Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random Thoughts...

In recent days, some interesting things have captured may attention...

1) In a recent dialogue between David Horoitiz (SP) and a Muslim student representing the Muslim Student Association at the University of California at San Deigo, Mr. Horoitiz stated to the female student that the leader of Hamas has stated that he hoped all the Jews would re-gather in Israel so that he would not have to hunt them down...he then asked her if she was for it or against it...she replied that she was for it...Can you imagine the uproar in the "Mainstream Media" if someone said that we need to kill all the Muslims! The radical are among us in this "peaceful religion" and they will not stop until they rule...and folks when that happens, life as we know it will never be the same (should the Lord Jesus tarry!)

2) In recent testimony before Congress, Attorney General Holder has stated that, even though he has criticized the law passed and signed by the Governor of Arizona, he has NOT READ THE LAW! Isn't that crazy? Of course this monstrosity of a Bill was all of 10 pages (Compared to the 2,000 plus pages of the Health Care legislation that No One in Congress read before they voted for it!) and I can understand that that may be a little taxing on the Attorney General or his staff to read before espousing an opinion about it...
Following that...the Secretary of Homeland Security (and former Governor of Arizona) Janet Napolitano also admitted that she too had not read the bill, but she said that I would not have signed, "That kind of Bill"
Are we being governed by incompetence or corruption? You be the judge...

3) In recent months there has arisen a contraversey within SouthernBaptist circles...let me see if I can summarize what this is really all about:
Many "mega" churches within our convention give very little percentage wise to the distinctive "Cooperative Program" (to be referred to hence forth as the CP) and yet their pastors are in the "limelight" and are often picked to lead the convention, even though the smaller churches within the convention give a larger percentage of gifts to the CP...to their credit, many of the Mega churches, and maybe even all of them, give to many individual projects for Mission work...Last year at the SBC Convemtion, a committee was formed called the "Great Commission Resurgence Task Force" who have come out with a plan that would, in effect, destroy the CP as we know it...here is my concern...We are discussing how we give to mission work rather than calling on churches to be in revival! Our nation is going to you-know-where in a hand-basket and we want to talk about restructering our giving...We are a nation where Christianity is being pushed, and not to politly, out of the public square...where babies are being killed at a rate of close to or over a million per year and the recent Health Care legislation now calls for federal money to be used to pay for it...we have people protesting in the streets for rights when they have come here illegally in the first place...we have students who have been sent home all because they dared to wear an American Flag T-shirt on Cinco Demayo day! A day that has absoultely nothing to do with this country...the reason this is going on, and the reason that we as a nation have elected leaders who are socialist who are leading us down a path to governemnt controlled everything is because THE CHURCH HAS FAILED IN HER MISSION! We in the church are too busy arguing over what kind of music is played, what color the carpet is, what kind of chairs sit on the platform, whether the pastor is being paid too much money, whether or not the pastor should actually be leading the church...when we shoudl be about the Father's Business of sharing the good news...and yes! We need GOOD NEWS! The Good News that Jesus Saves!

Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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