Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Amnesty by any other name...

Good evening...

As you know by now, I am a Southern Baptist...have been for as long as I can remember...I was "saved" in a Southern Baptist Church (Calvary Baptist in Columbus) and by that I mean that I repented of my sin and asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and to save me...

Recently, the SBC national convention concluded its business in Phoenix, Arizona, and the convention attendees passed a resolution dealing with Immigration...they stated that they wanted the Federal Government to secure a path to citizenship for all the 12 million or so illegals here in this country...being unable to attend this year, I was rather shocked to see this resolution passed...of course, it only passed after they inserted language that they are not pushing amnesty...however, I am not sure what we would call allowing the 12 million or so who are here ILLEGALLY, a path to citizenship...Hello? That is AMNESTY! This is a country of laws and no one seems to want to enforce the laws that are written...Here is a novel "path to citizenship"...Tell ALL the illegals to GET OUT AND THEN APPLY TO COME IN THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR!

On another note...recently the TSA along with Federal, State and LOCAL Law Enforcement officials made several sweeps around the country simultaneously saying that they were looking for illegals, drugs and cash and of course terrorists...isn't this the same thing that the Obama Justice Department sued Arizona for? Using local Law Enforcement to check illegals? Am I the only one who sees the contradiction here?

Even so, Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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