Well I guess we have us a fine mess that has been brewing in Gainsville, Florida...everyone and their brother have piled on Pastor Jones for his idea of burning copies of the Koran, known by Muslims as THE Holy Book, in response to the building of the Mosque in New York in close proximity to Ground Zero...I have seen Pastor Jones called a hate monger among other names...where do I stand on this issue?
1) I don't believe that Pastor Jones should burn the copies of the Koran, but for far different reasons than everyone else has been citing...People have said that this is something that Jesus would not do...I wonder...In Isaiah 44, 45, & 46 show us that God says that He is God and there is no other...In Matthew 21, we find where Jesus drove the money-changers from the Temple because they had made His house a den of thieves...so when I see all these false religions proclaiming that they know God when in reality they are leading people to eternal separation from God in a place called Hell...I believe that the Lord would be a little upset when that happens...Imagine Jesus hearing a group of people saying that Jesus never died on the cross nor rose from the dead...that no one could know His Father, when Jesus died so that we might KNOW the FATHER through Him...
2) We have heard that if Pastor Jones burns copies of the Koran, then it will cause the terrorists to kill American soldiers in the war zone...Huh? In case no one noticed, we have been at war with these terrorists for sometime now! Terrorists have been attacking our soldiers and civilians just because they don't like us, our way of life, our faith in Jesus Christ and our support for God's People, Israel...This will not stop and not burning the Korans will not cause them to suddenly love us and lay down their arms...
3) I find it a bit curious that the President came out and stated that the Muslims have every right to build a Mosque right near Ground Zero, even though that would "insult" all the families who lost loved ones on 9/11, but he never said anything about Pastor Jones having the right to burn the Koran, which he certainly does...
I believe that Pastor Jones should not burn the Koran copies because he should know that we will never win the hearts of Muslim people with stunts like this, but rather through love...
So maybe we should love people and then maybe, just maybe they would then experience the love that Jesus has for them...