
Americans have been guilty of a sense of invincibility. Since we excel at nearly everything and have an unrivaled quality of life, most Americans feel nothing could bring us down. Until October 2008.
Now we have seen that even our economic dominance is in jeopardy. Threatened by a financial tsunami, The People’s Daily out of China states, “The world must consider building a financial order no longer dependent on the United States.”
The Washington Times had a bold headline October 1, 2008, reading, “Foreign Economists Urge ‘Global Plan.’” The story went on to say, “Leaders and economists from Western Europe to East Asia urged that America go beyond reviving a failed domestic bailout and start working on a new global financial system. The next U.S. president should immediately call for a second ‘Bretton Woods’ conference to devise a new doctrine of international finance.’ ”
There is global panic. Wall Street Guru Warren Buffet states he has never seen such fear. So where is it going? We have just put a band-aid on a cancer sore and call it a “bailout.” As Newt Gingrich says, “We're also far from out of danger. If we do not create an economic recovery program, we will be facing another bailout next year.”
Where is this going? One of the most important radio hours I have done in nine years was last Saturday, October 4. My guest was Gary Kah who has been looking at globalism issues for 20 years. He has said on my program more than once, “We are one disaster away from global government.” So is this the disaster? Maybe. At the very least it is a run-up to it.
Gary says, “Once the current system has become completely undone, I believe a new system will be proposed as the solution. It will include some form of global government. Global planners have long understood that there can’t be a new one-world system until the old order has failed.” The old order is failing.
Since the U.S. government is almost as broke as the institutions it is trying to assist, won’t minds be more open now to this idea? Who is going to bail out the U.S. government when it goes broke? And it likely will. We just don’t know when. With America bogged down in so much debt, it will take a global solution to fix not just our economy but the economies of the world affected by the American meltdown.
Yes, things have to get very bad for America to accept a new way of doing finance. However, the book of Revelation clearly points to a coming one-world system as well as a one-world religion and a cashless society. Are we being primed? Absolutely. The “bailout” provided a very temporary lull so that America and the world didn’t grind to a halt.
Those trusting in men and government have put their faith in the wrong place. False assurance has been signaled now that the FDIC will “insure” accounts up to $250,000 in one bank. However, the FDIC does not have enough money to follow through with this commitment.
The plan will be sugar-coated. With a global government, we can outlaw war! Perhaps radical Islam will be seduced into going along with the plan, and our war on terror will end. All human conflicts can be worked out through law. This will cost far less than financing your nation’s defense against all other countries. Many issues such as poverty, climate change, human rights, and more will be under control with global government. Isn’t this better than credit cards being recalled, car and school loans being denied, factory closures, bank closures, and millions out of work?
The impression has been that the government has solved the problem when it is government that has created the problems. And a new presidential administration is not likely to make things better if part of its strategy is to raise taxes. America is clearly at a crossroads and it may be difficult to stop the rampage of global government as outlined in the Bible.
I appreciated the way my radio guest Gary Kah ended the interview. He states, “This needs to be a time to draw near to Jesus and to be in step with His will. Get your priorities straight. Remove time-consuming, non-fruit-bearing clutter from your life. Choose to be an instrument for God. Be committed and dedicated to His call on your life.”
America’s Invincibility Shattered
Commentary on the News
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Jan Markell
Americans have been guilty of a sense of invincibility. Since we excel at nearly everything and have an unrivaled quality of life, most Americans feel nothing could bring us down. Until October 2008.
Now we have seen that even our economic dominance is in jeopardy. Threatened by a financial tsunami, The People’s Daily out of China states, “The world must consider building a financial order no longer dependent on the United States.”
The Washington Times had a bold headline October 1, 2008, reading, “Foreign Economists Urge ‘Global Plan.’” The story went on to say, “Leaders and economists from Western Europe to East Asia urged that America go beyond reviving a failed domestic bailout and start working on a new global financial system. The next U.S. president should immediately call for a second ‘Bretton Woods’ conference to devise a new doctrine of international finance.’ ”
There is global panic. Wall Street Guru Warren Buffet states he has never seen such fear. So where is it going? We have just put a band-aid on a cancer sore and call it a “bailout.” As Newt Gingrich says, “We're also far from out of danger. If we do not create an economic recovery program, we will be facing another bailout next year.”
