Monday, September 14, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Well, it has been a while since I last posted anything and during the ensuing time, a lot of things have happened that need some here goes...

On September 1, my wife Sandy and I celebrated 25 years of marriage and it has been the best 25 years! Honey if you are reading this (and you should be reading my blogs everyday anyway as a spousal support kind of thing!) You are the GREATEST! I love you more today than ever before...You are simply amazing...

September 5, Two of my sons, Cameron & Collin, turned 18 and 16 respectively (yes, they were born on the same day two years apart!) I am so pleased at how they are maturing more and more each day...Cameron is really coming into his own and is acting more like a grown-up these days (after-all, he continues to tell everyone that he is an adult now!) Collin continues to excell in the atheletic world...he is currently playing soccer (or football everywhere else) and while I thought that this would be good conditioning for basketball season, he continues to show that he can do anything he wants in the realm of sports...

September 9, the President went to Congress to beef up support of his health care proposals...I won't be like Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina who blurted out, "YOU LIE", but I just don't believe that the President is being completely open about his agenda behind the plan...should Wilson apoligize? Sure, I believe that there should be a certain decorum within Congress when anyone is speaking, especially the POTUS...having said that, the more that anyone looks at the Health Care bills being proposed, the more one finds scary things in them...what you may ask, could be scary about a health care bill? For instance, the House bill requires that companies that do not have unionized workers must pay more money because of that...I watched Fox & Friends this morning and heard this being discussed...

September 11...A day to remember...not a "day of service" While this is a laudable goal (better to encourage this as an everyday thing) 9/11 is all about remembering what happen to over 3,000 of our fellow citizens and their families...certainly not a time to push agendas...while I am on the subject of agendas, I am really tired of hearing people in the Obama camp making statements that anyone who is against something that the President wants is a racist! I guess when there is no other argument to be made, trot out the race card to confuse the about we oppose the Presidents plans simply because he is a liberal democrat who wants to increase availabilty of abortion while spending tax dollars to do it; he wants to confiscate the health care industry like he has done with the auto industry (who ever heard of a President firing a CEO of a private company before?)...he wants to tax us into oblivion with the "Cap & Trade" legiislation, better known as "Cap & Tax"...the list goes on and on...when is enough enough?
I don't care what color the President is, what matters are his beliefs and what policies he pursues...if he pursues liberal policies then I am against him, if he pursues conservative policies, then I am for really is that simple...