Monday, November 8, 2010

Election Aftermath...


The election is now over...what do the results mean? Well, for the Democrats, it was a staggering loss in the House but they retained their majority in the Senate...there are some important questions to ask:

1) Why would California vote for the Liberals who have nearly destroyed the most populous state in the union? Yes Arnold, a Republican, has been the Governor for sometime, yet he was a RINO (Republican In Name Only)...
2) Where was the outrage when members of the Jerry Brown campaign called Meg Whitman a "whore"?
3) How in the world did Harry Reid win? I like to believe that he just had more supporters, but with all the union activity in the days leading up to the election, who knows?
4) Christine O'Donnell...I watched one of the debates and the opponent along with the moderators treated her as if she had just gotten off the boat or something...They were rude, crude and sociably was an embarrassment to watch...they should all be ashamed of themselves...
5) In the election aftermath, the President said we just don't get it...we don't see the progress...the only progress is progress for those who follow his agenda, which leaves about 80% of the country out in the cold...

In the short run, Obama has been checked, but the Republicans can do very little either...any bill they pass will probably not pass the Senate, and the President would likely veto any bill anyway...

So, I guess the election was a wash, neither side gaining a distinct advantage over the other...
But my biggest disappointment is reserved for the citizens of Columbus, Georgia where I fellow citizens put Sanford Bishop back in Congress... a man who has shown his total disdain for his constituents and enriched his own family...A man who is willing to kill babies all for the sake of choice...a man who does not concern himself with the nuances of following the Constitution (see health-care bill)...and yes, we put him over the disappointed...

But the bright side is that God is still in Control! And in Him there is always hope!