Where is this going? One of the most important radio hours I have done in nine years was last Saturday, October 4. My guest was Gary Kah who has been looking at globalism issues for 20 years. He has said on my program more than once, “We are one disaster away from global government.” So is this the disaster? Maybe. At the very least it is a run-up to it.
Gary says, “Once the current system has become completely undone, I believe a new system will be proposed as the solution. It will include some form of global government. Global planners have long understood that there can’t be a new one-world system until the old order has failed.” The old order is failing.
Since the U.S. government is almost as broke as the institutions it is trying to assist, won’t minds be more open now to this idea? Who is going to bail out the U.S. government when it goes broke? And it likely will. We just don’t know when. With America bogged down in so much debt, it will take a global solution to fix not just our economy but the economies of the world affected by the American meltdown.
Yes, things have to get very bad for America to accept a new way of doing finance. However, the book of Revelation clearly points to a coming one-world system as well as a one-world religion and a cashless society. Are we being primed? Absolutely. The “bailout” provided a very temporary lull so that America and the world didn’t grind to a halt.
Those trusting in men and government have put their faith in the wrong place. False assurance has been signaled now that the FDIC will “insure” accounts up to $250,000 in one bank. However, the FDIC does not have enough money to follow through with this commitment.
The plan will be sugar-coated. With a global government, we can outlaw war! Perhaps radical Islam will be seduced into going along with the plan, and our war on terror will end. All human conflicts can be worked out through law. This will cost far less than financing your nation’s defense against all other countries. Many issues such as poverty, climate change, human rights, and more will be under control with global government. Isn’t this better than credit cards being recalled, car and school loans being denied, factory closures, bank closures, and millions out of work?
The impression has been that the government has solved the problem when it is government that has created the problems. And a new presidential administration is not likely to make things better if part of its strategy is to raise taxes. America is clearly at a crossroads and it may be difficult to stop the rampage of global government as outlined in the Bible.
I appreciated the way my radio guest Gary Kah ended the interview. He states, “This needs to be a time to draw near to Jesus and to be in step with His will. Get your priorities straight. Remove time-consuming, non-fruit-bearing clutter from your life. Choose to be an instrument for God. Be committed and dedicated to His call on your life.”
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wall Street
Good afternoon...with all the hoopla surrounding the bailout, we are finding that the press is telling us that people are afraid of what is happening...the consumers are drawing back and reducing their spending and so forth...the following article focuses us in on the heart of the problem...Repentance! The Bible says that in the last days that "men's hearts will be failing them for fear." Are we seeing that approaching?
By Ron Graham
“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib…: Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. From the sole of the foot even unto the head [there is] no soundness in it; [but] wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment,” Isaiah 1:2 – 4, 6.
The Lord has spoken even to us living in the United States of America and He expects us to pay attention to His warnings. But do we? Not so you’d notice. What a privilege to have been born in America and brought up in a nation of freedom and liberty. Now as America stands at the precipice of time all we can see is corruption, deceit, hatred, putrefying sores, unsoundness of mind. We are in a state of total rebellion against out Creator.
“And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;” Isaiah 1:15, 16. God is pleading with His people to turn away from all evil. Here in America and around the world His people’s hands are soiled. Even so He’s beseeching us to return to Him and become clean once again.
What a wonderful place to live, this country of ours, and yet we have become the corruptor of nations. We are so greedy that other nations have become just like us, mirroring our greed. There does seem to be an approaching end to our silver and gold which have certainly been our idols for years now. “Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither [is there any] end of their treasures;… Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:” Isaiah 2:7, 8. Billions spent to bailout greedy banking institutions bears witness to the systematic elimination of our silver and gold.
“The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day,” Isaiah 2:11. There’s a day coming, not too far into the future, which will bring men to their knees. Our God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – will, very soon I’m afraid, put a stop to the pervasive evil that has permeated the earth. How can man stand against God? What man has ever prevailed against God? Rebellion in our very young children at times is cute and at other times quite annoying and brings about the possibility of some sort of punishment. Rebellion against God is never cute, and there’s no question God will bring His punishment to bear.
Isaiah was a profit enlisted by God Himself to herald God’s displeasure and remedies to the nation of Israel. We here in America can certainly take stock in the fact that if God’s displeasure with Israel brought devastating consequences to His chosen people, we Americans can rest assured God’s wrath will come down on this rebellious gentile nation as well.
The financial situation in our land is only a part of the overall problem confronting each individual in America today. Once again God is desperately attempting to get our attention. His word (the Holy Bible) gives all indication that He is serious when He chastises His people. Our Banks are failing in droves and huge conglomerates are taking unheard of massive financial hits, the stock market reflecting a sense of insecurity in our nation today is only a fraction of what we can expect if we continue in our rebellion to our God.
We must look at the whole picture before our eyes. We are all aware of the crises confronting us as Americans, and we can all understand why this has happened if we just give it a little thought. As a nation, we are steeped in immorality, deception, greed, hatred, and in false religions that don’t glorify the one true God, the God who created Heaven and Earth, the God who gave us His word to live by.
Rebellion is spreading. When did this rebellion start? It started in The Garden of Eden with two young adults who were given everything, even the title deed to the earth. What else could they have wanted? They already owned it all. It’s the same today, there are incredibly wealthy people who are unsatisfied with what God has blessed them with, and they want more. When they achieve more they still aren’t content and strive for even more.
According to history, people won’t be satisfied even after they obtain it all. Solomon who was the wealthiest man who ever lived penned the following statement. “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all [is] vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1:2. After it was all said and done Solomon wrote this admonition, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man, Ecclesiastes 12:13.
Satisfaction is only guaranteed when God’s people seek Him. “[Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name:” Amos 5:8. As God’s people we should seek Him in our daily lives. No matter what else happens in life, we must resolve to seek God’s presence and his will, and this resolve should never be compromised.
There is a sense of urgency among commentators today, we can read scores of articles on the subject of financial ruin and end times scenarios, and no one can find the United States of America in the end time prophecies. Just take a look around at all the confusion in this country; certainly we must come to the conclusion that we aren’t mentioned because we are no longer a viable entity. There really is no simple answer to where the US will be during the end times and the 70th week of Daniel. After so many years at the top of the heap will America become subordinated to a lesser position, perhaps a position of say a third world nation? It didn’t seem possible a few years ago but it sure makes for interesting conversation now.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; And this house, …which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers… therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them,” 2 Chronicles 7:14, 19, 21, 22. Jesus Christ is our God, and Christians who are called by His name must humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.
Personally, my thoughts are that since God established this nation a moral nation with Christian values, He has every right to disestablish it. I believe we are currently living through God’s disestablishment of America. If we would turn from our evil ways He would heal our land. How can we, the body of Christ, convince over three hundred million people that they need to turn from their wicked ways?
I’ve heard figures of approximately one third to one half of the US are Christian. If that be the case, and if we each took on the responsibility of speaking to two or three non-believers, we should have this problem fixed in short order. On the other hand, when we confront those who say they are Christian but then follow up with the statement “ But I’m not a practicing Christian”, then I see the figure of one third to one half of all Americans proclaiming to be Christian, dramatically reduced. By the way, what is someone who says “I’m not a practicing Christian”? If we are truly born again, are we not practicing Christians?
I know full well as do many who will be reading this commentary, that this nation isn’t going to get down on their knees and begin to ask God for forgiveness any time soon. Interestingly it won’t take the whole nation. If we His people, that means those of us who are truly born again, born from above, will repent and turn from our wicked ways He will heal our land. God isn’t calling on the whole of the U.S., he’s singling out His people, those who bear His Name. This is a corporate prayer He’s asking for. All believers should examine themselves and willingly seek God’s face and repent of the rebellion that has taken over this land.
The current Wall Street crisis is a call to arms. God is calling on all believers to put on His armor as in Ephesians 6, and to intercede and pray for this nation, to get down on their knees and repent before Him. If we will do this as a body, the body of Christ, He will be faithful to forgive us and to heal our land. If we stubbornly refuse to do this simple task, well then, God knows what the future will hold for America and its stiff necked people.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
By Ron Graham
“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib…: Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. From the sole of the foot even unto the head [there is] no soundness in it; [but] wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment,” Isaiah 1:2 – 4, 6.
The Lord has spoken even to us living in the United States of America and He expects us to pay attention to His warnings. But do we? Not so you’d notice. What a privilege to have been born in America and brought up in a nation of freedom and liberty. Now as America stands at the precipice of time all we can see is corruption, deceit, hatred, putrefying sores, unsoundness of mind. We are in a state of total rebellion against out Creator.
“And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;” Isaiah 1:15, 16. God is pleading with His people to turn away from all evil. Here in America and around the world His people’s hands are soiled. Even so He’s beseeching us to return to Him and become clean once again.
What a wonderful place to live, this country of ours, and yet we have become the corruptor of nations. We are so greedy that other nations have become just like us, mirroring our greed. There does seem to be an approaching end to our silver and gold which have certainly been our idols for years now. “Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither [is there any] end of their treasures;… Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:” Isaiah 2:7, 8. Billions spent to bailout greedy banking institutions bears witness to the systematic elimination of our silver and gold.
“The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day,” Isaiah 2:11. There’s a day coming, not too far into the future, which will bring men to their knees. Our God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – will, very soon I’m afraid, put a stop to the pervasive evil that has permeated the earth. How can man stand against God? What man has ever prevailed against God? Rebellion in our very young children at times is cute and at other times quite annoying and brings about the possibility of some sort of punishment. Rebellion against God is never cute, and there’s no question God will bring His punishment to bear.
Isaiah was a profit enlisted by God Himself to herald God’s displeasure and remedies to the nation of Israel. We here in America can certainly take stock in the fact that if God’s displeasure with Israel brought devastating consequences to His chosen people, we Americans can rest assured God’s wrath will come down on this rebellious gentile nation as well.
The financial situation in our land is only a part of the overall problem confronting each individual in America today. Once again God is desperately attempting to get our attention. His word (the Holy Bible) gives all indication that He is serious when He chastises His people. Our Banks are failing in droves and huge conglomerates are taking unheard of massive financial hits, the stock market reflecting a sense of insecurity in our nation today is only a fraction of what we can expect if we continue in our rebellion to our God.
We must look at the whole picture before our eyes. We are all aware of the crises confronting us as Americans, and we can all understand why this has happened if we just give it a little thought. As a nation, we are steeped in immorality, deception, greed, hatred, and in false religions that don’t glorify the one true God, the God who created Heaven and Earth, the God who gave us His word to live by.
Rebellion is spreading. When did this rebellion start? It started in The Garden of Eden with two young adults who were given everything, even the title deed to the earth. What else could they have wanted? They already owned it all. It’s the same today, there are incredibly wealthy people who are unsatisfied with what God has blessed them with, and they want more. When they achieve more they still aren’t content and strive for even more.
According to history, people won’t be satisfied even after they obtain it all. Solomon who was the wealthiest man who ever lived penned the following statement. “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all [is] vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1:2. After it was all said and done Solomon wrote this admonition, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man, Ecclesiastes 12:13.
Satisfaction is only guaranteed when God’s people seek Him. “[Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name:” Amos 5:8. As God’s people we should seek Him in our daily lives. No matter what else happens in life, we must resolve to seek God’s presence and his will, and this resolve should never be compromised.
There is a sense of urgency among commentators today, we can read scores of articles on the subject of financial ruin and end times scenarios, and no one can find the United States of America in the end time prophecies. Just take a look around at all the confusion in this country; certainly we must come to the conclusion that we aren’t mentioned because we are no longer a viable entity. There really is no simple answer to where the US will be during the end times and the 70th week of Daniel. After so many years at the top of the heap will America become subordinated to a lesser position, perhaps a position of say a third world nation? It didn’t seem possible a few years ago but it sure makes for interesting conversation now.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; And this house, …which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers… therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them,” 2 Chronicles 7:14, 19, 21, 22. Jesus Christ is our God, and Christians who are called by His name must humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.
Personally, my thoughts are that since God established this nation a moral nation with Christian values, He has every right to disestablish it. I believe we are currently living through God’s disestablishment of America. If we would turn from our evil ways He would heal our land. How can we, the body of Christ, convince over three hundred million people that they need to turn from their wicked ways?
I’ve heard figures of approximately one third to one half of the US are Christian. If that be the case, and if we each took on the responsibility of speaking to two or three non-believers, we should have this problem fixed in short order. On the other hand, when we confront those who say they are Christian but then follow up with the statement “ But I’m not a practicing Christian”, then I see the figure of one third to one half of all Americans proclaiming to be Christian, dramatically reduced. By the way, what is someone who says “I’m not a practicing Christian”? If we are truly born again, are we not practicing Christians?
I know full well as do many who will be reading this commentary, that this nation isn’t going to get down on their knees and begin to ask God for forgiveness any time soon. Interestingly it won’t take the whole nation. If we His people, that means those of us who are truly born again, born from above, will repent and turn from our wicked ways He will heal our land. God isn’t calling on the whole of the U.S., he’s singling out His people, those who bear His Name. This is a corporate prayer He’s asking for. All believers should examine themselves and willingly seek God’s face and repent of the rebellion that has taken over this land.
The current Wall Street crisis is a call to arms. God is calling on all believers to put on His armor as in Ephesians 6, and to intercede and pray for this nation, to get down on their knees and repent before Him. If we will do this as a body, the body of Christ, He will be faithful to forgive us and to heal our land. If we stubbornly refuse to do this simple task, well then, God knows what the future will hold for America and its stiff necked people.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ron Graham, writing for Rapture Alert, sounds the alarm for believers to REPENT! No truer words have been spoken. Take a look at what he has written:
Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib…: Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. From the sole of the foot even unto the head [there is] no soundness in it; [but] wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment,” Isaiah 1:2 – 4, 6.
The Lord has spoken even to us living in the United States of America and He expects us to pay attention to His warnings. But do we? Not so you’d notice. What a privilege to have been born in America and brought up in a nation of freedom and liberty. Now as America stands at the precipice of time all we can see is corruption, deceit, hatred, putrefying sores, unsoundness of mind. We are in a state of total rebellion against out Creator.
“And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;” Isaiah 1:15, 16. God is pleading with His people to turn away from all evil. Here in America and around the world His people’s hands are soiled. Even so He’s beseeching us to return to Him and become clean once again.
What a wonderful place to live, this country of ours, and yet we have become the corruptor of nations. We are so greedy that other nations have become just like us, mirroring our greed. There does seem to be an approaching end to our silver and gold which have certainly been our idols for years now. “Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither [is there any] end of their treasures;… Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:” Isaiah 2:7, 8. Billions spent to bailout greedy banking institutions bears witness to the systematic elimination of our silver and gold.
“The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day,” Isaiah 2:11. There’s a day coming, not too far into the future, which will bring men to their knees. Our God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – will, very soon I’m afraid, put a stop to the pervasive evil that has permeated the earth. How can man stand against God? What man has ever prevailed against God? Rebellion in our very young children at times is cute and at other times quite annoying and brings about the possibility of some sort of punishment. Rebellion against God is never cute, and there’s no question God will bring His punishment to bear.
Isaiah was a prophet enlisted by God Himself to herald God’s displeasure and remedies to the nation of Israel . We here in America can certainly take stock in the fact that if God’s displeasure with Israel brought devastating consequences to His chosen people, we Americans can rest assured God’s wrath will come down on this rebellious gentile nation as well.
The financial situation in our land is only a part of the overall problem confronting each individual in America today. Once again God is desperately attempting to get our attention. His word (the Holy Bible) gives all indication that He is serious when He chastises His people. Our Banks are failing in droves and huge conglomerates are taking unheard of massive financial hits, the stock market reflecting a sense of insecurity in our nation today is only a fraction of what we can expect if we continue in our rebellion to our God.
We must look at the whole picture before our eyes. We are all aware of the crises confronting us as Americans, and we can all understand why this has happened if we just give it a little thought. As a nation, we are steeped in immorality, deception, greed, hatred, and in false religions that don’t glorify the one true God, the God who created Heaven and Earth, the God who gave us His word to live by.
Rebellion is spreading. When did this rebellion start? It started in The Garden of Eden with two young adults who were given everything, even the title deed to the earth. What else could they have wanted? They already owned it all. It’s the same today, there are incredibly wealthy people who are unsatisfied with what God has blessed them with, and they want more. When they achieve more they still aren’t content and strive for even more.
According to history, people won’t be satisfied even after they obtain it all. Solomon who was the wealthiest man who ever lived penned the following statement. “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all [is] vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1:2. After it was all said and done Solomon wrote this admonition, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man," Ecclesiastes 12:13.
Satisfaction is only guaranteed when God’s people seek Him. “[Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name:” Amos 5:8. As God’s people we should seek Him in our daily lives. No matter what else happens in life, we must resolve to seek God’s presence and his will, and this resolve should never be compromised.
There is a sense of urgency among commentators today. We can read scores of articles on the subject of financial ruin and end times scenarios, and no one can find the United States of America in the end time prophecies. Just take a look around at all the confusion in this country; certainly we must come to the conclusion that we aren’t mentioned because we are no longer a viable entity. There really is no simple answer to where the US will be during the end times and the 70th week of Daniel. After so many years at the top of the heap, will America become subordinated to a lesser position, perhaps a position of say a third world nation? It didn’t seem possible a few years ago but it sure makes for interesting conversation now.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; And this house, …which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers… therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them,” 2 Chronicles 7:14, 19, 21, 22. Jesus Christ is our God, and Christians who are called by His name must humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.
Personally, my thoughts are that since God established this nation a moral nation with Christian values, He has every right to disestablish it. I believe we are currently living through God’s disestablishment of America . If we would turn from our evil ways He would heal our land. How can we, the body of Christ, convince over three hundred million people that they need to turn from their wicked ways?
I’ve heard figures of approximately one third to one half of the US are Christian. If that be the case, and if we each took on the responsibility of speaking to two or three non-believers, we should have this problem fixed in short order. On the other hand, when we confront those who say they are Christian but then follow up with the statement “But I’m not a practicing Christian”, then I see the figure of one third to one half of all Americans proclaiming to be Christian, dramatically reduced. By the way, what is someone who says “I’m not a practicing Christian”? If we are truly born again, are we not practicing Christians?
I know full well as do many who will be reading this commentary, that this nation isn’t going to get down on their knees and begin to ask God for forgiveness any time soon. Interestingly it won’t take the whole nation. If we His people, that means those of us who are truly born again, born from above, will repent and turn from our wicked ways He will heal our land. God isn’t calling on the whole of the U.S. , he’s singling out His people, those who bear His Name. This is a corporate prayer He’s asking for. All believers should examine themselves and willingly seek God’s face and repent of the rebellion that has taken over this land.
The current Wall Street crisis is a call to arms. God is calling on all believers to put on His armor as in Ephesians 6, and to intercede and pray for this nation, to get down on their knees and repent before Him. If we will do this as a body, the body of Christ, He will be faithful to forgive us and to heal our land. If we stubbornly refuse to do this simple task, well then, God knows what the future will hold for America and its stiff necked people.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib…: Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. From the sole of the foot even unto the head [there is] no soundness in it; [but] wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment,” Isaiah 1:2 – 4, 6.
The Lord has spoken even to us living in the United States of America and He expects us to pay attention to His warnings. But do we? Not so you’d notice. What a privilege to have been born in America and brought up in a nation of freedom and liberty. Now as America stands at the precipice of time all we can see is corruption, deceit, hatred, putrefying sores, unsoundness of mind. We are in a state of total rebellion against out Creator.
“And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;” Isaiah 1:15, 16. God is pleading with His people to turn away from all evil. Here in America and around the world His people’s hands are soiled. Even so He’s beseeching us to return to Him and become clean once again.
What a wonderful place to live, this country of ours, and yet we have become the corruptor of nations. We are so greedy that other nations have become just like us, mirroring our greed. There does seem to be an approaching end to our silver and gold which have certainly been our idols for years now. “Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither [is there any] end of their treasures;… Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:” Isaiah 2:7, 8. Billions spent to bailout greedy banking institutions bears witness to the systematic elimination of our silver and gold.
“The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day,” Isaiah 2:11. There’s a day coming, not too far into the future, which will bring men to their knees. Our God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – will, very soon I’m afraid, put a stop to the pervasive evil that has permeated the earth. How can man stand against God? What man has ever prevailed against God? Rebellion in our very young children at times is cute and at other times quite annoying and brings about the possibility of some sort of punishment. Rebellion against God is never cute, and there’s no question God will bring His punishment to bear.
Isaiah was a prophet enlisted by God Himself to herald God’s displeasure and remedies to the nation of Israel . We here in America can certainly take stock in the fact that if God’s displeasure with Israel brought devastating consequences to His chosen people, we Americans can rest assured God’s wrath will come down on this rebellious gentile nation as well.
The financial situation in our land is only a part of the overall problem confronting each individual in America today. Once again God is desperately attempting to get our attention. His word (the Holy Bible) gives all indication that He is serious when He chastises His people. Our Banks are failing in droves and huge conglomerates are taking unheard of massive financial hits, the stock market reflecting a sense of insecurity in our nation today is only a fraction of what we can expect if we continue in our rebellion to our God.
We must look at the whole picture before our eyes. We are all aware of the crises confronting us as Americans, and we can all understand why this has happened if we just give it a little thought. As a nation, we are steeped in immorality, deception, greed, hatred, and in false religions that don’t glorify the one true God, the God who created Heaven and Earth, the God who gave us His word to live by.
Rebellion is spreading. When did this rebellion start? It started in The Garden of Eden with two young adults who were given everything, even the title deed to the earth. What else could they have wanted? They already owned it all. It’s the same today, there are incredibly wealthy people who are unsatisfied with what God has blessed them with, and they want more. When they achieve more they still aren’t content and strive for even more.
According to history, people won’t be satisfied even after they obtain it all. Solomon who was the wealthiest man who ever lived penned the following statement. “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all [is] vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1:2. After it was all said and done Solomon wrote this admonition, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man," Ecclesiastes 12:13.
Satisfaction is only guaranteed when God’s people seek Him. “[Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name:” Amos 5:8. As God’s people we should seek Him in our daily lives. No matter what else happens in life, we must resolve to seek God’s presence and his will, and this resolve should never be compromised.
There is a sense of urgency among commentators today. We can read scores of articles on the subject of financial ruin and end times scenarios, and no one can find the United States of America in the end time prophecies. Just take a look around at all the confusion in this country; certainly we must come to the conclusion that we aren’t mentioned because we are no longer a viable entity. There really is no simple answer to where the US will be during the end times and the 70th week of Daniel. After so many years at the top of the heap, will America become subordinated to a lesser position, perhaps a position of say a third world nation? It didn’t seem possible a few years ago but it sure makes for interesting conversation now.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; And this house, …which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers… therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them,” 2 Chronicles 7:14, 19, 21, 22. Jesus Christ is our God, and Christians who are called by His name must humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.
Personally, my thoughts are that since God established this nation a moral nation with Christian values, He has every right to disestablish it. I believe we are currently living through God’s disestablishment of America . If we would turn from our evil ways He would heal our land. How can we, the body of Christ, convince over three hundred million people that they need to turn from their wicked ways?
I’ve heard figures of approximately one third to one half of the US are Christian. If that be the case, and if we each took on the responsibility of speaking to two or three non-believers, we should have this problem fixed in short order. On the other hand, when we confront those who say they are Christian but then follow up with the statement “But I’m not a practicing Christian”, then I see the figure of one third to one half of all Americans proclaiming to be Christian, dramatically reduced. By the way, what is someone who says “I’m not a practicing Christian”? If we are truly born again, are we not practicing Christians?
I know full well as do many who will be reading this commentary, that this nation isn’t going to get down on their knees and begin to ask God for forgiveness any time soon. Interestingly it won’t take the whole nation. If we His people, that means those of us who are truly born again, born from above, will repent and turn from our wicked ways He will heal our land. God isn’t calling on the whole of the U.S. , he’s singling out His people, those who bear His Name. This is a corporate prayer He’s asking for. All believers should examine themselves and willingly seek God’s face and repent of the rebellion that has taken over this land.
The current Wall Street crisis is a call to arms. God is calling on all believers to put on His armor as in Ephesians 6, and to intercede and pray for this nation, to get down on their knees and repent before Him. If we will do this as a body, the body of Christ, He will be faithful to forgive us and to heal our land. If we stubbornly refuse to do this simple task, well then, God knows what the future will hold for America and its stiff necked people.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
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